Hi, there!
We are producing our first self-conclusive graphic novel called NATION BUILDERS The Fundamental War, and with your help, we are convinced it will be a success! Currently is 99% completed, including Art, Inks, Colors & Text! And we'll use a professional fulfillment center to deliver the orders: Ka-blam digital printing!
Inspired by the controversy and later cancelation of Jack Gantos & Dave McKean graphic novel 'A Suicide Bomber Sits in the Library', NATION BUILDERS The Fundamental War delves into the origin and rationalizations sourcing fundamentalisms of every kind, from religion to politics, from 'cancel culture' to suicide bombings. An literal battle of ideas develops when the protagonists and their antagonists show the power to make their beliefs to come true!
Inspired by real facts, people and ideas, The Fundamental War is a literary work full of action, drama and adventure. In opposition to works of similar tone such as The Sandman or V for Vendetta, the story deconstructs deconstruction and delves into the nature of convictions.
The first book contains:
- 48-pages Original Story.
- Full Color.
- 4 extra pages Origin Story.
- Portfolio by different artist included.
- Proudly printed in the USA.
The second book is:
- 64-pages Original Story.
- Full Color.
- Proudly printed in the USA.
A new concept in adult comic books:
Genre: Political Fantasy & Action Thriller.
Elevator Pitch: Game of Thrones meets Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
Motto: “The sleep of reason resurrects monsters.” Francisco Goya, Reality 231.
Let us pitch it & introduce the protagonists:
An army composed of violent fundamentalists – belonging to a myriad of religions – are brought back to life by a mysterious benefactor for the purpose of spreading the so-called Godless Faith. Immediately the diabolical dogma unfolds its power through the multiverse – traveling through different realities and eras – defeating its defenders and recruiting deceased religious figures as soldiers in the new doctrine.
But after they commit a genocide, the heroes of the Security Council of the Union of Free Universes and the Alphabet Creed decide to face the invincible terrorists, without suspecting that it is one of their own who planned everything from the beginning!
The warriors of the Alphabet Creed - Mr. Jefferson, Ayyan Alli, Lord Descartes, Mr. Einstein, Lady Dickinson, among others - must thwart the ambitions of the treacherous Mr. CENSORED and the enigmatic king of CENSORED, who plan to impose the most totalitarian of religions!
A Must Read!
The story begins...
... in the kingdom of Fairieland, where the heroes are negotiating the inclusion of said domain to the Union of Free Universes in exchange for the repeal of laws against 'hate speech'. When the cruel execution of a foreign cleric unleashes an invasion led by deadly undead warriors from a dark religion, the heroes decide to intervene. But the fanatics prove to be clever strategists and matchless warriors, appearing and disappearing at will across the multiverse, taking control through swift terrorist attacks, and reviving other 'killer saints'.
Meanwhile, two mysterious subjects use the opportunity to steal Mr. Orwell's latest creation, Android '84', with the power to inspire beliefs and thus create a cult of bloody communist revolutionaries.
New heroes on the raise! Find out their stories!
Who are the Protagonist of NATION BUILDERS The Fundamental War?
The American Nation
On planet Earth of Reality 1, the twenty-first century changes forever when an unknown Ayatollah acquires the power of God and takes control of the world. After creating a literal hell to punish infidels, the monarch resurrected all those who died before that point in history to judge them according to his faith.
But 300 years later, when a group of rebels -led by Thomas Jefferson and Ayyan Alli along with other 34 important figures from history- cross paths with the Serpent of Eden -Who taught them the divine language and gave them the most powerful tool in existence, the burning bush of knowledge- the Second American Revolutionary war couldn't be stopped!
After defeating the ruler and restoring the republic, the rebels named this new world...
American Nation
The American revolutionaries are armed with the burning tree of wisdom, whose seeds contain the power of the Creator of the Cosmos! By using the sacred language of the creator, the power of the tree can conjure things ex nihilo -out of nothing- from metaphors and poems to verbs or objects!
The trees of wisdom are tools made by the creator of the universe and contain part of its essence, the flames of creation. Divine language opens its fruits and molds the fire, turning it into anything the speaker requires.
Few are those who can speak this sacred dialect, as it requires vast knowledge and intelligence. Whoever pronounces it must understand the immensity of concepts that each word contains. Only a few in the history of the world are capable of such a prodigy. They are known as...
The Alphabet Creed
Security Council
The Union of Free Universes (UFU), or simply the Union, is the largest multi-reality organization in existence, located at reality 999. It was created a few decades after the discovery of interdimensional travel to maintain peace and order between different realities along with foster friendly relations among diverse cultures. The Security Council of this interdimensional body has the responsibility to use its army of alpha humans -individual with abnormal abilities- to achieve those objectives.
Together both organizations promote human rights and democratic republican values. That makes them...
We appreciate your support either by becoming a patron or by simply sharing and commenting about the project on social media. Your participation is essential to lift this dream up off the ground.
We also appreciate your understanding if, at the beginning, mistakes occur; none of us has done anything like this before. As any other artistic work, it may contain elements that you could find offensive in one way or another. It is NOT our intention to offend you in any capacity, but artistic integrity and American values demand taking risks. We seriously appreciate your understanding -and your respect for the spirit of the First Amendment- on that matter.
Again, we thank you for taking the time to read about this passion project, and we hope that you share our affection for this venture enough to give us your support in any way you deem appropriate.
Thank you very much.