Customers in the USA can order from www.mifold.com
If your delivery country is not listed when you try to order, select your country from www.mifold.com/distribution where you will be redirected to the online store of one of our distributors.
Your order will be shipped within one month. mifold is not available in Australia.
mifold Dec. 2015 Production Update
The first mifolds are hot off the production press and look better than we had ever hoped!
mifold Feb. 2016 Production Update
We are fully in production: Our factory completed a full production trial of all all the mifold components and a trial of mifold assembly and quality control processes.
mifold May 2016 Delivery Update
We are DELIVERING! mifold is making its way into the hands of thousands of you who have pre-ordered. We're still rolling out more mifold booster seats, so stay tuned for emails with your tracking information from our team.
How to Set Up mifold in 30 Seconds:
*We planned the first deliveries to early customers for March 2016 and, at most, we may be a few short weeks late. Current pre-orders made in March 2016 will be shipping in June.
**We are not marketing mifold products for use in Australia due to Australian regulatory issues.
Please contact support@mifold.com with any questions or requests for changes in your order.
How does it work/compare to a regular booster? |
A regular booster seat lifts the child to be in the position of an adult. mifold does the exact opposite, instead of lifting the child up it holds the seatbelt down. It does this at three points: there are belt guides on either side of the child's hips to hold the lap belt correctly against the bones and off the soft stomach. These belt guides are adjustable to three sizes to make sure that the belt is always held snugly in place. There is a third clip on a strap that pulls the seatbelt chest strap down correctly onto the bones of the shoulder; away from the face and neck. So like a regular booster, mifold holds the seat belt in exactly the correct position on the bones of the hips and the bones of the shoulder, without needing a big, bulky seat to lift the child. In a collision, the child is protected in the same way. mifold simply works to hold the adult seatbelt correctly on a child. |
Why should we use mifold? |
mifold is a revolutionary new car safety solution. There are many journeys where children do not have a booster (in fact we estimate in as many as 25% of all child journeys - and research has shown that 50% of kids in the USA don't have the right booster when carpooling for the school run) we want to eliminate these risks completely. With a compact and portable device, there are no excuses, a child can always be safe no matter whose car they are in. |
How does the shoulder strap work? |
The adult seat belt chest strap must lie on the child's clavicle (collar bone); not on the face or neck and not over the edge of the shoulder. The mifold shoulder belt positioning strap and clip is attached to the back of the mifold seat and goes behind the child’s back. The clip is then attached onto the adult seat belt chest strap and holds it down on the clavicle. The length of the belt positioning strap and clip is adjusted to the right position. |
Is mifold comfortable? |
One of our priorities has been to design mifold to be comfortable as well as safe and easy to use. There are more than 100,000 mifold seats in use and in research. We have had positive feedback about comfort and our users tell us that they really do love it. The comfort comes from three design and engineering factors: (i) We use a unique EVA DenseFoam™(Ethylene-vinyl acetate) to provide constant support at the pressure points. EVA is typically used as a shock absorber in sports shoes and boxing gloves. (ii) The foam fabric pad extends to the edge of the seat to ensure there is no hard edge. And (iii) the child’s weight is designed to sink the entire mifold seat into the vehicle cushion, leveling out the two surfaces and minimizing the edge effect. This is exactly the same as with a regular booster seat. They only have a thin layer of foam/fabric on a plastic/styrofoam base and most of the comfort comes from the underlying car seat (the same thing happens with a hard-backed book … try it!).
In what colors is mifold available? |
mifold comes in 6 exciting colors: Perfect Pink, Denim Blue, Lime Green, Slate Grey, Pearl Grey and Yellow Taxi. |
How is mifold the first innovation in booster seats for more than 50-years? |
In 1963, Dean C. Hunter filed a US patent for the “Safety Seat” … a box that lifted up a child and held a lap belt in place across the bones of the child’s hips. Today, half a century later, boosters are essentially the same ... blocks that lift a child up to meet the adult safety belt. mifold changes this. Instead of lifting the child up, mifold does the opposite and holds the seatbelt down to fit the child. Our patent "Apparatus for adapting a seatbelt for a child" is already granted in one country and pending in 45 others (http://j.mp/mifold-patent). |
Can mifold be cleaned in the dishwasher? |
At this stage, the mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat cannot be cleaned in a dishwasher. We have designed mifold to be easy to clean by washing the surfaces with a mild solution of soap and water. Do not use bleach. Remove the soap by wiping with clean water and after washing then air dry. Although we had hoped that the mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat could also be cleaned in a dishwasher, at this stage we have not tested how a dishwasher may affect components and specifically, how a dishwasher may affect performance and the flame retardant properties of the materials. If there is an update on this issue we will publish revised guidelines via our website and social media channels. |
What are the age and weight requirements for mifold? |
mifold is designed for children aged 4+ years. However, car seat regulations can be quite confusing and are different in each country; they can be based upon age, weight, height or a combination of all three. In the US and Canada, mifold is designed for children weighing from 40 Ibs to 100 lbs (18-45kg) and between 40-57 inches (100-145cm) tall. In the EU the weight range is from 15kg up and until a height of 150 cm. |
How durable is mifold? |
mifold is constructed using aircraft grade aluminium 6061 and a super tough plastic polymer called Delrin® 100ST from Dupont™. It has been successfully crash tested and each component rigorously tested to ensure its longevity even under the most extreme use as a child car seat. |
Where is mifold manufactured? |
mifold is manufactured in China. Our manufacturing partners are world renowned manufacturers that are ISO approved and operate at the highest level of manufacturing and quality control standards. They already manufacture child restraint products for several other well known companies. |
Does mifold work with a latch system or the European Isofix? |
mifold is designed to work without a latch system. Regular booster seats lift the child to be in the position of an adult, mifold does the exact opposite. Instead of lifting the child up it actively holds the seatbelt down, positioning it correctly on the hips and on the shoulder of the child. A latch system does not help with this mode of operation. Also, there is no installation required with mifold, it is designed for 'quick-in-quick-out' usage for every journey in every type of vehicle. |
Can mifold be used by small adults? |
mifold is not designed for adult use and should not be used by adults. Many people do ask this and, in fact, Jon's wife is only 150cm (~5 foot) tall and she often complains about the seatbelt bothering her. Our main market is the child restraint market and that is what we are focussing on in terms of regulatory approval. When we are well established in the child market we will evaluate the feasibility of designing a mifold for adults. |
What safety regulatory certificates does mifold have? |
The mifold booster car seat conforms to the most universally accepted global booster car seat regulations. European Union ECE R44.4; FMVSS 213 in the United States, and the RSSR regulations in Canada. Please check the following link for more details Regulatory Approval
How do mifold booster seats differ when sold in different countries? |
The mifold booster car seat conforms to the most universally accepted global booster car seat regulations such as ECE R44.4 for the EU, and FMVSS 213 for the USA. These standards are different, and as a result, there are some minor design changes between the versions. Specifically, the product dimensions differ slightly from country to country.Secondly, the labelling and language requirements vary between territories. This means that the labels and instruction manuals are different based upon the market. Finally, in all territories, whilst the mifold booster seat is designed to be used by children from the age of four years old. However, there are also height and weight recommendations that vary according to the country. |
Can we see your crash test results? |
As with other manufacturers of child restraint systems, we do not publish our crash test videos. |
Does mifold provide side impact protection? |
mifold is a backless booster seat that is fully compliant with US FMVSS 213 (for backless booster seats) as well as EU R44.04 which covers the UK and Europe; these standards do not include side impact protection. There are other products available that offer different features, some that exceed the standards (we have used them with our own children over the years). mifold is creating a whole new solution. There are many journeys where children do not have a booster (we estimate as much as 25% of all child journeys - and research has shown that 50% of kids in carpools for school runs don't have the right booster). We want to eliminate these risks completely. With a compact and portable device, a child can always be safe no matter whose car they are in. The massive improvement in child car safety over the last two decades has come from the adoption of car seats. Statistically, there can only be a minor reduction in the current rates of injury or death by improving the protection in existing car seats. However, continuing the increase in the use of approved seats, where one is currently not available, can still offer a major improvement and we are excited by the prospect of mifold contributing to this car safety objective. |
You claim that mifold is “more than 10x smaller and just as safe as a regular booster seat." What is this claim based upon? |
The "more than 10x smaller” size claim is based on the external dimensions of the mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat, and the volume it occupies. Compared to regular booster seats commonly available in the markets, mifold is less than one-tenth of the size, or as we say, "more than 10x smaller.” The “just as safe” claim is based on the mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat's compliance with booster seat safety regulations for child restraint systems in different territories. See our other FAQs for specific details of the territories where mifold is compliant with local booster seat safety regulations. |
Why do you not ship to Australia? |
We are not currently marketing mifold products for use in Australia due to Australian regulatory issues. |
Where is mifold available? |
mifold is available to buy through a number of channels: mifold.com, Indiegogo and through local Distributors. Please be aware, if you live in the US you will receive a US FMVSS 213 regulated version; if you live in Canada, you will receive a Canadian RSSR regulated version; and Europe, Asia and the rest of the world will be sent a EU version corresponding to the ECE R44.4 . |
Does mifold have an expiry date? |
mifold carries an expiry date of 7-years from the date of manufacture as marked on the product. Every car seat is different, so always read the user guide to find out the seat's expiration date and other important information. Most car seats last between five and nine years after they were manufactured (not necessarily after they were bought); that's why it is important to check the user guide. |
Does mifold have a warranty? |
Yes, mifold has an industry standard warranty for car seats and depending on the country, the warranty may be better than this. |
Do I need to pay local taxes? |
From our experience so far, we have discovered that certain countries can and will charge a local tax. It is the purchaser's responsibility to pay all local taxes where applicable (including but not limited to sales tax, VAT, GST, duties, etc.). |
Can I use my USA mifold in Europe? |
You may take and use your mifold booster seat with you when you vacation outside the USA. As different countries have different safety regulations, it is possible that local law enforcement officials may not recognize your USA version mifold booster seat, as labels and regulatory markings are different in different countries. It is suggested that you have with you your travel documents; such as passports, airline tickets, etc. to present to local authorities, if required to confirm that you are tourists. |
Can I use mifold with a switchable retractor? |
A ‘Switchable Retractor,' or a retractor that switches from an emergency locking retractor mode (ELR) that locks up in the event of a crash to an automatic locking retractor mode (ALR) that will lock the seat belt into the retractor as the webbing is retracted. This locking feature in the ALR mode is often referred to as a “child restraint locking feature”, is recommended for installing rear-facing or forward-facing car seats with internal harnesses. In most vehicle seating positions, the locked mode occurs when the seat belt is fully extended from the retractor.
This child restraint locking feature or ALR/locked mode is not intended for use when restraining an occupant with the vehicle lap and shoulder belt, including when the lap and shoulder belt is combined with a booster seat. Several vehicle manufacturer owner manuals, including Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen and Audi, specifically advise or warn against using this feature with children sitting in a booster car seat. Child passenger safety researchers also advise against this, indicating that locking the seat belt on a child in a booster seat may not allow enough forward motion of the torso to prevent submarining under the lap belt in the in a crash or deceleration event. Researchers also recommend that children who are not behaviorally or developmentally ready to sit still in a booster would be better protected in a high-weight harness child restraint.
mifold agrees with the use guidelines and recommendation provided by the vehicle manufacturers and child passenger safety researchers, and that the vehicle lap and shoulder belt should be used as it is designed to be used in the ELR mode. Thus mifold does not recommend switching the retractor into the locking mode in the mifold instruction manual.