Hi there and thanks for checking out our IndieGogo page for the new vinyl!
I'm nuts about vinyl. When I was young I would ride my bike to Tower Records in the bay area with what little money I had and salivate over what was on offer. I can remember agonizing over the fact that I only had enough money for one record, but wanted twenty! This was before the age of the internet (ya, I'm kinda old) so the only way to hear a band I was interested in was to buy a record.
Thankfully now almost the entire history of recorded music is at our fingertips via the device you are looking at. This has been a boon to independent musicians like ourselves because of the ease with which our potential fans can find us. We are so grateful.
But there is still something so special about vinyl. Yes, the sound quality is better, but there is something else. Maybe it's the large artwork that you can actually hold in your hands. Or maybe it's the fact that you can't easily skip ahead or fast forward. Vinyl requires longer listening.
Whatever it is, I'm clearly not alone in my feelings. El Ten Eleven fans are constantly asking us for more vinyl, particularly fans in Europe. So here we are, trying to deliver!
The problem is that vinyl is quite expensive to manufacture. We've been able to pay for most of this run ourselves but are falling a little short. That's where you come in. If we can just get a bit more money this will be paid for!
We recorded a new song called Favrile and added it to our latest ep, "For emily." On this song I only use fretless bass (though I'm sure people will insist there are keyboards on it!) and Tim only played electronic and acoustic drums. We're really proud of how it turned out, but it will ONLY be available on this vinyl. You can hear a bit of it in the video we posted above.
If you can help us out by buying a copy (or copies!) we'd be really grateful! If you aren't interested in vinyl, we have a really cool, limited edition screen-printed poster you can grab, and here is what the artwork for the poster looks like:
Thank you for your support!