Friendly Weight Loss Game - Don't play if you like to stay fat
Who needs more advice for how to lose weight? Nobody. We all know what it needs. The same deeds are needed for maintaining the ideal weight.
Regarding your body weight, what comes down doesn't have to go up. When you are having a diet, a two-player game going on: Your willpower against your body. Your willpower wins when you are motivated enough. How can you strengthen your motivation?
Strengthen your motivation
The Motivating Scale is a weight scale with added features. Apart from measuring your daily body weight, it detects the trend of it. If your weight is going down, you are doing a good job! Sometimes your weight may just slightly go up. That's fine. However, if you start gaining weight, your body is winning the game of losing weight. The Motivating Scale comes in.
Help from Motivating Scale
Your trend of losing weight changes to the trend of gaining weight when you have lost your motivation. With the help of the Motivating Scale, you can recover your motivation. How? If you’ll start putting up weight, the Motivating Scale temporarily cuts off the power from the electric device you have connected to it. It can be, for example, a television, computer, or coffee maker.
You can't use one electric device for 24 hours if your motivation gets too low.
Weird? Maybe.
Effective? Definitely!
Picture 1. The Motivating Scale weight loss game comprises two modules
How to use Motivating Scale
The Motivating Scale set comprises two modules, the intelligent "game console" and weight scale. They are connected together with an infrared (IR) connection.
Connect the power cord of your TV, for example, to the game console. Plug the game console in the power outlet.
Weight yourself daily.
If you are successful in your diet, use the device connected to the Motivating Scale normally.
If you start gaining weight, the Motivating Scale temporarily cuts off the power from the device connected to it. Guaranteed, suddenly you'd pay more attention to controlling your weight!
This Game may make You angry
Even if you should become upset from losing the chosen electric device for 24 hours, for sure you would become more motivated.
Don't use excuses why this wouldn't fit you. Don't cheat yourself with ineffective weight loss solutions.
Why Motivating Scale works
The Motivating Scale works so exceptionally well because it uses your psychological needs. The needs are converted into weight loss motivation. In fact, it is a game between your willpower and your body.
Forcing you to do self-weighing every day is essential. Its an activity which has been shown to increase the chances of success and to reduce weight by 6.1 kg (13.4 lbs) in six months.
The Motivating Scale constantly reminds your subconscious mind that you should not spoil your weight loss plan. This helps you avoiding the yo-yo effect.
Your Subconscious Mind doesn't want You to lose Weight
Yearly, millions of overweight people make a promise to lose weight. Usually, they can keep that promise for a week or two, but then their old eating habits start kicking back in. Why? Your subconscious mind doesn't like the idea of your body becoming slimmer. This was essential for surviving from famine 10.000 years ago. Today, not any more.
Our weight loss game tricks your subconscious mind into supporting your conscious desire to lose weight. How? Simply by positioning your “subconscious desire to ruin your diet” against your desire to use the Internet or watch your TV. Your subconscious mind knows that you'd be feeling angry if you didn't have access to them. Thus, by playing the weight loss game, you can get your subconscious mind to support your weight loss plan every minute of the day.
Our game console will be fair, supportive, and friendly, and it will be rewarding you almost every day with your normally functioning electric device. We also can calculate the weight trend accurately enough so that it allows you to sometimes gain a little bit of weight - for example, if you accidentally happen to eat sodium-rich Chinese food, or expand horizontally due to your periods, or accidentally gain weight because you've been working out.
You should also remember that the game console is insensitive to bogus excuses. If it notices that your weight trend is really going up, it's your own damn fault. However, even if that happens sometimes, but you keep playing fairly by the rules of this game, the game console will quickly forgive your weight sins and will start helping you become motivated again.
Playing this game will definitely make you lose weight - and that’s what you want, isn't it?
Let your Emotions Help
While playing our weight loss game, if you screw up your diet, it can result in you losing your Internet access, your television, or your morning coffee for a day or two. That is actually designed to make you a little bit angry and not want to repeat that mistake. However, each day you succeed, you are expected to feel happy about your achievement. The snake oil products, on the other hand, have absolutely no potential to make you feel any such emotions whatsoever. For example, if you've bought a bottle of snake oil pills, a fancy high tech calorie counting spoon, or an exercise bicycle, you'll never experience any strong feelings towards those products. On the whole, any weight loss product or service that is unable to generate significantly perceptible emotions will undoubtedly be ineffective.
If you can imagine our weight loss game being able to generate feelings like...
- being nervous before checking if the TV will function today
- being cheerful when the game console tells you
the TV will function today- being furious that the damn TV is not going to power up today (~1% chance)
==> Then, you should buy this product, because those feelings are the voices of your subconscious mind telling you that this product will enough potential to make you to lose weight!
The only Solution for Your Daily Weight Loss
What is the most important factor in losing weight? Motivation. If you are properly motivated, you can just decide to eat less and your weight
will go down. The problem is that it's very difficult to
maintain motivation. We make it easy. All you need to do is to stand 10 seconds on a scale
every day. Almost
always when we are given a reward for losing weight, we succeed in it. Motivating Scale
™ gives you an even more desired reward every single day, but only if you're not gaining weight. That reward is your properly functioning beloved electronic device; for example your television, Internet router, computer or your coffee maker.
The Motivating Scale gives you enough permanent everyday motivation allowing you to succeed in losing
weight and maintaining your desired weight. And it's much cheaper than most of the other weight loss products and programs.
The Story & Why This Works...
We all are addicted to the Internet
and our beloved electronic devices. According to a university research, people consider Internet access,
a computer at home and a television among our most important and
necessary things.
Picture 2. Results of a university research of necessities.
Similar levels of "modern human needs" have also been found elsewhere. In a
study, 42 percent of male respondents stated that they would simply throw food, shelter and sleep to the wind, while saluting Internet access as one of life's most cherished needs.
Another British survey confirmed those results. An Internet connection matters more than having a bath or a shower and being able to
wash one's clothes. Also, the Internet connection was found to be more
important than a car, mobile phone, TV, chocolate, or a cup
of tea.
That is simply amazing... and we realized that having such important
electronic devices properly functioning must be more important than
our desire to eat too many candy bars or too much pizza.
Picture 3. Loosing weight is about keeping motivation.
So we asked ourselves what would really happen if we
were given a clear choice every day:
”Do you want to gain weight
”Do you want to use the Internet /
TV / coffee maker today?”
==> Just ask yourself: Would you have an extra piece of chocolate cake today if you knew your Internet connection router just might not
power up tomorrow? Would you have too much dessert today or would you rather have the Internet router functioning tomorrow?
Exactly! We know that no-one would choose to gain weight. We asked people if they a) wanted to lose
weight and b) would buy a device
that disables a computer / television / coffee maker when the individual's
trend weight goes up.
We heard a lot of interested
people saying yes:
"We'll buy it - if you make it!"
People's answers brought us to Indiegogo saying yes:
"We'll build it - if you really want it!"
Picture 4. You can resist donuts if you are motivated in losing weight.
What You get by ordering Motivating Scale™
Enough motivation to easily and permanently lose weight
2. Your personal weight trainer; positive,
inspiring and supportive
Picture 5. White Motivating Scale.
Science of Permanent Weight Loss Motivation
The role of motivation for a weight
loss success has been demonstrated in many studies. Motivation will lead to success. For example, in a recent US study overweight
/ obese veterans were given a small financial incentive to lose weight.
Basically they were given a chance to place a daily bet over their ability
to lose weight.
And the magic happened, as suddenly
the veterans ”learned” the art of losing weight and during the following eight months their weight went down 8.70
pounds (3.94 kg) on average.
Picture 6. Money as a Weight Loss Motivator.
Shockingly, after the eight month test period,
when there was no longer any financial motivation, the
veterans started to put on weight. And during the next nine months their weight had returned to the initial (overweight) levels. An earlier, and similar
US study, got almost identical results and similarly the participants mstarted to put on weight right after they had
received their financial incentives.
Picture 7. No more yo-yo dieting.
==> What these studies demonstrated is that just by being motivated you
can reach weight loss success, but the level of motivation must be
somehow maintained high. The Motivating Scale does
just that; by evaluating your desire to have your beloved electronic
devices functioning every day. And we all already know that your desire for Internet access, TV, computer at home or coffee maker will not go away. And that desire will be constantly motivating you towards weight loss success. All you need to do is to stand 10 seconds on a
scale every day :)
Yes, the Motivating Scale is all about permanently rewarding you. Most of the days that reward is the lack of punishment, but it also has addictive game like elements such as trust achievement levels and "get out of jail - free" cards.
Picture 8. Incentives are an essential part in losing weight.
About the Lack of Weight Loss Motivation
Weight loss nutrition expert Anne
Collins arranged a survey asking people to name most common weight loss problems. A total
of 17,403 persons gave her the following list:
(1) Inadequate incentive
to lose weight (76%)
(2) Hunger (72%)
(3) Bad days (70%)
(4) Boredom (69%)
(5) Stress (60%)
Anne Collins explained the results and the role of motivation by describing
which type of incentive is the best.
”It must be as
specific as possible and ideally
related to a fixed date. In addition, it must be selfish. Losing
weight to please others rarely works. The advice I give to my clients
is very simple. Do not bother dieting unless you have a good
incentive. Because no matter how good the diet, no matter how
valuable the exercise plan, unless you have a powerful reason to
change your habits you won't succeed.”
==> Motivating Scale gives you that specific and powerful motivation that is individually tailored
to motivate you
”if your weight goes up your
beloved electronic device will not power up”
==> Motivating Scale also gives a
fixed deadline to prove that you are achieving results
”well... that fixed deadline is
every 1-2 days”
Picture 9. Black Motivating Scale in use.
Permanent Results with Powerful Motivation
Motivation is not an On – Off
state. A recent review article described the results of a weight loss
study among overweight US women. In that study researchers evaluated how
the different amounts of individual's (autonomous) self-motivation resulted different amounts of weight loss success. Basically, those with less
(autonomous) motivation were found to experience the yo-yo effect and ultimately fail to lose weight, while those with more (autonomous) self-motivation would successfully lose weight. Those with the most autonomous self-motivation did not regain the weight during the next three years!
Picture 10. Effect of self-motivation.
==> The Motivating Scale will keep motivating
you strongly enough to keep you from gaining or re-gaining weight.
Basically, you can self select the electronic device that you know is enough to motivate you... enough. If you are, for example, an Internet addict, just hook the
Motivating Scale to your Internet router or to your computer. If
you're a TV addict, connect the Motivating Scale to your television.
And if you really love the moments of morning coffee, connect the Motivating Scale to your coffee maker. Your body and the chosen device will become part of a game, where
your willpower is going to play against your instinct to eat too much.
Designing Motivating Scale
We have already built a working prototype which mostly does what the final device will do. And by now we already know that we can
actually build, manufacture and ship the Motivating Scale to our
customers. But that's not enough, because we really want to create products that are maximally useful for our customers. Therefore we want our early adopters to be involved in exploring the various interesting software and hardware choices that are available. After all, you are the best experts in telling us how you would like to be motivated and what more the Motivating Scale should do.
For example, if your trend weight would somehow accidentally go up too much, then for how long should your beloved television be kept powerless? Would you rather like
to see the Motivating Scale to be providing predictions of your
future weight? Should it congratulate you from your successful weight loss in the past?
Picture 11. The Motivating Scale is easy to set up.
Asked Questions
How about the normal every day weight variations?
Motivating Scale calculates your overall trend weight gently and fairly. So it's not relying too
strictly on any single weight measurements... Yes, this means you can
sometimes have that pizza, too
Can I somehow by-pass the product ?
We make the Motivating Scale such that a person can by-pass our system only by using wire cutters.
Basically, we provide customers with a mechanism that will lock the electric cable that brings electricity to the customer's beloved device into our Motivating Scale system. We are all grown ups and obviously, if we really and forcefully wanted to obtain Internet access or have a television, coffee maker or computer functioning, we could simply go and buy another device. Yes, that would be the easiest way to get rid of an ongoing motivative sanction. But would we really do that? No, because more than that we want to lose weight and master our body weight.., and that is why we will "tolerate" the Motivating Scale. Deep inside we know that we don't want to be overweight and we want to have something easy in our lives which nicely and supportively acts as our supportive every day personal weight trainer. That is what the Motivating Scale does.
Picture 13. The Motivating Scale is easy to use.
How do you prevent by-passing the product ?
There are some commercial products that are especially made for locking the electric cables
together or to the
connectors of various devices. We will test those and find a user friendly way that will prevent by-passing the Motivating Scale system too easily. It should be noted that we could make systems that would be really difficult to by-pass, but there is no point in building such because our customers might experience the product (too) inescapable or they could just buy another device. The mindset is that we want you to love this product because it will gently help you in getting what you want.
Ok, back to locking alternatives: One option is to add (certified) fire safe and electrically safe epoxy to those commercial locking mechanisms. And, yes we are aware that locking cables with epoxy, might slightly limit the resale value or warranty of your television set... but realistically being overweight is a much more burning question to the most overweight persons than some minor resale value decrease in someone's TV. Besides, if you are have a brand new massive 4k television set... the simple answer is to not to connect the motivating scale into it. Rather hook it to your Internet router or coffee maker which typically have resale values of just a few euros ![]()
Picture 14. The Motivating Scale makes it easier to control one's weight.
What is the attitude of the Motivating Scale?
The Motivating Scale is friendly and supportive. As we learned more about what the overweight people wanted and what kind of motivation would be most effective in a long term, we decided to adapt a more humane attitude where the Motivating Scale would be supportive, rather tolerant, fair, friendly, and forgiving... but firm. Thus, you are expected to lose weight or not to gain weight and the Motivating Scale will cheer to your success, But if your weight trend is clearly going towards a wrong direction Motivating Scale, will first warn you... if there is time / chance for that, but if your weight still continues to increase the Motivating Scale will disable your beloved device for a day or two. Probably, you'll first get a lighter sanction (like 24 hours), but if you repeat that weight increase too soon, the motivating scale may give you a longer sanction (like 48hours / 72hours). Also the Motivating Scale will be able to forget your past "weight sins". Thus, if there has been a longer period without a sanction, then the Motivating Scale will deal you lighter sanctions... if necessary ;)
Can you really finance building of the products?
Yes. As you can see, we are asking a fixed minimum funding of 97,000 euros. The reason
behind choosing a fixed minimum funding is that there needs to be
enough customer demand to justify manufacturing, building and certification costs. For example, we
realize that in order to bring to markets a product that connects to mains electricity we need to be spending at least 20,000
euros in getting it tested and certified as being safe for the public to use. Also
many of the international component suppliers and subcontractors require us
to order a certain minimum amount of units before they ”bother”
to deliver anything more than sample units.
A fixed funding model is good for both for you and for us.
Firstly, it allows you to safely order your Motivating Scale now,
because you know that if we would not reach our minimum funding limit, ordering your product now would not really cost you anything. Having a fixed funding model
also allows us to built a reasonable amount of products. Think how terrible it would be if we were to accept money for building...
lets say 100 units, knowing that just the manufacturing and safety
testing would cost us 10 times more than the customers have paid.
Picture 15. Your motivation makes the difference.
Frankly, we also believe that if we can get at least the minimum
fixed funding, we will be able to obtain some government technology
(small business) funding that is now available for innovative technology
companies. In Finland, a major public funding source is TEKES which often can provide funding for about 50% of the
proven product development costs of innovative technology products. But in order to get any of that
funding we first need to pay self no less than 100% of the product
development costs and then we can get up to 50% paid back by the
TEKES. With careful planning we believe that we will receive a minimum of 35,000 euros of that public technology funding. And with that money we
can at least pay for the needed safety testing and certification. And if our crowdfunding campaign is successful, then probably some investors find us interesting as an investment allowing us to perform even better.
Oh, and there are also some technology choices that we can make based
upon how much funding and time to deliver we have available. For
example, if we barely exceed the minimum funding level, we will
probably not create our own (rather expensive) injection molds for making the plastic covers for our product. Instead, we might
use cheaper small scale production technologies such as 3D printing or we might simply
discover a way to modify some already existing commercial plastic cases so that
they fit to our purposes. The reality is that we want to create a
lasting company that will be know for its effective and good quality products; and
therefore we will create the products as good as we can and can
Safety and safety certifications for Motivating Scale
We realize that we are building an product that will connect with the mains electricity and therefore we need to get the product internationally certified
for it's safety. There are some internationally respected companies
that can do all the safety testing that is required by the authorities in
each country. Unfortunately, those safety evaluations tend to be rather expensive.
On the other hand, it is a wonderful thing that safety tests are
required for all the mains electricity connecting products on the markets, because that testing makes all the
products much safer for the public to use. Our intention is to build and design
a rather simple product that is exceptionally safe to use. Sorry to
say this, but we will build and design the product with this order of
priorities: 1) safety 2) other features ![]()
Available choices for the final product
We will create a product that will be available, in white and black colors. We pursue to partly preserve the look of our prototype devices in final products, because that is the product design that you've been shown. However, we have heard comments that the decision making box would probably look (even) better if it was less tall. Therefore we will consider at least that to be changed.
We have so far tested about a dozen enclosures, two dozen buttons and a handful of LCD displays and the current combination seems to be rather likable
At the end of the campaign we will ask your choice of colors and to select which device connector or electric cable you want to connect your Motivating Scale. We will provide easy connection mechanisms to the most common cables and device connectors.
You may not connect the Motivating Scale to any such system that could result any danger to people or property. For example, you may not use the Motivating Scale in nuclear power plants or aircrafts We only accept a maximum liability for any direct or indirect losses being for the amount that you've paid for us.