"Mechapocalypse" is a proposed development directorate from the existing players of the Massively-Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game "Divergence: Online" currently for sale on Steam and running live 24/7 in Early Access.
Divergence: Online is an MMO unlike any other of today in it's focus on "big" features. Initially, this was designed around the necessity for not just a huge 16x16km open world consisting of 5 biomes, islands, and continents, but our revolutionary crafting and housing systems with features above and beyond anything even major developers are attempting today. When released to Steam Greenlight is won the #1 position out over more than 1,700 games.
Resources and resource locations are dynamic with varying qualities producing better or worse crafted items based on these stats. In lay-man's terms, Better materials make stronger mechs.
Another aspect of Divergence: Online is it's selection of totally unique playable species, including diminutive tribal lizards, cyborg alien ninjas, 5-breeds of humans and even artificial intelligence. AI or "synthetics" exist with no permanent body to call their own and instead traverse the world transferring their consciousness from one "chassis" to the next, some as small as humans, others as large as a house, or even what are commonly known today as "Mech"s.
Although currently only synthetics can "dominate" mechs (AKA Military Synthetic Chassis) in Divergence: Online, it's always been our goal to add several Mecha which are in fact both dominatable by synthetics but also able to be piloted by one or more humanoid pilots and passengers.
When we released our latest large content update for Divergence: Online which saw the addition of the very first pilotable vehicles in the game, our players immediately began postulating about "If only there were Mecha in the game that you could pilot like the airships and new vehicles". Many people speculated about how much fun it would be to "get into big mech vs mech fights in the desert over resources and cities".
Operating as a small dev team with meager income, core game features must take priority, however so many players voiced their willingness to "fund" such a venture that we decided to go ahead and throw up a crowdsourcing campaign to give those players a shot at making that happen sooner rather than later.
Additionally, a small influx of funds would not only allow us to develop Mecha in Divergence: Online "ahead of schedule" but also give us the breathing room to knock out some other features integral to these which would otherwise be a part of that process.
Our current funding tree looks like this:
- Two new Mech-Style Chassis' pilotable by humanoids, designed and implemented into the game in record time, voted on by our players.
- Current Synthetics weapons fully-integrated at last. (Chainsaw arm & H.A.R.R.D Cannon for "Rudeboy" and Vulcan Cannon & Extended-Range Rail Rifle for BMP)
- BMP Military Synthetic pilotable by humanoids.
$7,000 +
- One additional new Military Synthetic Chassis (Mech) designed and implemented for every $2,000 raised.
Theta-Blade attacks finalization and implementation.
- Mech external weapons usable by passengers (Be a gunner!)
To reach these goals, we've decided to go ahead and sell some of our new vehicles up-front to aspiring players at a reduced rate from our current online store, as well as offer "gold-level perks" from previous campaigns as well.
The best part is that if the campaign is not successful, you won't pay a dime, so thanks for your interest in our project both old friends and new!