Making A New Album!
I am gearing up for my third independent release, and am asking for your support to help me continue to record original music, and more importantly, afford to work with the fantastic artists who have made this album possible (see list below). I'm trying to ensure that future albums don't consist of me recording in Garageband and doing graphic design in Microsoft Word!
I can't thank you enough for your support of this album and my dream of making music my livelihood. Trying to make a career as a songwriter is harrowing, but every bit of positive feedback counts tenfold against the travails of the journey.
- James DePrato: producer
- Terry Yerves: engineer
- Gawain Mathews: engineer
- Paul Kolderie: mixing engineer
- Ian Kennedy: mastering engineer
- Paul Paldino: bass
- Cole Bailey: drums
- Joanne de Mars: cello
- Jeff Symonds: organ
- Goldie Gareza: design
- Edward Saenz: photography
- Robbie O'Keeffe: painting
Cost Breakdown
- Studio Space: $1500
- Engineering & Production: $2000
- Mixing & Mastering: $4000
- Art & Graphics: $1000
- Manufacturing: $500
Thank You
My film school professor told me that, when making a movie, you get to pick two of three objectives - making it quickly, making it cheap and making it well - but you don't get all three. I made this pretty slowly and not super inexpensively, but I do think it came out really well, and I thank you in advance for any support you can lend to the cause. Much love from the Bay - Matt