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Norte Maar: 11 years and counting!

Fund another year of cross disciplinary programs that further artists and emerging art communities.

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Norte Maar: 11 years and counting!

Norte Maar: 11 years and counting!

Norte Maar: 11 years and counting!

Norte Maar: 11 years and counting!

Norte Maar: 11 years and counting!

Fund another year of cross disciplinary programs that further artists and emerging art communities.

Fund another year of cross disciplinary programs that further artists and emerging art communities.

Fund another year of cross disciplinary programs that further artists and emerging art communities.

Fund another year of cross disciplinary programs that further artists and emerging art communities.

Norte Maar
Norte Maar
Norte Maar
Norte Maar
5 Campaigns |
Brooklyn, United States
$12,522 USD by 122 backers
$12,184 USD by 116 backers on Dec 20, 2015
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects

Our goal is to raise $11,000! To celebrate 11 years and counting!

We have been thrilled to have you as part of our Norte Maar community! And we ask for your support for our 2016 Season!

You know Norte Maar for our relentless energy, creating and promoting new collaborations and alternative events in the arts. Over the course of 11 years, we have enjoyed meeting you, seeing you, and having you participate in so many of our exciting events.  We now look to you to help us continue to grow our friendships, collaborations and community as we look forward to the new year.

From the North Country and the Adirondacks to Brooklyn and Manhattan, we’ve promoted the work of hundreds of artists while pioneering undiscovered art communities and providing access to art experiences of all kinds.

We are grateful for your friendship and look forward to your support.

- Jason, Julia and the Norte Maar Board

What We Need & What You Get:

Our goal is to raise $11,000! To celebrate 11 years and counting!

This will help us cover day-to-day operating costs so that we can continue to provide the great programs you know and love: Beat Nite, CounterPointe, Dance at Socrates, The Jay Invitational of Clay, The Au Sable River Valley Studio Tour, Authors and Artists and our many pop-up art exhibitions, events and performances.

We have put together numerous perks based on Norte Maar events plus a little love from Jax the Dog. Highlights include:

> A postcard from Asheville by collage artist Connie Bostic
> A postcard from Brooklyn by painter Jessica Weiss
> A Handmade mug by one of our friends in the Adirondacks
> VIP Bus Pass to Beat Nite
> VIP Tickets to CounterPointe
> Brooklyn Brunch + Studio Tour
> Ski Weekend at our summer residence: The Jay House

The Impact:

In 2015, Norte Maar saw record-breaking participation. With our recent move to Cypress Hills in East New York, Norte Maar continues to situate itself on the cusp of an emerging new art scene while remaining a leader in the greater Brooklyn community and beyond.

Every contribution, great or small, will support our volunteer organization to continue our programs. Over the years, we’ve produced hundreds of individual artists and countless programs.  In 2015 alone we produced:

Visual Arts.

Literary Arts.

Performing Arts.

  • Our 4th Season of CounterPointe: new choreography by women for the pointe shoe presented in collaboration with Brooklyn Ballet.
  • The 3rd Season of Norte Maar’s Dance at Socrates presented in collaboration with Socrates Sculpture Park.

Community Events.

Risks & Challenges:

Critical to our growth and continuation, this year Norte Maar relocated to Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. This transition has been both exciting and challenging as we strive to build contacts and connections in our new neighborhood. Your support will ensure the future of the organization as we strengthen our contacts of the past and build new allies for the future.

> Read about our move to Cypress Hills

Other Ways You Can Help:

Norte Maar is an all volunteer organization and we’ve benefited so greatly from individuals like you that have shared your time and talents with us. Money isn’t the only thing we need in this campaign and we hope that if you are unable to contribute that you’ll help spread the word about our goals and mission through your social media channels. Indeigogo makes this easy so please use the sharing tools below and help us get the word out!

> Like / Follow Norte Maar on Facebook
> Like / Follow Norte Maar on Twitter

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Choose your Perk

Kisses from Jax

$15 USD
Eternal gratitude! Plus unlimited kisses from Jax the Norte Maar Dog!
6 claimed

Thank you mention!

$25 USD
Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
23 claimed

Norte Maar Trucker Hat

$50 USD
Norte Maar / Cypress Hills Trucker Hat // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
14 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Limited Edition Publication

$75 USD
A limited edition artist/poet collaborative publication by Norte Maar // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

Handcrafted Mug from the ADK

$100 USD
A handcrafted ceramic mug from one of our collaborating artists in the Adirondacks: Cheri Cross (Jay Craft Center), Sue Young (Youngs Studio & Gallery), Jackie Sabourin (Stoneledge Pottery) // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
3 out of 15 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

Postcard from Jessica Weiss

$100 USD
A Postcard from Brooklyn by painter Jessica Weiss // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
5 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Postcard from Connie Bostic

$100 USD
A Postcard from Asheville by collage artist Connie Bostic // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tickets to CounterPointe

$150 USD
2-VIP Tickets to Norte Maar’s CounterPointe Spring Performance (includes post performance reception with the choreographers) // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
4 out of 10 of claimed

Seat on the Beat Nite Bus Tour

$175 USD
2-VIP Tickets to Norte Maar’s Beat Nite Bus + Guided Tour of Brooklyn (Date TBA) // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
2 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Beat Nite Collector's Posters

$1,000 USD
1 Complete set of Norte Maar’s Beat Nite Posters (includes b&w set of all 13 artist designed posters) // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
1 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Ski Weekend at The Jay House

$1,200 USD
3 Day Ski Weekend at Norte Maar's Jay House in the Adirondacks. Includes lodging and 4 lift tickets that can be used at Whiteface, Gore or Belleayre by anyone, anytime during the 2015-16 season // Your name listed as a donor on the Norte Maar website
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed

Underwriter: Brooklyn Combine

$5,000 USD
Underwrite our next Brooklyn Combine Event which will again feature a mashup of painters, poets and performers in a durational site-specific performance. Your name will feature prominently (or anonymously) in all our event promotional materials including our event poster, program and website.
0 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

VIP Brunch and Studio Tour

$250 USD
4 out of 4 of claimed
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