Night walk follows the story of a man in his late twenties who lives alone in a small, modern English city. After having returned from a family visit, he’s back to his mundane life, making it through work and having very limited social contact beyond small talk. All this changes when, walking home from work late at night, he stumbles across the body of a young woman by the canal. Shaken, he finds a disposable cell phone and a pendant close by. In the days following his ordeal by the canal, John is afflicted with paranoia and nightmares. John becomes curious, and after looking through the cell phone’s files, discovers that the victim was not as innocent as he once assumed. The next day John is met on a bridge by a mysterious man called David with whom he spoke on the phone the night before. During the hours that follow, John is taken deep into a world in which his deepest fears are realised...
Any amount of help will contribute to creating a film that our team below are already incredibly passionate about. We aim to create an experience that is tense, interesting and cinematic. By donating to Night Walk you'll be helping us to realise it's evident potential. Of course you can see how cost has been broken down below and that we are really only asking for funds for things we deem completely necessary to the production. You also have the chance to get your hands on some great perks. You can find out more about perks below and to the right.
Dark Glow Media is a production company in the East Midlands managed by Laurence Mason-Guetta. Laurence has created, directed, photographed and assisted in the making of dozens of different projects including short films, music videos, adverts, interviews and much more. At Dark Glow we feel that our next natural step is to move on to a project of bigger scale and scope, and we are looking for Night Walk to be that step. After a year of pre-production and writing by Laurence, Night Walk is finally close to being ready for production.
Over the last couple of months we've had more than 100 actor's audition applications; more than 1000 social media engagements; and an incredibly talented cast and crew have got on board. We only expect the scale of our exciting project to increase as we progress into production.
John | Luke Willis
John’s character seems to be ordinary at the start of the film, but when the dead body appears everything changes. After he is plagued by nightmares and constant paranoia, he becomes antisocial and finds it hard to talk to anyone even those closest to him.
Luke Willis is a talented actor, and is part of the prestigious Actors Workshop Nottingham. Actors from the Actors Workshop have gone on to be in shows like Holby City and The Bill. Luke gave us a fantastic audition by nailing the subtleties of John's character.
David | Joel Morris
David’s character is rather unfathomable to the audience. He has a friendly yet condescending tone throughout but as the story progresses we find out he is more of a threat then he seems. On the surface David also has a more likeable personality than John, being honest about his opinions, and having something of a sense of humour.
Joel Morris is another incredibly talented actor. He has been in shows such as Call the Midwife, Fortitude and Coronation Street. He has also played parts in adverts including the 2017 advert for Call of Duty WW2. Joel is an incredibly versatile actor and we expect him to nail the part of David.
Additional cast | Locations:
Our film includes many locations that all play off John's emotions. In this way we could treat the location as a character, as the tense nature of our film wouldn't be realised without carefully chosen locations. We also have dozens of actors ready to bring these locations to life, whether as an extra or in a small role that engages with John's character in brief exchanges.
Director | Laurence Mason-Guetta
Cinematographer | Nick Lee-Shield
DOP Nick Lee-Shield has worked on a wide range of music videos, shorts and promos. Check out his fantastic Showreel below.
Production and creative team | Laurence Mason-Guetta, Aidan Bates & Connor Bolton
1st and 2nd AD Aidan Bates and Connor Bolton will make sure there is a concise schedule in place for each shooting day. They will also assist Laurence in executing his vision to the highest standard. Connor and Aidan have already acted as casting assistants, location scouts and assistant writers to Laurence. Under different production companies Connor and Aidan have made music videos,short films and thought provoking documentaries to an incredibly high standard.
Behind the scenes | Kirsty Allsop & Dan Barker
Kirsty Allsop and Dan Barker will be working to get high quality stills and video on set to keep you updated with production. We aim to create a short behind the scenes video from all the footage and daily behind the scenes posts on our social media with all the stills.
Ideally we would need a total of £3200. We have set a flexible goal just in case we have to cover the difference some other way. Not a single penny would go to Dark Glow or Laurence Mason-Guetta, instead 100% of our goal will go to the film and those that helped to create it. Here is a breakdown:
Cast and Crew: We need to pay for many things in this aspect of production. The main thing of course is expenses for buses, trains, petrol, parking tickets etc. On the chance that we have some of this percentage left over we will give what's left to the cast and crew as a thank you for their hard work. So after carefully calculating how long we need everyone and where they are coming from we need £1120.
Equipment: Our DOP will be bringing in his own equipment for free and the camera body and accessories will be rented from a good friend of his. We will be filming on a Red cinema series camera. The estimated cost for the same camera package from the average rental house comes to almost £300 per day. However, we are being given a package that is just as substantial if not better for under £100 a day. We would also like to book a reliable monitor and tripod from a standard rental house. After figuring out the total number of shooting days, the total cost of equipment comes to £864.
Costume and design: Although costume might not seem elaborate on the surface, Night Walk does have many extras in various forms of uniform. A police officer appears in a scene, another scene has office workers that will have to dress accordingly for their scenes etc. As well as this we have a very small number of props including some fake weaponry that we will have to buy or borrow. Although we believe we'll be able to get most props and costume from by just asking around, there are some props and costumes that will be hard to come by and probably will require some research to get on the cheaper side. So we are asking for £352 or roughly 10-11%% of our funds to go to this.
Locations: Night Walk has 9 distinct locations, 5 of which are interiors. Naturally we will have to pay to use most of these interior locations. These locations include an office space, a cellar, a train station, a flat/apartment and a pub. After figuring out pricing with the owners of these locations, we will be asking for £416 in total, which is 13% of the funding.
Catering: You've probably already guessed that Night Walk will be shot at Night in a lot of scenes. In fact due to our shooting month we will be staying up until very late hours for some shoots. On any shoot, let alone at times like these, our cast and crew need a good amount of nutrients to stay awake and active throughout the night. We're not saying food and drink will eliminate this feeling entirely, but we do believe a hungry and tired crew isn't often a happy crew. We would like to dedicate 8% of our money to catering, which comes to £256.
Distribution: After our film's release we would like to screen it to both professional and amateur filmmakers in the Midlands and the rest of the UK. We also want to give some of our donators a chance to watch our film ahead of anyone else, so please check our perks on the right for more details. However renting out a cinema screen and eventually submitting our film to festivals isn't free so we are asking for £192 (6%) to give us the opportunity to rent out a screen on a couple of occasions to showcase the film free of charge. Of course depending on the response we will then use our own money to submit the film to festivals both big and small.
We believe we should at least give you something in return for your generosity. Small donations will receive shout outs and basic film downloads. Donations greater than this will receive looks in to the creation of our film and physical items such as posters. If you want to see our film early with our cast and crew or even have an ultimate say in the elements present in our film you can donate £75 to become a super fan or even £500 to become a full executive producer. See our perks on the right for more.
We look forward to getting your support and making you a part of this exciting process.
If you have any questions please feel free to message me personally on laurencemasonguetta@gmail.com or any of our social medias.