Festivals are well known for being outside of the city proper, where accommodations are both difficult to find and expensive, especially during major events. They also must be booked well in advance. The alternative has always been sleeping in a tent, which is unsafe, uncomfortable and lacks basic amenities
We identified the need for mobile, hostel type of accommodations that can be transported to festivals.
This is how we envisioned Nearby - The World's first mobile hostel. It is a concept made with just one purpose - to provide additional accommodation where its needed the most.
Event accommodation options: comparison
Smart concept and features
Room amenities
And the best of all...
Help us bring Nearby to life
Our mission is simple - we want to make festival accommodation, close, comfortable and affordable, so you can be free to party and enjoy festivals.
We've been working on Nearby for the past 10 months... and now we need your help to make it happen.
P.S. Don't worry. We'll cover all major festivals and inform you on everything that's happening.
Meet the team
Project cost breakdown structure
Any questions? Shoot us a mail on info@nearby-hostel.com