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Once Upon a Mattress - PPTC Spring 2015

Help support the Patriot Player Theater Company's spring production, "Once Upon a Mattress".

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Once Upon a Mattress - PPTC Spring 2015

Once Upon a Mattress - PPTC Spring 2015

Once Upon a Mattress - PPTC Spring 2015

Once Upon a Mattress - PPTC Spring 2015

Once Upon a Mattress - PPTC Spring 2015

Help support the Patriot Player Theater Company's spring production, "Once Upon a Mattress".

Help support the Patriot Player Theater Company's spring production, "Once Upon a Mattress".

Help support the Patriot Player Theater Company's spring production, "Once Upon a Mattress".

Help support the Patriot Player Theater Company's spring production, "Once Upon a Mattress".

John Appel
John Appel
John Appel
John Appel
2 Campaigns |
Millersville, United States
$1,188 USD 22 backers
59% of $2,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

The Who, What, and Why

We're the Old Mill High School Drama Patrons, supporting the Patriot Player Theater Company (PPTC), the student drama troupe at OMHS. PPTC has a 40-year history of terrific musicals, and we need your assistance to help make their spring musical, "Once Upon A Mattress", the best show it can be. 

How Your Contribution Helps

We're supporting an incredibly talented group of young people who deliver amazing performances on a shoestring budget. Our goal is to raise $2000 to cover some of the up-front expenses such as script fees, set construction materials, costumes, and the other necessities of putting on a high-quality theatrical production. 

Every dollar we raise will go towards the production or to fulfilling the contributor perks - which we've deliberately kept inexpensive to maximize the dollars that will go to support the kids.

Even if we don't reach our goal, every dollar we raise will help us better support this wonderful cast and crew.

What do I get if I contribute?

While the goal is to maximize the funding for the show, we do want to recognize and thank our contributors. Contributor "perks" range from a ticket to the performance of your choice at $25 to your name hidden on the set as an "Easter Egg" to limited-run backer T-shirts. See the perk levels for more details.

When is all this happening?

The crowdfunding campaign here on Indiegogo will run from January 28th through February 27th, and the money will be put to work right away. There will be six performances over two weekends:
  • Friday, April 10th, 7 PM
  • Saturday, April 11th, 7 PM
  • Sunday, April 12th, 2 PM
  • Friday, April 17th, 7 PM
  • Saturday, April 18th, 2 PM and 7 PM

What happens if we raise more than $2000?

We don't have any specific "stretch goals" for this campaign, but every dollar raised will go directly to making the show even better - like renting additional lighting, or to create special effects.

How can I pay?

Through the Indiegogo campaign, you can contribute either by credit/debit card, or via PayPal. To contribute directly, please contact us through the site and we will direct you appropriately.

But what if I can't contribute money?

There's still ways you can help! Spread the word by sharing our campaign in Facebook or other social media, or e-mail, or whatever way you can! 

I'd like to help, but would rather contribute directly and not through Indiegogo.

Thank you! If you'd like to make a direct contribution, please contact us through the site and we'll direct you appropriately.

Risks & Challenges

The show is already cast and the rights secured. The Patriot Players have a 40-year history of putting on their productions despite a variety of setbacks, and they truly exemplify the old saying, "The show must go on." Barring something truly disastrous or bizarre, the production will go forward!
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Our Thanks!

$5 USD
Thank you for helping make "Once Upon a Mattress" the best show it can be.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 claimed

PPTC Star Candy Bar!

$10 USD
For a $10, you'll receive a voucher (which can be picked up at a performance) for one of our "PPTC Star" candy bars at one of our performances. Each label features one of our fabulous cast or crew, and you get your choice!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 claimed

A Programmed Thank You!

$20 USD
At this level, you will receive both a voucher for your choice of "PPTC Star" bars, and your name will featured in the show program.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 claimed

A Ticket!

$25 USD
It's not a Golden Ticket, but at $25, in addition to the earlier perks, you receive one free ticket to a performance of your choice.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
3 claimed

Two Tickets!

$50 USD
Nothing fancy here - but everything from the $10 and $20 levels and two tickets to the performance of your choosing.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 claimed

Your Name On The Set!

$100 USD
A limited offer! Our set design team will find a way to hide your last name, "Easter Egg" fashion, onto our set during at least one scene. You'll also receive everything from the $10 and $20 levels along with two tickets to the performance of your choice.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 out of 20 of claimed

Backer T-Shirt

$150 USD
Those contributing at the $150 level get everything from the $10 and $20 levels, two tickets to a performance of their choice, and a special T-shirt limited to just Indiegogo backers and Drama Patrons
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 claimed

VIP Seating

$200 USD
Backers at this level will receive the $10 and $20 perks, two tickets to a performance of their choosing, and reserved "VIP Seating" at the show, along with the special T-shirt.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 claimed

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