I am Jonette Mungo. I am a mother, teacher, actress, and
playwright. This play, Mirror, Mirror
on the Wall, is an amazing tale of survival, love, and forgiveness. This is a unique story as it is my story. I call it autobiographical fiction. I am a country girl. I am the granddaughter of farmers who grew up
cultivating an acre garden from which my uncles, aunts and grandparents all
gathered. It was a humble life but it
was by no means poor. I am not your cliché
and neither is this story. The main
character in this story is Aurhora. She
had it all growing up and still her life was no fairytale. She lost her virginity to rape, her self-esteem
before that had been destroyed from family and she entered young adulthood as a
broken person. That brokenness caused
her to spiral into out of control abusive relationships that almost end her
life. She sees her life as a cruel joke
that God plays on her and she can’t seem to get it right. But in the end-there is the constant. Herself.
No matter what- it is Aurhora who must decide, change, or continue on living this
The uniqueness of this show is also
in how the story is told. Mirror,
Mirror on the Wall is told through monologue, dialogue, spoken word, dance,
video re-enactments, original song and multiple character portrayal both on
stage and on screen. There is no other
one-woman show that has delicately and craftily combined so many storytelling
mediums to effectively reach its audience.
This show does that!
It has taken me four years to write and re-write this
show. The women and men I shared its
content with encouraged me to finish it.
They could all see a piece of themselves or someone they knew in what
Aurhora’s story is. They all wanted to
see and know how it would end as if Aurhora’s story could help them figure out
how to get out of the darkness and onto a better path. That is why this show must take the
stage. Your help is needed to reach,
teach, and help women and men come through the rough places and find their
place of peace. Afterall, what is good
theatre if it doesn’t make you feel something? Good theatre impacts its
audience. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
is good theatre!
The Crispus Attucks Theatre is the birthplace of this
show. This theatre was first home to
local black performers who had nowhere else to share their talents and
gifts. It is still giving life to new
artists and children of all walks of life.
This theatre is one of the oldest historically black theatres in the
country. Since its renovation and
restoration in 2005 it is yet to establish ongoing seasons of shows. That is what gave rise to the writer’s
workshop. To develop new writers so the
Attucks Theatre Stage can once again be alive with new artists and new
works. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
is the show to establish the inaugural season of shows at this magical place.
Your contribution will help to make this happen. We want to make this a quality show and bring it to theatres across the country. With your help we can.
$3500 is needed to pay for the use
of the theatre
$2000 is need for promotion and advertisement
materials and services
$1500 is needed for set design and
$2500 is needed for the
cinematography, original music score, and multimedia elements
$500 is needed for costumes and
No matter how small your donation, it helps. Spreading the word to others who can give
helps. Telling organizations you are a part of about this production
helps. We thank you for your all your
help and assistance in making this happen.
Like our page on Face Book Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. You can also find it at