WELCOME to the coolest new way to use what you have to get ALL you need, want AND Desire… just by playing a game… no really it is JUST that simple. Einstein says the easiest way to learn is play. My Barter Game™ was created by Ana Hawk, CEO of Instant Barter to specifically help people understand trade or barter in a fun EASY way. When asked to share her knowledge of Barter and write a book she said, “Books are boring let’s build a game and make it fun and easy!” This works for businesses as a team building exercise, adults, and children ages 7 and up. Great for family fun too. EVEN BETTER we have just secured US Manufacturing! Fulfillment will be by Disabled Vets and a program the RED PAPER CLIP CENTER (our nonprofit) will be handling. FUNDING from this campaign even helps launch the RED PAPER CLIP CENTERS programs. For more information on this visit: http://www.RedPaperClipCenter.com . SO see you get to play AND Help others! And it may even be a tax deduction… could life be any better?
You start the game with $100 cash and $100 trade currency the big GIMMIE of the game is when you go around BOTTOM LINE (our start) you need to PAY $200 in cash! So you see you have to quickly use what you have to get what you need! You do this by acquiring TRADE cards and working deals to redeem them for their cash or trade value to make PROFIT. BARTER started civilization and capitalism and is the original economy and also a solvent one.
The purpose of this fundraiser is to produce more of these games and sell them both online (www.mybartergame.com) as well as in stores, where we have several large retailers around the WORLD ready to add our game to their shelves! Your contribution also gives you the opportunity for some great perks, our way of saying thank you and involving you in this entire process! BONUS: you could have one of the first 500 HIGHLY COLLECTABLE copies; these will never look this way again version. How often do these opportunities come along? Once in a lifetime MAYBE! If you are unable to contribute financially at this time, we invite you to share this campaign to help us launch, educate, make some real change and have fun doing it! THANK YOU!!!!!