The Most Funded App in Kickstarter's History is now live on Indiegogo!
The current educational system expects us to remember significant amounts of information without teaching us how to memorize it in the first place.
Memorization is as important as reading and writing. It should be taught as our basic skill.
We’ve already received over 500 feedback comments and positive testimonials from our test users and we are overwhelmed that so many people love the initial experience!
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see video testimonials.
Prior to сrowdfunding, we had 33 thousand people in our Early Adopters community. For those that have tried the memoryOS demo, the average improvement in recall increased by 70% with an average increase in recall speed by 60% just after one relatively short demo session.
Learning should be fun! We understand that, so we created a unique and fun way for you to improve your memory fast and with confidence!
We have combined proven memory techniques with the latest advances in e-learning and an immersive 3D game to create the most enjoyable and effective tool for learning memorization skills and keeping your brain alive.
Gamified micro-learning and learning by doing
With memoryOS, you improve your mental performance in an enjoyable way that doesn’t trigger resistance from your brain or from your old habits and lets you gradually harness your amazingly powerful mind!
Memorization skill entails having a structured storage space (i.e., Mind Palace) for the information you need to remember. Mind or a Memory Palace is a fundamental memory technique used by all World Memory Champions.
Mind Palace consists of Loci - unique objects which serve as folders to encode, store and retrieve a set of specific information. In the mind palace technique (i.e., method of loci), well-known environments are composed of many unique Loci.
To encode information onto Loci, you have to come up with solid associations between information and Loci. Then, to retrieve the information, you "walk" through the Mind Palace in your imagination, which brings to life created associations and triggers an instant recall.
Over the last few years, our dev team has been working closely with the two times World Memory Champion - Jonas von Essen, to create joyful and interactive microlessons and empower everyone to achieve their best.
As somebody who went from struggling to remember simple things to becoming the World Memory Champion twice, our startup's co-founder Jonas von Essen knows all the common false beliefs and myths about “having a bad memory.”
He has taken part in commercials in Australia, Chinese TV shows, British documentaries, helped Charles Darwin University create a memory course, and was hired to train national memory teams. Featured in BBC, The New York Times, Independent, The Telegraph, The Times, and on various other news & blog sites.
In 2018 Jonas had a breakthrough in Sweden through his remarkable accomplishments in Sweden’s Got Talent, where he started by memorizing the names of all the 500 people in the audience in his audition, got a golden buzzer, and then memorized the first 50,000 decimals of Pi for the spectacular finals.
All plans provide you with initial Loci (storage space in the Mind Palace), and each plan has a limit to it. With time, users may want to increase the Loci quantity without upgrading the plan.
Scholar and Essentials plans allow you to add (i.e., buy) a limited number of additional loci within each plan's limit. Expert plan has no cap limit to add (i.e., buy) extra Loci.
Loci add-ons are permanent and will not require additional monthly payments.
AI-generated content with most advanced OpenAI's GPT-3
We are excited to begin the hugely exclusive process to implement OpenAI’s GPT-3 and DALL·E into our EdTech app to leverage by creating high-value content for lessons, exercises, and practical use. Becoming more than just an app.
DALL·E is a 12-billion parameter version of GPT-3 trained to generate images from text descriptions, using a dataset of text-image pairs. Combinations of both real and/or imaginary things significantly speed up the association in visual creation - to memorize with ease any needed information using the Method of Loci technique.
Generated image interactions. AI converts words into somewhat bizarre images, making the brain have a high interest in new and unusual forms.
Participants heard and saw different sets of 15 random words, which appeared one-after-another, for 10 seconds each. Then following a short 3-minute break, they were required to recall and type in these words in the exact order heard.
We have performed this testing of users' memory skills before and after the demo experience.
Medical conditions and results
A small group of users with such medical conditions as ADHD, anxiety, and various disorders that affect attention showed results that even slightly outperformed our demo users' overall average increase in recall results. And showed approximately the same results in a speed increase.
Of course, it is yet to be more research conducted on this topic with large groups of people on the scientific level. For now, we may conclude that memoryOS can benefit your memory even while you have certain conditions that sometimes make memorization hard.
As several individual examples have shown - even with brain damage or aphasia it's possible to see an improvement in recall.
Of course, we invite you to try our demo beforehand if you want to feel it out for yourself.
Prior gaming experience
Based on our data we have found that prior gaming/mobile-gaming experience or its lack doesn't affect the level of memory improvement. Our game mechanics are simple and most users have no problem using the app.
Goals are unlocked upon reaching a specific funding level.
This mutual effort increases the value of the product for everyone. memoryOS will have more features with each goal reached.
Don't forget to add these extra options upon checkout!
When purchased with Family Plan, each add-on is applied to all individual accounts for the price of one.
memoryOS has been initiated on the pure enthusiasm of its creators and desire to bear positive changes into the world. We are very fortunate for all the sincere help and support we have received from our friends, family, and great people out there on our mission to enable spectacular memory in every human brain.
Everything began from our co-founder's personal pain when he realized how unnecessarily stressful his life was during the test and exam periods at school and university. Even though having a Mind Palace boosted his grades as well as free time, Alex saw that existing methods of obtaining memorization skills have significant limitations that stop almost everyone from acquiring it as a lifelong skill. Continuing to feel the unnecessary pain of scholars, students, and people in general, he decided to find a solution and build a team to implement it.
Let's #MakeTheWorldRemember
Steve - California, USA
"Memory loss runs in my family, and it’s something I've been worried about as I get older. So far, I’ve learned some really neat ways that I can remember things that I would never be able to memorize."
“So I have ADHD … and I was really surprised to find out how easy it was to memorize.”
Matt - Florida, USA
“I tried to apply some techniques before, but this is so much more efficient ... and it is in your pocket, you can learn as you go.”
Sarah - Wallerfangen, Germany
“Within 45 minutes I learned more about really useful and helpful memorization skills than my entire life before.”
Bryan - Tennessee, USA
“memoryOS is awesome, it’s super fun, it is really immersive”
Joe - Washington, USA
“I saw an increase of recall above 40% after going through the trial and look forward to the final version.”
Phil - Paris, France
“What I love the most is the vivid 3D imagery in the virtual worlds … much easier recall compared to some real-world places.”
Crispin - Cambridgeshire, UK
“I often imagined that developing my memory would be hard, and it doesn’t seem to have to be hard, which is surprising and refreshing.”
Aditya - Mumbai, India
“I really loved the virtual memory palaces, it makes the learning much easier.”
Nick - Alberta, Canada
“Normally I associate the memory work as being kind of stressful … but the app and the environments were really relaxing.”
Lui - Spain
“This is a great app and it was about time to have something like this. The games are really intuitive and enjoyable... I felt an instant recall ability ... and a boost of confidence.”
What is the future of Human Memory or what do we do with Neuralink?
As memory-related personal data is digitized, safekeeping user identity and data is an increasing priority.
With the anticipated brain-machine interfaces (i.e. Neuralink’s app store), memoryOS will become a unique neura-software provider of storage space for the most personal information in a secure environment.
Our technology’s unique future advantages on Neuralink’s app store platform:
For people with Neuralink brain implant – Neuralink can be used to almost instantly download our digital Mind Palace itself in its empty form along with our mnemonic skill package. People will have the option to encode, store, and decode most personal information in the brain’s natural biological* format without the need to use Neuralink’s digital storage.
For people without Neuralink – with the help of memoryOS through existing platforms, the ability to memorize any needed information in large amounts and stay competitive without the need to implant the microchip. Leaving out the sacrifice of human liberties and denying the possible risk of personal memories getting stolen and other repercussions.
*The unique advantage of using our mind palace storage is that only the palace itself is digital before it's copy is transferred into users' imagination. The memorized information itself is not digital due to the mnemonic link, which happens in the human brain’s imagination and is rather a biological process. If a person with the digital brain implant will have no choice to store memories in the natural biological format without giving Neuralink full access to it, it is the point where humans lose all liberty, and the identity is taken over where false memories will determine the behavior of a controlled human.
"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going." Tennessee Williams