Norma: Hermana del Valle
A heroine to immigrants at the South Texas-Mexico border, Sister Norma Pimentel is one of the greatest living humanitarians of the 21st century. Born to an immigrant family, she devotes her life to those seeking refuge in the United States. The film documents Sister Norma as she works through the “Remain in Mexico” policy during a global pandemic and a change in Presidential administrations, while facing constant opposition.
About the Filmmaker
I am Christina Ramirez, the director of the project. I was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. For years, I witnessed outside reporters and filmmakers come to The Valley to document the U.S./Mexico border. But never have these stories painted a true portrait of the border town I call home. I was determined to one day return to the Valley to tell an honest and accurate depiction.
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when Hollywood shut down, I knew that was my chance. I packed up, drove from L.A. to south Texas with my equipment, eager to begin shooting. I knew the story would find me.
Within a week in the Valley, I met powerhouse Sister Norma Pimentel and learned of her extraordinary work with immigrants at the border. Without a doubt, she was the story. I am honored that my directorial debut features my home, the Rio Grande Valley, and one of the most influential people in the world, Norma - Hermana del Valle (Sister of the Valley).
Why This Story?
For years, the U.S. immigration system has lacked any real, institutional change, regardless of presidential administration. The debate on human dignity is perpetual. Yet, desperate families continue the dangerous voyage, seeking refuge from harsh conditions in their countries. The U.S.-Mexico border has become a stage for media hysterics, and the Rio Grande Valley is at the center.
Norma: Hermana del Valle paints an intimate portrait of Sister Norma Pimentel, Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, as she navigates ever-changing immigration policies and hostile backlash, all-the-while being an anchor of hope and refuge for thousands of immigrants waiting to cross into the United States. Our film begins in 2020, during the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy and the COVID-19 pandemic. We follow Sister Norma through her steady mission as an immigration advocate and frequent visits to the refugee camp in Matamoros, Mexico. She is later appointed as a lead organizer and guide for families when President Biden temporarily lifts the “Remain in Mexico” policy. In what should have been the happiest of times, Sister Norma and her team are faced with controversies, conspiracies, and renewed disappointment as border policies come full circle.
The words “immigrant” and “border” are fraught with political connotations, that the mere mention of these words will invite debate and division. This film is centered on controversial topics, but I made the choice to focus on a woman who has devoted her life to her faith and fighting for those in dire need. Sister Norma is not afraid of a challenge, and neither am I. We aim to make noise in the spirit of the truth - it is our duty to challenge a narrative about our home and the preconceived notions of the border. Through Sister Norma’s story, we present a perspective of someone on the frontline day-after-day, giving real meaning to “Love thy Neighbor.” Through her words and actions, our hope is for viewers to allow Sister Norma into your heart and see for yourself, even in divisive times, we are all humans deserving of safety, dignity, and love.
How does your donation help?
As an independent production, we are a team of passionate filmmakers who believe in this project and have worked within our budget constraints - but now we want to bring Norma to the next level. The film is 100% shot and currently in the post-production phase. We are a few short months away from our goal of submitting to film festivals. In order to do this, we need your help in meeting our minimum goal of $37,500 to aid in post-production. If gifted with overwhelming support, we have set a flex goal for an additional $15,000 (total of $52,500) to further assist with the costs of attorney fees, PR fees, festival fees, and licensing music.
What else can I do?
SPREAD THE WORD! Help us take NORMA a step further by SHARING our campaign and telling others about our story. We cannot do this without you, our generous supporters. Post on social media, tell your friends and family, email - any way you can! Follow us on Instagram for updates @sisternormafilm
Be part of our team and help us get our movie finished!