The Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre (NAC) is a non profit organization serving the urban Aboriginal community in Nanaimo/Ladysmith. NAC’s vision is to see every Aboriginal student graduate high school. We believe this work must begin with early childhood education.
In 2011/12 the graduation rate for Aboriginal students in Nanaimo Ladysmith was 49.9%, for all students it was 71.6% and for all students in the province of BC the grad rate was 81.8%. There are successful support models that exist today that realize graduation rates between 90 ad 100%. Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre believes we can achieve this here in Nanaimo if we collaborate and commit to a long-term and comprehensive strategic plan.
The work at Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre will focus on these key areas:
- Prevention
- Early Childhood Development
- Culture, Language & Connection to the Land
- Outreach
- Best Practices & Research
- Evaluation
- Collaboration
NAC recognizes the critical importance of supporting healthy human development between conception and Kindergarten. These formative years are, as research indicates, critical in terms of setting the stage for success in school and beyond. NAC also appreciates that public agencies, organizations and families must work together in order to realize the vision of supporting every child to graduate high school. While NAC will focus on the early years we will invite collaboration with those groups who share the vision of providing support to students through elementary, secondary and into post-secondary grades.
Our Board of Directors for 2013/14 includes Michael Leggett, Paige Fisher, David Drakeford, Rachele Beaulieu, Mike Herold, Terri Mack, Jarrett Walter and Joan Brown. Our Executive Director is Chris Beaton.
Funds raised through this campaign will be used to support developmental activities for Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre. We will develop funding proposals, formally define our Mission Statement and Vision, expand our membership base and continue to speak with community, public agencies, government and the private sector to invite their involvement. We have already:
- established an Aboriginal Family Night program (in partnership with the Mid Island Metis Nation)
- begun a Community Profile Project
- secured the first Aboriginal Accounting Mentorship program in Nanaimo
- presented to several local Rotary Clubs & met with dozens of community groups
- established a Child Friendly Cities Working Group
- established a After School Program Working Group
- secured funding for a Native Soccer Tournament in May 2014 in Nanaimo
- established a presence on social media - Facebook and Twitter
- initiated a education focused research project in partnership with VIU
All good work that requires staff time and resources. Our new website will be operational in a few weeks.
We invite you to partner with us by making a donation. Join us in supporting success for Aboriginal students.
Please share with friends and family. Hay ch qa (thank you).