What We Want To Do
Stories have the singular power to bring attention to our common humanity. This is what the world needs now. As the premier site for world literature in translation, Asymptote wants to provide a high-profile platform for writers and artists from the seven countries on Trump's list.
With your support, we will undertake large-scale editorial research and commission new work—and new translations—from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, specifically work in response to Trump’s executive order. A minimum of two works from each of these countries will be published either in our Spring (April) 2017 edition at our website or at our partner newspaper, The Guardian (here’s an example of what you can look forward to). All contributors to this Feature will be paid.
In addition, one standout article from this extensive showcase will be selected for a multiple-translation project, which will see Asymptote commission 10 to 20 additional translations to propel this project beyond the English-language community (much as we did last year with Pedro Novoa's stunning story in our Summer 2016 Issue). We will also include a special section in the educator’s guide accompanying the Spring 2017 edition, to facilitate the introduction of this Special Feature in classrooms around the world.
How Will Our Work Make a Difference?
In a world beset by reactionary politics and hyper-nationalism, literature can build bridges across the chasms that try to divide us.
Asymptote's Special Feature showcasing the work of writers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen will raise awareness about what life is like for people living in these conflict-ridden countries. At a time when the safety and dignity of their people are being denied, we hope that this Special Feature will serve to amplify their voices.
But publication of this Special Feature alone is not enough to guarantee it a wide audience, even if our showcase will be freely available to anyone with an Internet connection, as with everything we publish. To make sure this work we do makes an impact, we will invest heavily in promoting the Feature through paid ads, online promotion via our eight social media platforms in three languages, and the distribution of 5,000 postcards across six continents.
For all of this to happen, we need to raise USD30,000.
The more we raise, the more we can do! If we surpass our target and hit USD45,000, we’ll publish a print anthology of the work to be distributed worldwide; if we hit USD60,000, we’ll organize a large-scale event in New York or London, featuring authors from this showcase.
In solidarity with those whose lives have been disrupted by Trump’s travel ban, we pledge 20% of all funds raised to the ACLU and Refugees Welcome. Help us show them that you care.
What You Stand to Get
Donate to our campaign and receive specially autographed books by Junot Díaz, Yann Martel and George Szirtes, among others! Apart from the wide selection of books below, we'll also give away, among our wide range of Asymptote memorabilia, a newly designed AsympTOTE—featuring artwork by the guest artist of our current issue, Dianna Xu. If you're a loyal Asymptote supporter, you'll certainly want to add this AsympTOTE to your collection!
Who We Are
We are Asymptote, a free online journal dedicated to showcasing the best of world literature. A truly global journal, our 80-strong team is made up of volunteers across six continents, seeking to unearth writing from around the world. We are proud to have published new work from 109 countries and 90 languages by writers and translators such as J. M. Coetzee, Patrick Modiano, Herta Müller, Can Xue, Junot Díaz, Ismail Kadare, and Haruki Murakami. Our efforts to promote international writing were recognised in 2015 when we received the London Book Fair Award for International Literary Translation Initiative.
In addition to our massive quarterly issues, each featuring work from more than 25 countries, we offer a daily blog, a fortnightly newsletter, and a podcast. Our editor-in-chief, who served as one of the judges of the 2016 PEN International New Voices Award, also curates our weekly Translation Tuesday showcase at The Guardian—arguably the most high-profile platform for literary translation today.
Q: I want to support your magazine! How can I help?
A: The best way to help us right now is support us with a donation! We also welcome help in many other ways as well:
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Q: What if I want to donate but don't want a perk?
A: We appreciate your support for our campaign and we welcome your donation even if you do not wish to pick a perk. That just means 100% of your donation will go directly to Asymptote!
Q: Can I donate via check?
A: Yes! If you're in the US, please make your check out to "Fractured Atlas," so that your gift will be tax deductible. In the memo line of your check, please write "Asymptote Journal" so that Fractured Atlas will direct your money to our campaign. Our address in the US is:
Asymptote Journal
517 N. Tioga St. Apt. 2
Ithaca, NY 14850
If you're based outside of the US, please make out your check to "Asymptote Journal Pte. Ltd.", and send it to our editor-in-chief at
Asymptote Journal,
21, Newton Road,
Singapore 307954
Thank you!