Thank you for joining us in demanding medical care for Mumia. Here is a summary of Mumia's Medical and Legal Fund to date:
Help us get Mumia's Medical Fund to $50,000!
When we launched this Campaign, we didn't know that we would have to file a federal lawsuit. Or build an international movement to get him care.
The Truth is that we need to keep the heat on to get Mumia the full medical care and legal assistance that he urgently needs. Please join us to defend Mumia's life by helping his Medical and Legal fund exceed $50,000, now!
Mumia is in a Medical Crisis
One month after Mumia fell into diabetic shock, his health is still in stable, but serious condition. He is currently in the prison infirmary, where his family and lawyer are frequently denied visitation. Mumia was denied access to his outside doctor. He has not received a diagnosis or a treatment plan.
March 30th, Mumia lost consciousness and was moved from SCI Mahanoy
to the ICU unit at Schuylkill Medical Center. His blood sugar count was at 779:
he was in diabetic shock. His sodium level was 160. Since January, Mumia has received inadequate and detrimental treatment for a severe case of eczema. His life threatening medical crisis continues and has now been labeled late-onset diabetes, which should have been identified and treated months ago.
We need your help to ensure he receives immediate medical care.
What Mumia Urgently Needs
We need to raise his profile and fuel the movement immediately to:
- Pay for lifesaving medical care from Mumia's doctors who he wishes to consult with
- Increase our legal and medical campaign to ensure Mumia and his family will be given all new information on Mumia's condition
- Obtain Mumia's medical records for review (his records cost $1.50/page)
- Cover costs for Mumia's family,
friends and core organizers as they travel to the Medical Center in
Pottsville, PA and the prison in Frackville, PA
- Cover legal fees for Mumia's attorney
Please give $10, $25, $100 or even $1,000 now.
Worldwide organizing successfully halted Mumia's death row execution in 1995. Last October when Pennsylvania legislature passed SB 508 - the "Mumia Gag Law" - we vigorously fought for the right for prisoners to speak, and we presented our final arguments in court on March 30th- the same day Mumia fell dangerously ill. What we are seeing now, as Pam Africa said, is a "clear cut example of an attempted execution through medical neglect."
If you care about Mumia and the right to medical dignity for prisoners, please contribute now and defend Mumia's right to live, his family's right to visit and view his medical records, and his doctors' rights to provide proper and immediate treatment.
Once You've Donated, Please Take Action:
Upon being checked in at the hospital, Mumia was shackled to the bed and isolated even though his family stood just outside the door
. His family was denied medical updates and visitation rights. The movement's phone-call mobilization successfully pressured prison and hospital officials to allow Mumia's wife and brother to see him 20 hours later. We need to keep the
pressure on to ensure that Mumia receives proper care. Here’s what you can do:
- Call to demand that the prison release his medical records NOW.
Call to demand Mumia's freedom and immediate access to his doctor: John Wetzel, PA Secretary of Corrections: (717) 728-4109; Governor Tom Wolf: (717) 787-2500; SCI Mahanoy: (570) 773-2158, then dial zero
Share this campaign and encourage all of your networks to contribute and share
Stay updated on Mumia's condition by checking back here and on Prison Radio's Facebook and Twitter pages.
We're asking you to contribute $100 or even $50 to fight for Mumia's life, well-being and freedom- together. Please give now.
Thank you for being determined to defend Mumia's life with us,
Wadiya Jamal, Mumia's wife
Pam Africa, International Concerned Friends & Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Keith Cook, Mumia's oldest brother
Bret Grote, Mumia's Attorney (Abolitionist Law Center)
Noelle Hanrahan, Prison Radio
Suzanne Ross, NY Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
From Mumia's Family and Friends:
"My husband should never have been in prison... He's innocent and he should be free... It came as a shock to Mumia and to us that he had a diabetic condition." - Wadiya Jamal (Mumia's wife)
"Prison Officials are lying. Mumia is going through torture at the hands of Department of Corrections through medical neglect. It is clear to people that they want to kill Mumia. They gave him the wrong medication which made his condition worse. Inmates on the inside who questioned what was happening have been subjected to direct retaliation by the superintendent. They have been moving concerned inmates out of Mumia's unit in an effort to both bury and keep this critical information from the public." - Pam Africa (International Concerned Friends & Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal)
“The rules
that the prisons have are very arcane. They don’t give out any information about
prisoners to their families or anyone else. It’s like you have your hands tied
because you don’t know how the prisoner is and you have no way of talking to
him. I remember a month ago, Phil Africa exercising in the
prison, next thing they know he was in the hospital, they moved him to a
hospital and didn’t tell his family where he was, and three days later he was
dead. It’s scary -- we need to change and we need to discuss and
the prison authorities need to be more humane to the families of prisoners.” - Keith Cook (Mumia's brother)