Feeling hungry?
Do you have an appetite for horror?
Grade A, Prime Cut indie horror?
Scrumptiously QUEER independent horror? Something that well done sounds truly rare!
Ok, ok... we'll stop with the puns. For now...
The official concept teaser for MEAT!!!
Featuring the single "Prom Queen Days" by LGBTQ+ artist Toska Bear!
But seriously, when it comes to quality, queer-centric horror, the options available are few and far between. Luckily, the last few years have proven that fabulous queer filmmakers can see success and have their work seen on a larger scale! There have been several phenomenal LGBTQIA+ themed independent horror titles that have broken the mold and reached the audiences that crave such content. We celebrate these fearless artists, and in turn we are ready to throw our own title into the ring.
Something gory.
Something gruesome.
Something so very, very gay.
We're ready to bring you... MEAT!
A taste of the MEAT we're hoping to serve you, our fans!
MEAT is the brainchild of queer filmmaker Roger Conners, director of the recently released REBIRTH and a die-hard fan of the genre. For years, Roger has strived to bring believable queer characters to the screen. The characters he's portrayed in titles such as Chill: the Killing Games, Mother Krampus 2: Slay Ride, and most recently in Troy Escamilla's Teacher Shortage have reflected authentic and humanized depictions of individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community. His goal with MEAT is to take that mentality and apply it to the whole damn movie.
Realistic. Believable. True to life portrayals of our community.
ALL members of our community. L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+.
We want to ensure that EVERYONE has a seat at this table!
MEAT The Stud! He sure looks sharp!
MEAT our Team!
It takes an army to make a movie happen!
And we're ready to go into battle...
Roger Conners (Director/Co-Writer/Actor) Recognized as one of Cleveland Ohio's premier independent film actors, Roger Conners has become a well-known name within the cult-horror scene after appearing in a wide array of widely publicized b-horror classics. Born in Westlake, Ohio, an upper-class suburb located less than twenty minutes outside of Cleveland, he grew up with an intense passion for acting and the arts. After expressing interest in working on camera, he was quickly cast in a leading role in 529 Films "Hellementary: An Education in Death". Earning significant attention both within Cleveland and beyond, the film went on to have its national television premiere in 2010. Upon the films success, Roger decided to focus mainly on acting within the horror genre. After appearing in an array of independent horror films he was dubbed as being horrors first "Scream Queer", a spin on the classic term "Scream Queen". Since the release of his early projects, Roger has gone on to secure major roles in multiple recognizable films such as "Chill: The Killing Games", "The Colours of Desire", "Fighting the Sky", "Rebirth", "Mother Krampus 2: Slay Ride", and most recently the role of Dylan Revis in Eddie Lengyel's "American Poltergeist: The Curse of Lilith Ratchet".
Zach Shildwachter (Executive-Producer/Co-Writer/Lighting Design) has been working in film and video for 20+ years with such credits as Syndicated network shows like LAW & ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT, FRINGE, and RESCUE ME, studio features like SALT, THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123, THE PRIVATE LIVES OF PIPPA LEE, and indie films like STARTING OUT IN THE EVENING, DAY ZERO, the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize winner BLOOD OF MY BLOOD and much, much more!
Mick Kunz (Executive-Producer/Cinematographer) began developing an interest in film in 2011 while attending Penn State University. He eventually worked his way behind the camera, developing a talent for editing by what could be lovingly referred to as a “battlefield promotion”. Mick worked his way up the ranks, eventually working as a lead editor on films such as “Rebirth”, and the upcoming “The Sluagh Awakens”. He has lent his skills to multiple short films such as “Domestic” and “Lumiere Dulce Lumiere Brilliance”.
Mick worked on numerous film projects and a wide array music videos. Currently, he spends his time focusing on his Atlanta-based studio and pursuing projects that cultivate and develop his many technical abilities and interests.
Pick Your Prime Cut!
There are plenty of crowdfunding campaigns out there pitching their concepts, and it's all too easy to fade into the background. So our goal is to stand out and offer you unique perks that will appeal to even the pickiest of gay men! We will be adding new content every week, so keep coming back for fresh updates! You never know what we might drop when you least expect it!
As we ramp up to begin production fall on this year, we are looking to secure a finalized budget of $68,000.00. A specific number, we know. It's one that has been carefully calculated and though-out prior to presenting this pitch. We're not just reaching out into the sky and picking a number. We know exactly what we need, and we hope that you will help us get there!
Take a look at our early conceptual trailer for MEAT, including our initial design for our villain THE STUD!!!
To be transparent, we're not looking to make another grassroots, shoe-string, no-polish indie production. We have a vision for this film. There's a very refined and polished look we want to achieve here. You know that old saying "Go big or go home"?
Well, we're size queens. We want to go as big as humanly possible.
And we sure as hell aint going home!
Want your very own Dixon Hole poster to plaster up on your bedroom wall?
Well we have a nice, BIG package for that!!!
If you choose to contribute to our campaign, here's what your money will go toward!
Cast and crew lodging and compensation: This is a PAID production. Our talent and team deserves the proper recognition and amenities for their time and efforts. We will not start production without knowing that those helping to create it are paid their proper dues.
Costumes and Locations: Let's be real, when it comes to production value, gay men are opinionated as all hell. We can't call this a QUEER film and show up with hand me down wardrobe and bland settings with nothing but beige walls! That would be homophobic! We have a vision for this film, and that includes high end locations and stylized wardrobe selected for each character. Style can be thrifty, but it can never be CHEAP!
Equipment and Enhancements: When it comes to what's going on behind the scenes of MEAT, we have set some high expectations for what we expect. We plan to rent an array of top of the line equipment and accessories to ensure that this film LOOKS the part! Lenses, rigs, and second unit rentals are all necessary to execute this production properly and provide viewers with a final product that looks just as good as it tastes!
Post Production: Yeah, we definitely factored POST production into this breakdown. Our goal is to have this be the one and only crowdfunding attempt, and we don't want to have to come back a second time begging for more! Editing, score, potential for reshoots... all of that has been factored into this breakdown. We want to get this thing DONE and out to our fans who have been so wonderful and supportive from day one!
This will be Rising Pulse Productions LLC second feature length film production!
Make sure to check out REBIRTH available on Amazon Prime and Tubi!
It's Time to Dig In!
With a production schedule set for October of 2022, we understand that we are on a strict time frame here. This campaign will hugely defining for us what we're capable of in regards to our final product. Sure we could simplify the script, skim down on cost, and skimp out on some of the more lavish frills we yearn for. But to be transparent, we simply don't want to. The whole point of this film is to give you, the fans, the movie you've longed for. To all you gay boys and queer gals and everyone else who identifies otherwise, we realize that there simply is not enough representation for us within the world of horror cinema. And we desperately want to change that. So, so badly...
And hey, if you can't contribute... we get it! But there are so many ways to help us aside from just financially. SPREAD THE WORD! Let your friends and fellow horror fans know that there's a new, LGBTQIA+ themed title out there that needs their support! Share it on social media! Make some noise about it!
Anything you can do to get the word out there...
And we'll take it from there.
And we assure you... we're going to serve up something that's going to make your mouths water!
Chef's promise!