Old Mother Frost
Old Mother Frost is a children's Yuletide story based on tales of an ancient Norse goddess said to be older than Odin himself! She is older than the oldest Christmas story; and her role is to make sure children are happy, healthy and festive during the coldest and darkest time of year (the 12 days of Yule).
As a Canadian-born unto a Swedish heritage, my childhood was full of exciting tales and traditions from my Mom’s country. I grew up with different celebrations and holidays that were married into the western customs. For Christmas, I celebrated Yule for nearly an entire month, baked traditional Swedish treats, and took part in a couple Santa Lucia concerts; and I also had Christmas and Santa.
When I grew up I married a Canadian man from a German heritage, and together we had our Canadian-born son who we wish to raise with Swedish and German traditions.
Living in Canada, I found it difficult to find English books on tales we grew up with; and I wanted my son to know origins of Canadian traditions can be traced back to the areas his ancestors originated.
I decided to take matters into my own hands, and I began researching and writing my first children’s book, Old Mother Frost - a Yuletide story based on tales of a deity said to have inspired the stories of Santa Claus (I leave all mention of Christmas and Santa out of the story).
If you pre-order from Indiegogo, you will get your book before it is available anywhere else.
This will also insure you get your book before Yuletide starts!
If this pre-launch is successful, the funding will go toward the cost of creating a second book in the Pagan Kids series; then a third; and then a fourth.
Hopefully this means you will have the opportunity to get an Ostara book by next spring.
What We Need & What You Get
At this point contributions of the purchase of a perk will go directly to your advanced copy of Old Mother Frost, packaging and shipping. This means you will get your copy of Old Mother Frost before anyone sees it anywhere else!
Pledging over $15 + shipping will go to support the cost of a second book. Each book requires an investment of $2500 to licence, illustrate, edit, format and publish; however, if you hope to get two books message me directly and I will make sure you save a bit on shipping costs.
Risks & Challenges
There are essentially no risks at this point in the project.
Old Mother Frost 90% ready. The manuscript, editing, illustrations and licences are complete.
I am currently working with a formatter to get the book ready for print.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you would like to support my book please help me get the word out and make some noise about my campaign. The pagan community is small but mighty, and we need to get more of these books out and into the hands of the world
Indiegogo has some great sharing tools to help with this process!