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a tiny book with colorful watercolors, kamasutra-inspired with a contemporary, humorous twist.

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a tiny book with colorful watercolors, kamasutra-inspired with a contemporary, humorous twist.

a tiny book with colorful watercolors, kamasutra-inspired with a contemporary, humorous twist.

a tiny book with colorful watercolors, kamasutra-inspired with a contemporary, humorous twist.

a tiny book with colorful watercolors, kamasutra-inspired with a contemporary, humorous twist.

Bianca Gabriela
Bianca Gabriela
Bianca Gabriela
Bianca Gabriela
2 Campaigns |
Dornbirn, Austria
$2,859 USD $2,859 USD 75 backers
68% of $4,172 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
Hi! I’m Bianca, an illustrator and artist from Austria who loves making books! Last year I created a “kamasutra advent calendar” – that is, sharing a funny painting of a sex position every day on facebook during advent. These little paintings, I now plan to publish as a little book: MINISUTRA. Yes, it’s finally gonna be a book – a tiny little book full of colorful watercolor paintings, inspired by the Indian kamasutra but with a contemporary, humorous twist!


++++ für die DEUTSCHE VERSION bitte ganz nach unten scrollen! ++++++


MINISUTRA is designed and layouted ready to print and the only thing that’s missing now is the funding of the printing costs of a small edition. I‘ve put together a bunch of some exclusive packs for you to purchase with books, limited edition art prints and original artworks which are all  – only here, only now! – offered at a special price. 
Every single purchase you make will help me publish MINISUTRA. With your love and support, this book will come to life! 
In the meantime, you can enjoy this year's kamasutra advent calendar here:

And to learn more about me and my work, visit my website:

Thank you so much and may the gods of love bless you ;-)


Questions? Here we go! 


"Kamasutra advent calendar"? How did you get this idea?

I'm not entirely sure where it came from but I got the idea last year, anticipating my third journey to India (a country I love very much), where I was going to celebrate christmas. Every day, I shared a new miniature watercolor painting depicting a more or less loosely interpreted ;-) kamasutra position on facebook. The discussions and comments under each post were hilarious, and it was great fun.
During this time, I was asked many times to publish these drawings as a book – so one year later, it’s finally becoming true! 


So what is actually in this book?

A big, colorful, and at times queer circus of sex and fun. That means, 32 funny sex positions you may or may not want to try at home. 
You think you are experienced? Get ready to learn about sex positions like you’ve never seen them! Have you ever heard about the “jealous frog position” or the “love orchestra”? Do you know the best sex positions for cake lovers, flight attendants and fortune tellers? No? Then you definitely need this book! 


What will the book look like?

MINISUTRA will be printed in the discreet format of 10x12cm and will have will have 64 pages  – containing 32 colorful watercolor paintings and their descriptions. The book is made with love and will be printed and bound in the highest quality in an edition of 700 copies. 


So what is the kamasutra, actually?

The kamasutra is an ancient Indian text about the art of love, kama meaning love and sutra meaning thread. More famous than the text itself are the depictions of sex positions  based on it. Minisutra is inspired by this classical, precolonial indian erotic culture, which is – compared to our sterile, commercialized and often misogynist mainstream sexual culture – manifold, vivid, sensual, relaxed and playful. MINISUTRA is a celebration of love and life! 


Why should I support this project? 

Art and picture books are generally works of love that involve a lot of unpaid work, with none to very little profit for both the artist and the publisher, and depend on financial support. This is also the case of MINISUTRA, just as it was for my last books SAVARI and La Cocina de America Latina  :-) With your purchase of a book and/or some artwork, you will make a precious little art book, produced in the highest quality, come true! 


So what can I do to help this book become true? 

I’d be so happy if you shared my crowdfunding project  on your social media – and if you find any pack you like and supported my project with a purchase, that would delight me even more! 


What are my benefits? 

This is your unique opportunity to get the book for a reduced prize of 11 Euros (it will be sold for 12.50 Euros in shops). You will get a signed (and if you wish, dedicated) copy of the book, including free domestic shipping and reduced international shipping. 

This is also your chance to purchase limited edition art prints (art lovers packs), original art (collectors packs) and even commission a erotic painting of your choice (muse pack) – everything offered at a special price!  
You find everything in the perks section to the right of this page. 


Where will the funds go? 

The funds will cover the printing, packaging and shipping costs of the book and the art prints. 5% of the funds will go to this platform, 10 % VAT and money processing fees. 

If we get more funding than expected, we will print a bigger edition. 


What will happen to my money if the project won't be sucessful?

In the unlikely event that the book won't be printed, you will of course get a full refund of your money. If you ordered artwork, you will still receive it. 


Who will print the book? 

The book will be printed and published by the small Western Austrian publishing house Bucher Verlag which has published my last book SAVARI and has received prizes for its extremely beautiful and highest quality artist editions. 


When will I get my book and/or artworks? 

You should receive the book and artworks by march 2018.


MINISUTRA auf gut deutsch: 

MINISUTRA ist druckfertig! Alles, was jetzt noch fehlt, ist eine Finanzierung der Druckkosten einer kleinen Auflage. Ich habe ein paar exklusive Packs für euch zusammengestellt – mit Büchern, Kunstdrucken in limitierter Edition und originalen Aquarellzeichnungen die es – nur hier und jetzt! – zu einem ganz speziellen Preis gibt. Jedes einzelne Buch, dass ihr kauft, hilft mir, MINISUTRA zu veröffentlichen! Mit eurer Unterstützung wird das Projekt realisiert! 

In der Zwischenzeit könnt ihr dem neuen Kamasutra–Adventkalender hier folgen:

Wenn ihr mehr über mich und meine Arbeit erfahren wollt, könnt ihr mich hier besuchen:

1000 Dank, und mögen euch die Götter der Liebe segnen ;-) 



Fragen? Hier gibt es Antworten auf alles! 


“Kamasutra-Adventkalender? Wie bist du denn auf sowas gekommen? 

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, woher die Idee genau kam, aber sie enstand letzten Dezember, als ich mich darauf freute, Weihnachten in Indien (einem meiner Lieblingsländer) zu verbringen. Jeden Tag teilte ich eine kleines Bild mit einer mehr oder weniger ;-) vom Kamasutra inspirierte Sexstellung. Es wurde ein ziemlich lustiger Advent, die Diskussionen unter den Posts waren herrlich, und während dieser Zeit wurde ich öfters gefragt, ob ich die Bilder nicht als Buch veröffentlichen möchte. Nun, ein Jahr später, ist es soweit!  


Was ist eigentlich genau in MINISUTRA?

Ein lustiger, bunter, und manchmal queerer Sexzirkus. Das heißt: 32 Sexstellungen, von denen du dich inspirieren lassen kannst – oder dich vielleicht doch lieber nur davon unterhalten lässt. Schonmal von der “eifersüchtiger Frosch-Stellung” oder vom “Liebesorchester” gehört? Kennst du die beste Sexstellung für Naschkatzen, Stewardessen und Wahrsager? Nein? Dann brauchst du MINISUTRA! :-D


Wie wird das Buch aussehen?

MINISUTRA wird im diskreten Format von 10x12 cm gedruckt werden. Es wird aus 64 Seiten bestehen, das heißt, es wird 32 Bilder geben – plus Kurzbeschreibung. Es wird eine hochwertig gedruckte Auflage von 700 Stück geben. 




Was ist das Kamasutra eigentlich?

Das Kamasutra ist ein antiker indischer Text über die Kunst des Liebens. Kama bedeutet Liebe, und Sutra heißt Faden. Berühmter als der Text sind allerdings die Darstellungen von Sexpositionen, die auf dem Text basieren. MINISUTRA ist inspiriert von diesem Geist der klassischen, präkolonialen erotischen Kultur  Indiens, die, im Gegensatz zu unserer sterilen, kommerzialisierten und oft misogynen Mainstream–Erotik, verspielt, vielseitig, lebendig, sinnlich und entspannt ist. 


Warum soll ich dieses Projekt unterstützen? 

Kunstbücher und Bilderbücher sind im allgemeinen Liebhaberwerke, in denen viel unbezahlte Arbeit drinsteckt, die wenig oder keinen Profit sowohl für die Künstlerin als auch den Verleger abwerfen und deren Realisierung von finanzieller Förderung abhängig sind. Das trifft auf MINISUTRA zu, genauso wie es auf meine vorigen Bücher SAVARI und La Cocina de America Latina zutraf. Mit dem Kauf eines Buches oder eines Kunstwerkes ermöglicht ihr die Veröffentlichung eines hochwertigen Kunstbuch!  


Was kann ich tun, um MINISUTRA zu unterstützen? 

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mein Crowdfunding-Projekt für MINISUTRA teilen würdet – und wenn ihr ein Buch bestellt oder einen Druck oder ein Original kauft, dann freue ich mich natürlich doppelt! 


Was kriege ich dafür? 

Nur bei dieser Crowdfunding-Aktion gibt es die einmalige Gegenheit, das Buch signiert zu einem reduzierten Preis von 11 Euro zu erwerben (danach wird es 12.5 Euro kosten). Gratis Versand ist inkludiert, auf Wunsch gibt es auch eine Widmung. 
Außerdem gibt es hier – und nur hier! die Möglichkeit, limitierte Kunstdrucke und originale Malereien zu kaufen – ebenfalls zu einem speziellen Preis. Und, ganz was Feines: Ihr könnt eine speziell für euch gemachte erotische Zeichung mit eurer Lieblingsstellung in Auftrag geben! 


Wohin wird das Geld gehen? 

Die Einnahmen werden für Druckkosten, Verpackung, Versandkosten und die Kunstdrucke verwendet. Von den Einnahmen werden 5% an Indiegogo gehen, 10 Mwst. werden abgezogen und die Gebühren für Geldtransfers mit Kreditkarte ebenfalls. 

Wenn wir mehr Geld bekommen, als erwartet, werden wir eine größere Edition drucken.


Was passiert mit meinem Geld, wenn das Projekt nicht erfolgreich ist?

In dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass das Buch nicht gedruckt wird, wird der Kaufpreis vollständig zurückerstattet. Wenn du Kunstwerke gekauft hast, wirst du diese trotzdem bekommen. 


Wer wird das Buch drucken? 

Das Buch wird vom österreichischen Bucher Verlag gedruckt und veröffentlicht. Der Bucher Verlag ein kleiner, feiner Kunstbuchverlag, der letztes Jahr mein Buch SAVARI veröffentlicht hat und  zahlreiche Preise für seine schönen und hochwertigen Bücher gewonnen hat. 


Wann werde ich mein Buch bzw. meine Kunstwerke bekommen? 

Das Buch und die Kunstwerke werden voraussichtlich bis März 2018 geliefert.

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Choose your Perk

minisutra lovers

minisutra lovers

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€11 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + free domestic shipping (Austria)
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
39 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
threesome pack

threesome pack

Currency Conversion $31 USD
€30 EUR
3 MINISUTRA books (signed) + free domestic shipping (Austria)
Included Items
  • 3 minisutra books
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
18 out of 150 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack threesome

art lovers pack threesome

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition art print "threesome" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack paradise

art lovers pack paradise

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition art print "paradise" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack red&blue

art lovers pack red&blue

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition art print "red and blue" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack love orchestra

art lovers pack love orchestra

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition art print "love orchestra" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack scissor sis

art lovers pack scissor sis

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition (15) art print "scissor sisters" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack snake

art lovers pack snake

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition (15) art print "the snake" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack honey bunny

art lovers pack honey bunny

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition (15) art print "honey bunny" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
4 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack butterfly

art lovers pack butterfly

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition art print "butterfly" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
art lovers pack queer

art lovers pack queer

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + original limited edition art print "queer" (signed and numbered), size approx. 12x10cm + free international shipping
Included Items
  • limited edition art print
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 15 of claimed
10 pack (only for resellers)

10 pack (only for resellers)

Currency Conversion $86 USD
€82 EUR
exclusively for bookstores & resellers 10 minisutra books (-40% of retail price: 12.5 euros) + 1 free minisutra + free domestic shipping (Austria)
Included Items
  • 10 minisutra books
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
orgy pack

orgy pack

Currency Conversion $110 USD
€105 EUR
10 minisutra books (signed)
Included Items
  • 10 minisutra books
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack red & blue

collector's pack red & blue

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (red&blue), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack scissor sis

collector's pack scissor sis

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (scissor sisters), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack loveorchestra

collector's pack loveorchestra

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (love orchestra), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack queer

collector's pack queer

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (queer), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack snake

collector's pack snake

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (snake), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack paradise

collector's pack paradise

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (paradise position), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack kiss my ass

collector's pack kiss my ass

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (kiss my ass), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack frog king

collector's pack frog king

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (frog king), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack love circus

collector's pack love circus

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (love circus), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack butterfly

collector's pack butterfly

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (butterfly), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack honey bunny

collector's pack honey bunny

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (the honey bunny swing), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack mermaid

collector's pack mermaid

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
1 MINISUTRA book (signed) + 1 original miniature watercolor kamasutra painting (mermaid), approx. 10x12 cm, signed + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 1 minisutra book
  • original minisutra painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

muse pack

Currency Conversion $297 USD
€285 EUR
3 MINISUTRA books (signed) + ask me to paint a miniature watercolor kamasutra painting of your choice for you! ( approx. 10x12 cm) + free international shipping
Included Items
  • 3 minisutra books
  • commissioned painting
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack threesome
sold out

collector's pack threesome

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack romance total
sold out

collector's pack romance total

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
collector's pack little devil
sold out

collector's pack little devil

Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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