We - The Mill Ave Chamber Players - celebrated our tenth season this year by commissioning five new compositions for woodwind quintet. Throughout the season, titled “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue,” we paired these new compositions with standard works for woodwind quintet, transcriptions we stole of other great chamber music and a concert dedicated to blue!
Now we are headed back to the studio for our third album!
The five works we are recording:
“What’s Going On” by John Steinmetz
“If Only I” by Jessica Meyer
“Impressions” by Thomas Breadon
“Intersections” by Robert V. Springer
“Road to Tasartico” by Kerry Turner
We are the Mill Ave Chamber Players:
The Mill Ave Chamber Players (MACP) is a professional chamber music ensemble based in Phoenix, Arizona, formed in 2007. MACP was a nominee for the 2016 City of Phoenix Mayor's Arts Awards, the 2017 Governor's Arts Awards and recognized at the 2017 Chamber Music America national conference for its work in community building. Learn more about us!
Album Art Work
A generous season ticket holder has made it possible for us to use the artwork of Marla Allison, a member of the Laguna Pueblo, NM, who is currently residing on the Pueblo. In 2008 she won the inaugural Innovation Award at the Santa Fe Indian Market for her painting, “Mother”, which is now alongside her painting, “Father”, in the permanent collection of the Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ.
What We Need
We are looking to raise $8,000 to cover the cost of this project. As individual members of the ensemble, we are each contributing to the success of the CD, and hoping that this campaign will help us fund the remainder of the project.
The Breakdown:
Producing the Recording
CD Production and Distribution
We've been incredibly fortunate to have an individual donate for the album artwork and graphic design! (Keep up with our campaign to learn more!)
What makes this campaign unique?
First, we are recording five pieces we believe will become popular works for woodwind quintet – music that deserves to be performed and heard in concert halls and in universities.
Second, this will be our third Indiegogo Campaign! We had a successful campaign in 2014 for our first album, raising over $2,000 for our recording and fulfilling all of our campaign perks before our deadline. (Here's a shot from our first album release concert, Phoenix, 2014). Same for 2016! We raised over $5,300, and again, fulfilled all of our campaign perks before the deadline.
THIRD! We have two unique perks this time from members of the Mill Ave Chamber Players! If you donate $100, you will receive a handmade ceramic bowl made by Rose French! And! If you donate $500, Thomas Breadon will compose a piece for you!
Lastly, we're dedicated to our community. We are hiring local artists to create, record and master our CD and to create all of our artwork.
Risks & Challenges
While trying to raise twice as much as our last campaign, we are confident that we will be successful due to the growth of our audience and supporters since our first campaign.
Other Ways You Can Help
We'd love to have you support your campaign, but we also can use help getting the word out about this unique project!
Share and follow our campaign on Facebook (Mill Ave Chamber Players), Tweet Tweet Twitter (@Macpmusic), and Instagram (@macpmusic).