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North & South: Connecting Youth & Culture.

Connecting Youth. Connecting Cultures. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Youth Creating a New Future.

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North & South: Connecting Youth & Culture.

North & South: Connecting Youth & Culture.

North & South: Connecting Youth & Culture.

North & South: Connecting Youth & Culture.

North & South: Connecting Youth & Culture.

Connecting Youth. Connecting Cultures. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Youth Creating a New Future.

Connecting Youth. Connecting Cultures. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Youth Creating a New Future.

Connecting Youth. Connecting Cultures. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Youth Creating a New Future.

Connecting Youth. Connecting Cultures. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Youth Creating a New Future.

Pytor Hodgson
Pytor Hodgson
Pytor Hodgson
Pytor Hodgson
1 Campaign |
Kingston, Canada
$1,399 USD $1,399 USD 30 backers
10% of $13,187 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

We are a group of youth in Kingston, Ontario and Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory from all different backgrounds, including First Nations and Métis youth. Our campaign is to raise money for youth from Yellowknife, Ndilo and Dettah, (part of the Yellowknives First Nation) and Inuvik in the Northwest Territories to come down to Kingston for a 'once in a lifetime opportunity'.  This is important to us as it allows us to travel with, learn from and share with youth from the north.  This experience will help give the youth the full experience of our history of our communities.   We will have already visited their communities (March 23 - 30), and together we are learning about different cultures, a more true history of Canada than we are sometimes told about and how to celebrate our differences - and similarities.  We want to honour the youth from the north and all they can share with us during National Youth Week while they will be in Kingston.  We hope not just Kingston, but Canada stands beside us all, from the north and south, as we role model what reconciliation can be like - and what a new future looks like when relationships are built.

What We Need & What You Get

Break it down for folks in more detail:

  • We need $19,400 in total - which seems like a lot - but it takes quite a bit to move, feed and share with almost fifty youth, allies and Elders.  
  • We need $4200 for buses, $7140 for meals, $3700 for activities and $4000 for
  • Check out the awesome Perks we have up for grabs - including photo books of the pictures of our activities up North in March and while the youth are in Eastern Ontario in May, social media shout outs, the chance to speak at our big National Youth Week Feast and everyone who gives will join our YOU MATTER WALL! 
  • We know not every campaign reaches it's goals - so we have parents, community members and ourselves taking on other fundraising challenges, such as a city-wide indoor garage sale, flower sales and other activities so we are all involved together in making this happen!
  • If we raise more than we need - it will first go to providing some more SWAG to the youth when they arrive and any additional will be donated to Kingston Community Health Centre Pathways to Education, one of the partners of this project.

The Impact

Your contribution will help a new generation create a new future between the relationships of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada. 

  • Between Three Things Consulting, KCHC Pathways to Education and many of the youth involved in this project we have been connecting cultures, building knowledge and new relationships amongst youth for many years.  Supported by local Indigenous Elders and the community at large this project is based on our experience, expertise and commitment to creating space for change to take place.
  • At the core of so many issues facing Indigenous people in Canada, racism is often the root of the story and sadly, a part of our history  By introducing non Indigenous youth to the teachings, culture and history of their Indigenous peers - we are helping create a new future - your support will help pave the way to new relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
  • The youth are excited and mobilized - the adult allies are standing alongside them, the Elders are guiding our path.  You and your support today will help light that path for us. 

Risks & Challenges

Relationships for anyone can be a challenge.  Some youth are shy, quiet, nervous and anxious about meeting new people, doing new things and trying something that scares them.  Heck, so are many adults.  This group has been meeting since December 2014 every two weeks to overcome these challenges.  Just this week (March 23rd) many of these young people overcame their fear of flying, got on a plane and are now connecting and making friends with the youth in Yellowknife.  Their preparation has done them well - as within an hour youth from all backgrounds were engaging, connecting and laughing.  

Other Ways You Can Help

We value any and all support we can get from the community and beyond! While we are working hard to spread the word about this upcoming adventure, we always welcome a share, a like or a tweet about our campaign to spread the word even further.

You can always:

Use the Indiegogo share tools that are available on the left hand side that allow you to share our campaign page over Facebook, Google + or Twitter and feel free to click follow so you can share in our journey!

We welcome you to also check us out on social media!

On Facebook:

North and South: Connecting Youth Cultures

On Twitter:

Pathways Kingston 

Three Things Consulting

Or give us a call at:

Pathways to Education Kingston 613-507-7107

Three Things Consulting 613-484-5721

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Join "You Matter" Wall

Currency Conversion $1 USD
$1 CAD
Every little bit helps! In addition to being part something awesome, your name will be posted up on our high traffic website of Three Things Consulting on our "You Matter" Wall (Anonymous donors will be listed as such).
0 claimed

Scenic Photography Print

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
This perk, in addition to being on our You Matter Wall, is a 5 by 7 inch Photography Print of primarily nature shots from Yellowknife including landscape, Northern Lights, festivals as well as locals and wildlife. Including photos of Kingston, Ontario in the summer weather.
8 claimed

Meals for a Day

Currency Conversion $24 USD
$35 CAD
This contribution helps feed the youth while in Kingston and in addition to being posted on the You Matter Wall webpage, you will receive a shout out on Twitter from @remember3things and at the end of the project a shout out on our Facebook page acknowledging that you provided a youth from the Northwest Territories and their local youth twin both with meals for one of the days.
1 claimed

The Week's Activities

Currency Conversion $45 USD
$65 CAD
This donation helps pay for the activities for 1 of the youth who will be participating during the time spent in Kingston. All earlier perks are included plus you will receive a photo of the youth from the north and south in action together in the activities to share our experience with you!
2 claimed

Photo Book

Currency Conversion $59 USD
$85 CAD
In addition to earlier perks, this photo book filled with pictures of our trip north and the youths' trip to Kingston from the north will also have a synopsis of the events taking place in the pictures. A picture tells a thousand words! Pictures in the photo book will include nature pictures along with pictures of our group in action.
0 claimed

Meals for a Week

Currency Conversion $87 USD
$125 CAD
This pays for the meals of one of the youth visiting Kingston for the entire week. . All earlier perks are included and you can choose between a photo book or a 8 X 10 print to thank you.
3 claimed

Be part of the excitement

Currency Conversion $173 USD
$250 CAD
Your contribution will mean almost 4 youth will have all of their activities covered throughout the week. In addition to the earlier perks, (You Matter Wall, Social Media Shout Out and your choice of a photo book or 8 X 10 print) if you would like, you can meet the youth at one of the activities taking place in Kingston area (travel costs not provided). (More information to follow)
1 claimed

Culture Matters

Currency Conversion $346 USD
$500 CAD
Your support will help ensure that we are able to recognize those who are contributing to the cultural activities and wellness of all participants while we introduce the youth via ceremonies and teachings to the path of reconciliation. All earlier perks are included as well as the opportunity to be a guest at one of the Kingston area events.
0 claimed

Welcome to Kingston

Currency Conversion $693 USD
$1,000 CAD
Help us welcome the youth from Yellowknife as they arrive on May 1st. Your support will ensure that the youth from the North know that Kingston is a caring, friendly and welcoming city! This perk includes all of the previous perks as well as an invitation to the National Youth Week Celebrations.
0 claimed

Movers & Shakers

Currency Conversion $1,732 USD
$2,500 CAD
Help us get youth to and from all the events that we have planned for them. Join us at our National Youth Week Celebration, be recognized and have the opportunity speak at the event to welcome the youth if you wish. You will be recognized in the final video as a Mover & Shaker who helped make this all happen.
0 claimed

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