Prošle godine – prvi puta IKADA – naši su volonteri ostali bez majica! Okrutna recesijska vremena i stalno kresanje budžeta učinili su da festivalski proleteri ostali goli i bosi. Antifilmska klima i divlji kapitalizam ostavili su naše junake golih leđa, a neprilično je, da volonteri razodjeveni, bez festivalske majice staju na branik tradicionalnih motovunskih vrijednosti.
Kako se više nikada ne bi ponovila sušna prošla godina, darujte našim volonterima za festivalski rođendan majice, i oni će biti još ljubazniji, još uslužniji, još bolji. Uz mali znak vaše ljubavi, nadmašit će sebe!!!
Šarolika grupa djevojaka i mladića u rasponu od 17-25. Prijavili su se dobrovoljno, oni su odabrani iz šest puta većeg broja prijava, oni su duša i srce, svježa krv festivala. Oni trgaju i prodaju karte, slažu i brišu stolice, dijele letke, lijepe plakate, nose, čiste, odgovaraju na pitanja… cijeli su dan u pokretu.
Umjesto plaće, dobivaju kakav-takav krov nad glavom, tanjur nečega toplog, ulaz na filmove u slobodno vrijeme. I te majice. Točnije, u bolja vremena dobivali su i majice. I dobit će ih opet, ako stignu rođendanski pokloni.
Bilo je tu i glumaca i režisera, i slikara i dizajnera i uglednika raznih – mnogi ljudi koji su danas velike face, nekoć su bili motovunski volonteri. Nikad ne znate koga danas odijevate – možda već sutra to budu svima znani ljudi koji svijet činei boljim. Zato volontere treba voljeti.
Naša ekipa uključuje oko 100 volontera. Da bi bili mirisni i prepoznatljivi, treba im po jedna majica za svaki dan. Dakle, treba nam 500 majica
Nabavna cijena majice i tisak stoje 10 dolara po komadu.
Nama, dakle, treba 5000 dolara.
Ma koliko god skupili – manje ili više od tog iznosa, sve će, do zadnjeg centa, biti utrošen za unaprjeđenje životnog standarda volontera.
Motovun FF ima dugo iskustvo s doniranima majicama. Godine 2009, kada je počela recesija i festivalski je budžet krahirao u potresima na tržistu, pozvali smo prijatelje festivala da nam poklone svoje stare majice, a mi ćemo ih pretvoriti u odjeću za volontere&ekipu. Stotine i stotine majica stigle su nam sa raznih strana. MI smo bili crowdfunderi prije crowdfundinga.
Pomozite nam da ovom akcijom – svojevrsnim nastavkom akcije MAJICE DOBROTE – udjemo u novu eru skupljanja donacija.
Volunteers deserve love! They are the soul, energy, joy and lifeblood of our festival. Chances are you have no idea how much did they contribute to your having a great time at the festival.
Last year – for the first time EVER – our volunteers did not get their T-shirts! The cruel recession, constant budget cuts, anti-film climate and merciless capitalism left these festival proletarians ragged and barefoot. And you will agree it is awkward for the volunteers to stand in defiance of the traditional Motovun values while stripped of their T-shirts.
To avoid such a meager year as the last one, present our volunteers with T-shirts for the festival’s birthday – and they will be even kinder, better and more helpful. With this little token of your love, they will outdo themselves!!!
A motley crew of boys and girls from 17 to 25 years of age. Having been selected among a large number of candidates, they are the soul, heart and fresh blood of the festival. They sell and rip your tickets, they arrange and wipe your seats, share leaflets, stick posters, bring and clean stuff, answer questions… they are on the move all day.
Instead of getting paid, they get a roof over their heads, a warm meal, free admission to the movies in their free time. And they get T-shirts. Rather, they used to, in better days. And they will get them again if the birthday gift arrives.
Many an actor, film director, painter, designer – many bigshots of all sorts – were once Motovun volunteers. You can never tell who you are buying a T-shirt for – maybe tomorrow he or she will be one of those who make this world a better place. This is why volunteers deserve love.
Our crew includes some 100 volunteers. To make them smell good and be distinctive, every one of them needs one T-shirt for every festival day. So, we need 500 T-shirts.
The purchasing price of a T-shirt and printing of the festival logo cost USD 10 apiece.
So, we need USD 5000.
As much as we manage to collect – more or less of the above amount – everything, to the last penny, will be spent on improvement of the volunteers’ living standards.
Motovun FF has had a long experience with donated T-shirts. In 2009, when the recession began and the festival budget collapsed as a result of the market crash, we urged the festival friends to donate their old T-shirts so that we could dress our volunteers and our crew. Hundreds of T-shirts came to us from all places. WE were crowdfunders before crowdfunding.
Join us for this campaign – a continuation of the T-SHIRT OF KINDNESS campaign of a sort – and help us collect donations modern-age style.