Short Summary
Matt Taylor is a project
scientist for Rosetta, the first human made object to have ever landed
on a comet.
He worked for the giant leap. It is a glorious moment for human space exploration and future. Instead of receiving the recognition he deserved, he received tremendous backlash due to the fact that he was wearing a T-Shirt depicting scantily clad women. He was bullied over
a t-shirt a FEMALE friend designed for him; (archive Verge article. I am not making you click on their link and allow them to generate revenue after publishing this sort of garbage)
Despite Dr Taylor's efforts for humanity, he was bullied to the point which he broke down.
This campaign is now aiming to support the entirety of the team, as a sign
of admiration and gratitude for their work despite the recent unnecessary bad press.
It is a gift giving campaign with no other undertones, from individuals. There is no corporate effort behind this whatsoever.
What We Will Do
The initial plan was to get Dr.Taylor a gift. However, he did not wish to be singled out and stated that he preferred that the money went to a STEM charity, the UNAWE.
The UNAWE's purpose is to introduce children and educate them in space sciences. Dr. Taylor believes that this is a very important cause.
This being said, he has noticed this campaign said that he and his family felt flattered by the amount of support he has received.
I am still discussing to see if I can't simply just organize some sort of dinner/party for the entire team instead. The remaining money will of course go to the UNAWE.
One thing is certain:
The money you donated (or plan to donate) will help educate new space scientists
You have done more for introducing girls to STEM fields than bitter radicals.
Thank you for your support
Other Ways You Can Help
If you cannot contribute, be sure to send Dr.Taylor a message of support
, sign
this petition :
And share
this campaign on social media
End of Campaign Update
The campaign ended yesterday, on the 5th of December 2014. Thank you all for your contribution.
I just made a transfer of 23`000 USD to the UNAWE. The reason why I did not transfer all of the money is because I am currently discussing the price for a commemorative bronze plaque with a dutch company that specializes in it.
If you want confirmation that there is a ungoing discussion, e-mail me at and I will forward the discussion to you. Thank you @CCG2004 for helping me with the e-mails.
Here is where the money is donated (verify IBAN)
The UNAWE posted an update on the subject, confirming that they have received 23'000USD