This campaign is now closed. You can now preorder bindings here;
Kickstarter - Preorders close 22nd September 2014
What is Strewth SLS?
The Strewth SLS is the natural evolution of the original "Step-In" snowboard bindings, combining the ease and speed of a step-in with the performance and feel of a traditional two strap binding..
For those who don't know, "step-in" snowboard bindings were popular in the mid 90's. The advantage of these bindings was you could just step in and ride, without having to stop and strap in before every run.
The original "step-ins" weren't very good for performance though, and used specialised stiff boots. Although they had great potential for improvement, these early models were never developed further and eventually all were discontinued.
Our Inspiration
A lot of riders loved the step-ins, and while they are not available on the market today we believe there is still a demand for a high quality, high performance, step-in binding.
The majority of snowboarders today swear that only traditional two strap bindings provide the best in feel & performance, and we agree!
After trying all the current offerings on the market, including the “rear-entry” bindings such as Flow’s or Fastecs, we found there was nothing that met our desire for a high performance binding with the speed and ease of a step-in.
As nobody was making the bindings we wanted we realised we would have to do it ourselves, and set out to design the ultimate high performance step-in binding. After several years of designs, revisions and prototypes the end result is the Strewth SLS.
How Does It Work
The Strewth SLS provides step-in functionality in a traditional two strap binding by using your body weight to automatcally close and lock the binding.
As you place your boot in the binding and press down on the footbed, the ankle strap is automatically tightened, the Hi-Back returns to the closed position, and the binding is automatically locked.
All this happens in an instant allowing you to ride straight from the lift without stopping & often without even looking down.
The straps return to your preset tension every time. Set your straps once at the start of the day and don't touch them again.
Due to the leverage created in the system, only a small amount of pressure is required on the baseplate to close and lock the binding, even with the tightest strap settings. This is especially useful in powder, and ensures easy entry anywhere on the mountain.
Exit is via a simple flick of the release lever.
Strewth Advantages
The ability to step into your bindings and ride away without bending down to tighten straps is the most obvious advantage of the Strewth SLS. This means more time riding, more powder, and no more sitting down to strap in.
Riders of other speed entry systems, such as Flow, GNU/Fastech, or K2 Cinch will know that while these bindings offer some convenience when on flat hard packed snow, they can be extremely difficult to enter on steep slopes and deep snow. This is due to the clearance required for the opening hiback and the cable locking mechanism attached to the hiback. On steep slopes and deep snow these bindings become far more difficult to enter than traditional strap bindings, therefore losing the benefit of the speed entry system.
With the Strewth SLS we have removed the limitations of the existing "speed entry" systems, meaning you can step-in effortlessly anywhere on the mountain, even on the steepest slopes and deepest snow.
The Strewth SLS is the only binding providing a truly automatic "hands free" step-in entry system !
"A game changer in snowboard binding technology!"
Reliability and Quality
Reliability and quality has been a key focus for us from day one.
Although it sounds complicated, the design has been kept simple with a minimum number of moving parts. We have also removed the majority of nuts and screws found in other bindings. Losing a screw has been the ruin of many a great day on the hill, and the best warranty in the world won't save you when you're stuck on top of a mountain. We use permanent fasteners to ensure you are not let down when it matters most.
Our bases are made of the highest grade glass infused nylons for maximum strength and minimum weight.
Our heel-cups are made only from the strongest aircraft grade aluminum. No crappy plastic heel-cups here!
To ensure the best reliability and quality, we have been working closely with some of the best snowboard designers in the business and have partnered with one of the largest binding factories (who currently make bindings for many of the biggest brands) to ensure Strewth bindings are manufactured to the highest possible standards.
We are 100% committed to building our bindings to perform day in day out, season after season!
Where we're at now, and why we need your help.
We have built and tested our functional prototypes (seen in the video) and are now ready to move into the production design phase. This next phase involves working with the factories to make the final design modifications, and to build the molds and tools required to manufacture the bindings. The outcome of this phase will be the first production run of Strewth bindings for our Indiegogo backers.
Your contributions will help fund:
- Production tooling
- Production prototyping and testing
- Initial Production Run
The cost of making the tools and molds needed for production is high, and our goal for this campaign is to help cover these costs, and to meet the minimum order numbers required for our first production run of Strewth bindings.
Your contributions will help us fund these costs and get Strewth bindings into production and onto the mountains.
In reward for your help you will be among the first to be riding Strewth bindings, a whole year before everyone else! Be first to every powder stash next season, while everyone else is still strapping in!
What is the time table to production?
- Prototype CAD updates & testing - January 2013
- Factory Tool & Mould Making - February/March 2013
- Production Samples - April / May 2013
- Final On Snow Testing - June / July 2013
- Manufacturing and Shipping - August / September 2013
- First Orders Delivered - October 2013
![Project Timeline Project Timeline]()
Our first run bindings will be shipping in October and be on your doorstep ready and waiting for winter 2013.
In return for your support we are offering some great rewards.
We have great rewards like stickers, t-shirts, and hoodies. But the best reward is getting your own bindings. We've got an early bird special for our first 250 domestic and international backers of $185. These will also be the first bindings to ship, from our pre-production run.
If you miss out on the early bird offer you can still get your own set of bindings for only $195. These will be on your doorstep in October, ready for opening day of next season.
The retail price for these bindings will be $295, so you're saving at least $100.
As a backer you will be riding these bindings a year before they are available in stores.
Every backer will become part of the development team. We'll be asking for your feedback on everything from form & function, to simple aesthetics. You will be part of shaping the bindings of the future.
You will get to come along on the development process with us via regular updates and see how a product like this is brought to market.
Get a back stage pass as we tour the factories, test production parts and trial final prototypes on the mountain
Price Comparison
For reference, below are the recommended retail prices for some of the more popular "speed entry" bindings on the market today;
Flow NX2 GT $369.99
Flow NX2 RS $349.99
Flow NX2 AT $299.99
K2 Cinch CTX $299.95
GNU (Fastech) Agro $309.95
GNU (Fastech) Mutant $289.95
As you can see, at $185 or $195 for our Indiegogo backers we are offering huge savings on the cost of comparitive bindings.
Pledge now, and have the best bindings on mountain next season, at a rediculously cheap price!
About Us
Strewth Snowboards is a startup company based in Sydney Australia, purely focused on the advancement of snowboarding through innovative and high performance product design.
Our initial product, the Strewth SLS binding, is in response to all those riders looking for a better binding system. When we started out snowboarding in the mid 90's, step-in bindings were just starting to explode onto the market, and having ridden step-ins for several years, especially the Switch X system, it was clear these held great potential, but more development was needed.
Ultimately cost, compatability issues, weight, and problems with performance caused the demise of step-in bindings, and as the major snowboard companies chose to focus on traditional two strap bindings all step-in lines were eventually discontinued.
This began the search for a better binding and endless nights creating rough prototypes out of old binding parts, creating and discarding concepts, until finally perfecting what is now the Strewth SLS system.
With a solid concept ready for further development we searched out some of the best industrial designers and snowboard designers to help turn the idea into the Strewth SLS prototype you see today.
Ultimately the Strewth SLS is the result of one riders obsession over almost 10 years and the skill and generosity of several talented designers and snowboarders who have helped out along the way.
Help Spread the Word...
Let's use the power of social media to help get the word out. If you want to see these bindings in stores in the future, you have the power to make it happen now.
We need you to help us raise awareness and support by tweeting, blogging, Facebook posting, post in your favourite snowboard forums, email everyone in your contact list to help spread the word.
Just include this link:
We're calling on all our fellow snowboarders who want to ride these bindings and have them in stores in the future to join together with us and make this a success. You can be part of launching a new brand and a new binding technology.
Use the share tools (at the top of the page under the main video) to help promote awareness of the project.
Posting the campaign link on your Facebook page is probably the easiest and best way to get the word out.
Comps and Prizes
For some extra incentive we're running a couple of competitions with some extra rewards for the most active supporters;
1) The person who generates the most referrals for this campaign will win one free set of bindings. (make sure to use the share tools on this page)
2) The person to generate the most awareness in thier favourite snowboard forums or Facebook will also win one free set of bindings (Send us a link to your post, so we can track your progress)
International Shipping
Shipping within USA and Australia is free for all perk levels.
International backers please choose the International Backer perks, which include the $40 international shipping cost.
International backers will be responsible for applicable tariffs and customs fees. Please check with your local customs office for likely charges.
Payment Options
PayPal is our preferred option for payment. You can use your credit card via PayPal even if you don't have a PayPal account. We prefer Paypal due to the extra tracking and easy administration available.
If PayPal is not available to you, there is also an option to pay directly via credit card.
International Patent Pending
The Strewth binding is currently Patent Pending. Provisional Patent Application number 2012905391.
Below are some frequently asked questions. Feel free to contact us with any more questions you have and we will add them to the list below.
Can I use standard snowboard boots with Strewth bindings?
Yes. Strewth Bindings are just like any standard two-strap binding when
riding. You can use any standard snowboard boot with your Strewth
Are the bindings heavy?
No. The bindings are made from the same materials as most high-end
snowboard bindings, ie; Glass infused nylons, and aircraft grade
aluminium. Plus we have cored out our baseplates to remove any excess
material. Strewth bindings are equivalent in weight to the lighter
bindings on the market today.
Are the bindings affected by snow clogging or jamming?
No. Addressing the issue of snow clogging has been a core driver in the
design from day one. We have insured there is no part of the binding
affected by snow clogging. An amount of snow will always enter any
binding, and we have allowed for this to ensure the binding is
not affected by snow entering the binding.
Can I use the straps like a standard binding?
Yes. The binding has standard straps and ratchets. If you want to, you can use
the straps and ratchets just like a normal binding, however we doubt you will ever want to.
I like my straps really tight. Will I need to use more force to enter or exit
the bindings if I have my straps set super tight?
No. This is one of the key features of the system. Due to the leverage
created in the strap system, no matter how tight your straps are set
you will only need minimal pressure on the baseplate to lock the binding.
This is especially useful in powder!
How does the performance & flex compare to other bindings on the market.
The binding performance is equal to any top-end binding available. The
flex for this model is a stiffer flex, aimed more towards all mountain
Where and when can I get a pair?
At the moment, this IndieGoGo campaign is the only place you can get them,
and only up until February 28th. After that the bindings will be in stores for the 2014-15 season. Put your pledge in now and don't miss out!
![Strewth Logo Strewth Logo]()
What is is a fund raising platform for creative projects. Every day people with new ideas and products are creating campaigns and raising the funds needed to make thier dreams a reality.
This new type of funding is often referred to as "crowdfunding". There are several websites such as Indiegogo, Kickstarter, and Rockethub dedictaed to crowdfunding new and exciting projects.
The traditional methods of funding startup projects are loans provided by banks, or venture capitalists making large investments. These types of funding are simply not viable for many smaller projects and therefore crowdfunding is making these projects possible.
Thousands of new projects and products have been launched via this innovative new fund raising movement. A browse through the Indiegogo or Kickstarter websites will show the types of successes so far.
Why do people back projects?
People contribute to projects for many reasons, but usually it’s because they want to be involved in what the project is doing or because they want the perks that are part of the campaign. Backing a project is more than just giving someone money, it's supporting their dream to create something that they want to see exist in the world.
When you pledge your support for a project you are not "buying a product" but providing your support to help the project creators achieve thier goals. The reward for your support is the Perk you have nominated when making your contribution.
A successful project is a win/win for everyone involved. A realised dream for the project creator, and a reward (Perk) for the backer and satisfaction of being part of creating something new. The most succesful projects are those where the creator and backers share a common passion or interest and both have a desire to see this new idea become reality.
The Strewth project is for everyone who shares a passion for snowboarding. If you were an old step-in user and have longed for thier return, or are just a rider who wants a better binding system, now is your chance to have an impact. We need your support to help make this project a success and to take this exciting new binding technology onto mountains worldwide! Thank you.