Short Summary:
Rachel and Jaz connected in 2013 via a giant Twitter rant about horror films and gay people. They have been besties ever since. Rachel is a big ol' lesbian who has been drinking and acting regularly since the tender age of 21. Jaz started her directing career with a Panasonic Hi-8 camcorder that her moms bought her at a garage sale in the boonies. With their powers combined, Drink Responsibly was born.
Jaz and Rachel shot the first several episodes on a shoestring budget in the Valley. Working tirelessly over the past year-and-a-half, they have found their voice. This show encompasses a world of drunken debauchery and shenanigans through interviews, games and audience interaction. Every episode, host Rachel teaches a celebrity guest how to concoct a different craft cocktail. They sit down, enjoy the fruits of their labor and with lowered inhibitions, interview one another. All participants are over 21.
What They Need:
Although impressed with what they were able to accomplish with nearly nothing, Rachel and Jaz know the show could be EVEN better. Past episodes were shot in Jaz's un-airconditioned apartment with paper thin walls and second-hand equipment. With more funds, they would be able to rent a studio or find a more comfortably convenient shooting location. And quite possibly, even get equipment that doesn't require frozen peas to stay cool/function!
As many of you know, alcohol is expensive (especially in LA) so previous cocktails were simple. Rachel is a trained mixologist with over ten years of experience and she needs the proper tools to do her thing. There are so many elements to building a good cocktail: glassware, liqueurs, garnishes, cordials, aperitifs, digestifs, shakers, muddlers, With a contribution, you can help make that happen!
Other expenses they need funding for:
Crew (maybe people other than just them,)
Food (to soak up all the alcohol,)
Traveling (gotta make sure everyone gets home safe,)
Set design (perhaps props NOT from Dollar Tree,)
Post-production (Jaz never sleeps,)
Wardrobe (Rachel currently only owns black,)
Advertising (did you know it costs money to promote on Instagram now?)
...and anything else thrown their way (safety net!)
What You Get:
Besides the satisfaction of helping what is quite possibly the best show ever made, donors will have the opportunity to receive things such as:
- Fun swag
- Celebrity guest signed props from the show
- FaceTime hangouts
- Set visits
and more...
Other Ways You Can Help:
"We understand that not everyone is rolling in dough, but there are other ways you can help. Shout us out on Twitter (@DRINKRRP,) tell your friends about the campaign, show people our previous episodes, reach out...we need you!
Jaz & Rachel