Who is Jesse Lambert?
That's a good question and it deserves an attempt at a good answer. I am fresh from the college grad market and I am looking to pursue God's calling in my life. What is my calling? For the past two years I have been making "action-packed" video shorts (http://vimeo.com/jesselambert). Now I know God is calling me to make videos promoting missionaries around the world. I want to make videos that will grab an audience's attention. I want to help missionaries be a light in this world.
Who is Iris Ministries?
Iris Ministries is a Christian organization committed to expressing a living and tangible response to those commandments that Jesus called greatest: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength," and "Love your neighbor as yourself." It is our conviction that the Spirit of God has asked us to make this love concrete in the world, incarnate in our thoughts, our bodies, our lives and our every action. Iris Ministries exists to participate in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth in all its aspects, but most especially through our particular calling to serve the very poor: the destitute, the lost, the broken and the forgotten. (http://www.irismin.org/)
Why this Indiegogo campaign?
I think Indiegogo is a great way to gather support from people who want to see this documentary get made, and to get the word out about the project! If you can contribute financially, I have some great rewards for your participation. If all you can do or want to do is spread the word--that's great, too. Please do!
Words could never express how truly grateful I am for all your support.
Glory be to God forever and ever.