Doctor Mono, a government agent for the Americans during the Cold War, has been newly assigned to debrief one of their super-human test subjects and assets with the code-name Night-Vision. They discuss Night-Vision's most recent mission to uncover the rumored Russian operative with unknown abilities.
Who Are We?
We are a group of Film and Television Production juniors at Western Carolina University. For the last 3 years, we have been working hard on developing and perfecting our skills in filmmaking, and we are excited to show them off in our upcoming project Mission Name: Wild Card.
This film will be the first superhero action movie ever completed at WCU. We have the skills and the determination to do so, and all we need is the support of people like you!
Meet the Team
Lauren Scruton - Director
Ethan Stafford - Producer
Ben Hess - Director of Photography
Curtis J. Brown - Writer
Kitty Lipski - Costume Designer
What We Need & What You Get
As a filmmaker and an artist, I fully believe that people contributing their talents to a project should be paid accordingly. All of the funding from this fundraiser will be going to paying for the actor’s daily rates, the costume designer’s rate, and costuming prices. We want this set to be as close to professional as possible.
Contributors to this project will have their name included in the end credits as an appreciation for their donation and support of our crew and our project (as well as our undying gratitude).
One of our main goals of this project is to make it look as little like a student film as possible. We all know those tell tale signs of a low budget student film: college-aged actors, cheesy-looking superhero costumes, little attention to production design, etc. That’s all going out the window with this film. We’re going above and beyond, and we need your help!
If you can’t donate yourself, all we can ask is that you share this with as many people as you can: your friends, your family, your grandparents, and, even your professor! Who knows, maybe they’re huge fans of low-budget superhero movies!
Join us in creating the first-ever superhero action movie at WCU!