Having spent most of my childhood in the city of Cookeville, TN, my life was far from exciting. However, it is from that threat of a mundane lifestyle that my drive to seek out the extraordinary emerged. From there I became amazed by the magic of the filmmaking process, and quickly got my hands on the family camera, where I began writing, directing and producing my own short films. Though my techniques and tools of filmmaking have evolved over the years, my works has always maintained a unique stylistic approach. Over time, as I have developed my voice and vision as a director, I have always strived toward challenging and ambitious material, which pushes my creative and physical abilities to the limit.
One of my favorite challenges to undertake has been the difficult task of recreating a time period for a story to take place. I have always found an innately beautiful aesthetic in recreating the world of another era, and through my films, I have been able to explore such eras as the American 1940s and 50s. Beyond the visual appeal however, I believe looking at and telling stories set around our past can help us discover parallels in our present. It allows us to look at certain ideas and issues that, for better or worse, are still just as relevant today. Whether they appear on a larger social scale, or as an intimate personal struggle, there are aspects of life which we all experience no matter the time period. That is why I make movies— that’s why we watch movies— to share in these experiences in order to know that we are not alone in them, and to give us hope in overcoming them.
The Impact
I believe Tolkachev's story is extremely important, and just as relevant today as it was when it happened 30 years ago. What initially attracted me to Tolkachev was of course the thrilling draw of any spy story, but as I dug deeper and learned more about him, I discovered the true power behind his story.
He was not a spy by nature, he was a simple family man who saw what was happening in the world around him and could not stand idly by anymore. At his core, Tolkachev represents the complex nature of quite possible one of the most perilous times in history. He shows the struggle of fighting to protect something you love in a way that hurts them, but with the hope that one day it may save them.
As more and more time passes, more and more information is coming to light about the Cold War period, and stories like Tolkachev's deserve to be told.
Risks & Challenges
The most frequent question asked, and the obvious challenge is, "How are you going to make a film set in Moscow when you're shooting in Nashville, TN?"
The answer to that question is the exact reason we need your help. While the film primarily takes place indoors, or in non-specific locations such as parks or vehicles, this simply means we will rely heavily upon the use of production design to sell the setting. Additionally, we intend to utilize stock footage of Moscow to be intercut with our own footage, in order to further achieve the illusion.
We have been extremely fortunate so far in the casting process in finding several actors who perfectly adapt the Russian accent, and now the only thing left is to help simulate the proper environment for them to thrive in.
Other Ways You Can Help
Any donation, no matter how small, will be of great help to this film.
However, even if you can't contribute financially, there are still a variety of ways in which you can help the cause! By sharing this campaign or any of the links below on social media, or simply by spreading the word any way you can, you are doing your part in making this film a reality.