Let's be honest, are you happy with your NUTCRACKER ?
If you like hazelnuts, walnuts or more generally nuts, you know that there are many different nutcrackers on the market. However, none are perfect:
- Some are not effective because they require a lot of strength which poses big problems for those with low strength or arthritis.
- Some are very bulky and complicated to store.
- Some are too fragile and don't last long.
- Some require too much time to crack the nuts which can be long when you have hundreds of nuts to crack.
- Some can't crack all sizes of nuts.
- Worse, some are very dangerous for the fingers with a risk of trapping the fingers or breaking a nail.
- Others are also very expensive, ugly or don't work at all.
- The vast majority are also very boring to use.
- Some are also too slow to crack nuts.
- Finally, the majority are made with many components which makes them complicated to recycle.
That's why NUTSMASHER was invented, to change all that, to be the first silicone nutcracker fun, easy to use, fast and efficient.
HELP US to change that!
The NutSmasher is the latest generation nutcracker, the first in silicone.
It was invented to crack nuts and hazelnuts easily, quickly, safely and in a fun way. It is easy to live with because it is very practical. It is space-saving, easy to clean and easy to store. It is very flat and therefore takes up little space in the drawers. It is ecological because it is durable, 100% recyclable and light for transport.
Cracking nuts has never been so much fun with Nutsmasher ;)
The NutSmasher was born because we love nuts and found that no nutcracker was right for us, all had major flaws and weren't fun. We wanted to make a new kind of nutcracker, efficient, easy to use, fast, secure and fun. This is how and why NutSmasher was born.
The NutSmasher is able to crack most nuts including these:
Which are your favorite nuts? Feel free to express yourself in the comments.
As you know, eating a minimum of nuts per day is good for your health because nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. In addition, the nut contains a lot of lean proteins which help in the maintenance of the immune system.
However, many of us don't eat enough nuts because it's very tedious to crack and we don't know how many to eat per day. This will change with the Nutsmasher because cracking nuts becomes very fun and fast. In order, it can also contain the minimum number of nuts to eat per day.
If you think about eating this amount of nuts per day, it can only be good for your health if these are recommended to you.
As it is very flat and has a hole, it is very easy to store it in a kitchen drawer or hang it on a hook.
It washes easily in a dishwasher or by hand.
Mass production is now complete :
Stocks of NutSmashers received in our company :
Tracking number including ;)
Dozens of prototypes with different sizes have been made to find enough power to break shells without damaging the fruit.
ZUNIK was created by French designer Yannick HESCH. This brand was created to invent and create new simple products to simplify our daily lives. Our team intends to propose many other fun and practical objects in the future. ZUNIK works primarily for the development of innovative everyday objects for the kitchen and home. We want our products to be both lovely and creative.
(FR) ZUNIK a été créé par le designer français Yannick HESCH. Cette marque a été créée pour inventer et créer de nouveaux produits simples afin de simplifier notre quotidien. Notre équipe a l'intention de proposer de nombreux autres objets amusants et pratiques dans le futur. ZUNIK travaille principalement au développement d’objets quotidiens innovants pour la cuisine et la maison. Nous voulons que nos produits soient à la fois beaux et créatifs.
Yannick HESCH was born in France. He studied at the European Design Institute of France and obtained a Master of Industrial Design at the University of Salford in England. He has worked for more than 15 years as an industrial designer and graphic designer. He works between Lyon and Paris and has already advised more than 300 companies. He is passionate about everyday objects because he thinks that one lives better when one is surrounded by beautiful and good objects. He loves cooking and that why he has invented the ORIBOARD, the MEOMITT, the SCRUBBIO and of course the NUTSMASHER ;) He has already won many awards for his work, including 4 medals at the Lépine International Competition.
(FR) Yannick HESCH est né en France. Il a étudié à l'Institut Européen du Design de France et à obtenu un Master de design industriel à l'Université de Salford en Angleterre. Il travaille depuis plus de 15 ans comme designer industriel et graphiste. Il travaille entre Lyon et Paris et a déjà conseillé plus de 300 entreprises. Il est passionné par les objets du quotidien car il pense que l'on vit mieux quand on est entouré de beaux et bons objets. Il adore cuisiné et c'est pour cela qu'il a inventé l'ORIBOARD, MEOMITT, SCRUBBIO et bien sur NUTSMASHER ;) Il a obtenu de nombreux prix dont 1 médaille d'argent et 3 Médailles de bronze du Concours Lépine et le Prix Lumières de la Société Lyonnaise des Inventeurs et des Artistes Industriels (SLIAI).