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Northern Light Mission to Mars

Mars rocks! Northern Light is a mission to send a compact lander and micro-rover to Mars in 2018.

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Northern Light Mission to Mars

Northern Light Mission to Mars

Northern Light Mission to Mars

Northern Light Mission to Mars

Northern Light Mission to Mars

Mars rocks! Northern Light is a mission to send a compact lander and micro-rover to Mars in 2018.

Mars rocks! Northern Light is a mission to send a compact lander and micro-rover to Mars in 2018.

Mars rocks! Northern Light is a mission to send a compact lander and micro-rover to Mars in 2018.

Mars rocks! Northern Light is a mission to send a compact lander and micro-rover to Mars in 2018.

Caroline Roberts
Caroline Roberts
Caroline Roberts
Caroline Roberts
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$7,012 USD $7,012 USD 186 backers
0% of $770,372 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Click Here for the French version of our pitch text!

Northern Light - a Mission to Mars

Blazing a new path is full of challenges. For more than a decade a team from Canada has been preparing to change the way we explore Mars. Led by Dr. Ben Quine, a professor of space engineering at York University, and Canadian space company Thoth Technology, the team has been developing the Northern Light mission to explore Mars. 

Our plan is more than just wishful thinking.

Over the past few years, we've developed and tested the engineering models for the Northern Light mission. We have created and flown in space infrared instruments to explore the surface, subsurface and atmosphere of Mars.  And we have refurbished Canada's largest radio antenna at the Algonquin Radio Observatory (ARO) to serve as the Northern Light ground station. The 46 meter radio telescope at ARO is one of the largest fully steerable dishes in the world, In 2008, Thoth acquired and refurbished ARO to provide the crucial link to Northern Light on Mars.

The purpose of this campaign is to raise support for the development of the Northern Light flight hardware and operations. We want to be ready to piggyback a ride to Mars in April 2018. We're also going to make the Northern Light systems available commercially for others to use at the same low cost.

Northern Light Ground Station at the Algonquin Radio Observatory

The future is now!

Northern Light  will pave the way for future large-scale Mars exploration using low-cost, off-the-shelf technology. The technology includes a lander and a micro-rover, called Beaver, with an expected operational lifetime of 90 days on Mars.

The final flight hardware for Northern Light will be qualified for space flight at York University, Canada's third-largest university and home of the Lassonde School of Engineering. Lassonde's top-notch Space-Test Facility features a vibration-test bed to simulate rocket launch and a custom built thermal vacuum chamber that can test equipment from –140C to +140C under vacuum.

 Space-Test Facility, York University

Join us and dance on the Red Planet
We have come a long way here on Earth. Now we need you to help us take the leap into space! Please join us on this remarkable journey. With your support, we can be ready for launch and operations in  2018.
The progress of Northern Light shows what a small team of dedicated experts can achieve. Now let's show what a crowd of believers can do, when we share our passion about the limitless opportunities Mars exploration offers. And just for fun, we're asking everyone to create and share  their own Mars dance, which we'll send into space!

Ed Robertson: "Practice your dance moves and upload your dance at!"
The Northern Light Lander
In space, small is beautiful, and Northern Light is small. The complete entry, descent and landing system, lander, micro-rover and science payload have a combined mass of just 75 kg.

  Northern Light Lander and Robotic Arm

The lander will be equipped with an aeroshell heat shield for atmospheric braking, and a drogue parachute will slow descent to supersonic speeds. The main parachute is then deployed, and the aeroshell is jettisoned. When the lander makes contact with the surface of Mars, contact energy is dissipated laterally throughout our innovative airbag system, without the bouncing traditionally associated with airbag landings. A short time after arrival, the airbags separate, and the lander is deposited on the Martian surface. High torque hinges open the lander structure, automatically deploying solar arrays. Within minutes of landing, the system is operational. Thoth has conducted successful testing of our Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) system at ARO.

EDL Testing at ARO

Northern Light Payload

Northern Light will be equipped with HD and telephoto camera systems to capture amazing images of Mars for all to see.

Northern Light has a sophisticated instrument suite with space heritage to explore the Mars environment. Northern Light’s primary scientific instrument, the award- winning Argus® infrared spectrometer, is celebrating six years in space on-board the CanX-2 microsatellite, measuring greenhouse gases on Earth. We will deploy Argus on Mars to examine the Martian atmosphere, Argus can also classify rocks and minerals, and will be used with a grinding tool for surface and subsurface exploration. 

Left: Argus IR spectrometer in vibe test; Right: Aurora line-scan Camera

Northern Light's science payload also includes an Aurora® infrared line-scan camera, built on heritage Argus technology.  Optimized for exploration in extreme environments, Aurora will be mounted on the Beaver in order to assess surface geological conditions and to investigate surface boulders using the short wave infrared wavelength region.

Image of ARO taken with AURORA Line-scan Camera

And, of course,...

Beaver Rover

Good things come in small packages. With a mass of approximately 6 kg, the Beaver rover will be used for geological surface exploration. Beaver will operate under its own power and will have a range of 1 km. The rover will be equipped with a visible camera for maneuvering and surface exploration, as well as an Argus spectrometer for mineral classification. This is the little rover that could.

Beaver Rover

Landing Site Options
Support Northern Light and vote for the landing site! Make sure to include your email address or specify which landing site you vote for when you support us with a donation. We have narrowed it down to a choice of a three sites (below) taking landing terrain and orbit considerations into account:

(1) the hematite deposits at Aram Chaos at 2.6 N and 21.5 W (image credit: NASA)

2) a frozen lakebed at Kasei Valles; image centre is located at 29.8 N and 309 E (image credit: ESA)

3) the "Face" on Mars, Cydonia 40.74 N and 9.46 W. (image credit: NASA Viking)

Join the team and show your support!
When you support the mission you become a member of our team! Your donation earns you cool gear which you can wear with happiness.
$20 - Northern Light flyer

$35 - Mission Patch

$50 - T-shirt

$60 - Cap

$150 - Scarf and toque set

We are looking to break a lot of new ground with this mission, and with that come a whole lot of first times. Get excited and tell everyone to help make these milestones ones for the history books.
LOCKED : $2,000,000 - Rock Mars!
Mars is full of rocks. Let's make it the scene of a rocking good time! We will equip the lander with a speaker system and microphone to play the first sounds from Earth on the red planet! Playlist suggestions anyone?
LOCKED: $3,000,000  - It's all about the view...
We will equip Northern Light with HD cameras to capture the departure from Earth, cruise among the stars, arrival at Mars, and descent through the Martian atmosphere.
LOCKED: $4,000,000 - I'll take that as well...
Time for some rover upgrades! We will add ground penetrating radar and seismic sensors.

Français Mars rocks! Northern Light est une mission d'envoyer un atterrisseur compact et micro-rover sur Mars en 2018.

La création d'une nouvelle voie est pleine de défis. Depuis plus d'une décennie une équipe du Canada se prépare à changer la façon dont nous explorons Mars. Dirigé par le Dr Ben Quine, professeur d'ingénierie spatiale à l'Université York, et de la société canadienne de l'espace Thoth Technology, l'équipe a mis au point la mission Northern Light pour explorer Mars.

Notre plan est plus que des vœux pieux.

Au cours des dernières années, nous avons développé et testé les modèles d'ingénierie pour la mission Northern Light. Nous avons créé et envoyé  dans l'espace des instruments infrarouges pour explorer la surface, le sous-sol et l'atmosphère de Mars. Et nous avons rénové l'antenne de la radio la plus grande du Canada à l'Observatoire Radioastronomique d’Algonquin (ORA) pour servir de station au sol Northern Light. Le radiotélescope de 46 mètres à ORA est un des plus grands plats entièrement orientable dans le monde, en 2008, Thoth a acquis et rénové ORA pour établir le lien essentiel pour Northern Light sur Mars.

Le but de cette campagne est d'obtenir un soutien pour le développement de matériel de vol Northern Light et ses opérations. Nous voulons être prêts à greffer un tour de Mars en Avril 2018. Nous allons aussi rendre disponsible dans le marché les systèmes de Northern Light, universellement pour  le même faible coût.

L'antenne de la radio la plus grande du Canada à l'Observatoire Radioastronomique d’Algonquin (ORA)

L'avenir c'est maintenant!

Northern Light ouvrira la voie pour l'avenir à grande échelle l’exploration de Mars en utilisant la technologie à faible coût et prouvé. La technologie comprend un atterrisseur et un micro-robot, appelé Beaver, avec une durée de vie opérationnelle prévue de 90 jours sur Mars.

Le matériel de vol finale de Northern Light sera qualifié pour le vol spatial à l'Université York, la troisième plus grande université au Canada et la maison de l'École de génie Lassonde. Le facilité espace-test de Lassonde dispose d'un lit de vibrations pour simuler lancement de la fusée et une chambre à vide thermique sur mesure qui permet de tester l'équipement de -140 C à +140 ° C sous vide.

Le facilité espace-test de Lassonde

Rejoignez-nous et danser sur la planète rouge!

Nous avons parcouru un long chemin ici sur la Terre. Maintenant, nous avons besoin de votre aide à faire le saut dans l'espace! Si vous plait, joindre à nous dans ce voyage remarquable! Avec votre soutien, nous pouvons être prêt pour le lancement et l'exploitation en 2018.

Le progrès de la Northern Light montre ce qu’une petite équipe d'experts dédiés peut atteindre. Maintenant, nous allons montrer ce que la foule des croyants peut faire, quand nous partageons notre passion sur les possibilités illimitées d’exploration sur Mars. Et juste pour le plaisir, nous demandons à chacun de créer et de partager leur propre «danse de Mars», que nous envoyerons dans l'espace!

Ed Robertson: "Dansons!"

Northern Light Lander

Dans l'espace, ce qui est petit est beau, et Northern Light est petit. L'entrée, la descente et l'atterrissage système, l’atterrisseur, le micro-rover et le charge-utile scientifique complètent une masse combinée de seulement 75 kg.

Northern Light Lander

L'atterrisseur sera équipé d'un bouclier thermique aeroshell pour le freinage atmosphérique, et un parachute stabilisateur va ralentir la descente à des vitesses supersoniques. Le parachute principal est ensuite déployé, et la aeroshell est larguée. Lorsque l'atterrisseur est en contact avec la surface de Mars, l'énergie est dissipée de contact latéralement à travers notre système d'airbag innovante, sans le rebond traditionnellement associée avec des débarquements de l'airbag. Peu de temps après leur arrivée, les airbags séparer, et l'atterrisseur est déposée sur la surface martienne. Couple élevé charnières ouvrir la structure de l'atterrisseur, le déploiement automatique de panneaux solaires. En quelques minutes de l'atterrissage, le système est opérationnel. Thoth a mené des essais concluants de notre entrée, de descente et d'atterrissage système (EDA) à ORA.


Charge utile Northern Light

Northern Light sera équipé de systèmes HD et des caméras téléobjectifs pour capturer des images étonnantes de Mars pour tout voir.

Northern Light dispose d'une suite d'instruments sophistiqués au patrimoine de l'espace pour explorer l'environnement de Mars. Instrument scientifique principal de Northern Light , l’ARGUS® spectromètre infrarouge , célèbre six ans dans l'espace à bord de la CanX - 2 microsatellites , en mesurant l'effet de gaz à effet de serre (GES) sur la Terre . Nous allons déployer Argus sur Mars pour étudier l'atmosphère martienne , Argus pouvons également classer les roches et les minéraux , et sera utilisé avec un outil de meulage pour l'exploration des surfaces et souterraines .

Argus spectromètre infrarouge et Aurora

Le Rover Beaver

Les bonnes choses viennent en petits paquets. Avec une masse d'environ 6 kg, le rover Beaver sera utilisé pour l'exploration géologique des surfaces. Beaver fonctionnera sous son propre pouvoir et aura une gamme de 1 km. Le rover sera équipé d'une caméra visible pour le manœuvre et l'exploration des surfaces, ainsi que d'un spectromètre Argus pour la classification des minéraux. C’est le petit rover qui peut tout faire!

Le Rover Beaver

Options du site d’atterissage!

Soutenez Northern Light et votez pour le site d'atterrissage! Assurez-vous d'inclure votre courriel ou specifiez pour quel site vous votez lorsque vous faites votre don. Nous avons rétréci les choix à trois sites ci-dessous en tenant le terrain d’atterrissage et les considérations de l'orbite en compte:

(1) les dépôts d'hématite à Aram Chaos, 2.6 N and 21.5 O (NASA)

 (2) le lac gelé au Kasei Valles; centre 29.8 N and 309 E (ESA)

(3) le «visage» sur Mars , Cydonia, 40.74 N and 9.46 O (NASA)

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Hats off to you!

Currency Conversion $42 USD
$60 CAD
You believe in this and are ready to tell the world! Get you own Northern Light Cap. The Northern Light logo was designed by Brian Morgan, Art Director at the Walrus Magazine. Includes shipping.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
11 claimed


Currency Conversion $1 USD
$2 CAD
Every Toonie counts! Support Northern Light and vote for the landing site. Please include your choice with donation or provide a contact email to be polled on your landing site choice.
31 claimed

Mars Archive 10

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Backup your data on another planet! This perk entitles you to store 10Mbytes of digital data on our lander's solid state hard drives. Send family photos, literature and important correspondence for archive on Mars. Simply respond to our donation confirmation to email your digital data for archive.
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
18 claimed

I'm with them.

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
You are part of the Northern Light team, and now you have a cool Northern Light frisbee flyer to prove it! A perfect stocking stuffer who kids who love science and space!
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
31 claimed

Mission Patch

Currency Conversion $25 USD
$35 CAD
No collection of mission patches is complete without the Northern Light Mission patch! This embroidered twill patch features the Northern Light logo designed by Brian Morgan, Art Director at the Walrus Magazine. Includes shipping.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
12 claimed

Count Me In!

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
You believe in this and are ready to tell the world! Get you own Northern Light T-shirt available in S, M,L XL. The Northern Light logo was designed by Brian Morgan, Art Director at the Walrus Magazine. Includes shipping--Please specify a size with your name.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
36 claimed

Mars Archive 100

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
Backup your data on another planet! This perk entitles you to store 100Mbytes of digital data on our lander's solid state hard drives. Send family photos, literature and important correspondence for archive on Mars. Simply respond to our donation confirmation and receive details on how to upload your digital data to our archive.
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
2 claimed

Mars is cold...

Currency Conversion $105 USD
$150 CAD
But you don't have to be! Show you care and keep warm with this cozy Northern Light scarf and toque set. (Includes shipping.)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
8 claimed

Mars Graffiti

Currency Conversion $350 USD
$500 CAD
Your name will be laser engraved into the lander panel components during panel fabrication. Look up at Mars an know your name is up there.
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
5 out of 500 of claimed

Mars Archive 1000

Currency Conversion $700 USD
$1,000 CAD
Backup your data on another planet! This perk entitles you to store 1Gbyte of digital data on our lander's solid state hard drives. Send all your critical data for archive on Mars. Simply respond to our donation confirmation and receive details on how to upload your digital data to our archive. You will also receive a Northern Light mission scarf and hat set by mail.
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 claimed

Where it all happens

Currency Conversion $1,051 USD
$1,500 CAD
The mission will operate from the Algonquin Radio Observatory. You will get all-inclusive weekend accommodations for two and a private, behind-the-scenes tour of Canada's largest radio telescope in the tranquility of the Great White North at Algonquin Park (travel to and from the Observatory is not included).
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 24 of claimed

Name a rock on Mars

Currency Conversion $3,502 USD
$5,000 CAD
We will be naming the rocks we come across as we explore the landing site and Martian surface. Donate early to get prime regolith named after you!
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 250 of claimed

Landing Party

Currency Conversion $7,003 USD
$10,000 CAD
Be there when history is made! You get 3-day accommodations for two at the ARO in beautiful Algonquin Park. Be with the team during the momentous moments of landing. Take a seat right next to where it will all happen.
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 out of 8 of claimed

A whole new world!

Currency Conversion $17,508 USD
$25,000 CAD
Your logo on the lander! The Northern Light lander is the race car of space exploration. We have limited placements where we can include sponsors' logos displayed prominently on the lander. Your logo will be showcased on our lander and the surface of Mars at the dawn of commercial space exploration.
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
0 out of 200 of claimed

Planet Express Shipping

Currency Conversion $70,034 USD
$100,000 CAD
Got something you want on Mars? We'll include your object in the Northern Light ARKive (maximum mass of 1 gram per object and subject to volume restrictions and planetary protection requirements). All objects will be baked under vacuum during our decontamination process to prevent planetary contamination.
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Lander Naming Rights

Currency Conversion $700,338 USD
$1,000,000 CAD
Name the Lander. As we make exploration history, your name will be attached to the lander and prominently displayed in all promotional material as one of the first pioneers of Martian and planetary exploration history.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
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