What We Need & What You Get
Here's what we need:
- Funding goal $3k.
- What you get here is the best of the Kickstarter. We have narrowed down the covers to the most popular ones and added a new cover that only you can get.
- Even if we don't reach our entire goal, the funds I receive will go towards getting the next book out.
You get a 24 page full color comic book with 4 bonus black and white pages from our next series in standard comic print size.
We're planning to ship this summer.
Interior Page 1
Interior Page 2
Take a look at these covers!
Cover A by Flinn
Cover B Pantless Edition by Rivald Paiva, Marco Galli, and Sanju Nivangune
Cover D by Jamie Tyndall
Cover H Risque Edition by Ale Garza and Ceci de la Cruz (censored for the web)
This one is limited edition. We're only printing the ones we sell plus a few extra in case any are damaged in shipping. Contact me to see the uncensored version.
Cover I by Paolo Pantalena
Cover L by Jason Metcalf and Ivan Nunes
We also have lenticular versions of covers C, H, I, and L.
Alternate pictures here:
Alé Garza began working in comics at the age of 19 for Wildstorm Studios, where he created titles, Ninja Boy, and Skye Runner. He's also had runs on Deadpool, Superman/Batman, Gen-13, Teen Titans, Batgirl, and Supergirl for DC Comics. Other notable work includes cover artist for Dejah Thoris, and Vampirella, and numerous Zenescope titles. He worked on New York Times best seller Get Jiro: Blood and Sushi with Anthony Bourdain for Vertigo comics. recently has drawn The ArachKnight, and Future Avengers for Marvel Comics. He has also operated as lead character artist for the DCU MMO, as well as various concept work for both Cryptic Studios, and Jam City. His art has also been featured on the live Fox NFL football games, which he provided art for Engine Room. Currently Alé resides in Minnesota where he works remotely, and has just started up Artists Elite, a publishing home for top comic industry artists!
POW RODRIX, 40 yo comic artist from Fortaleza-CE, Brazil. Pro since 2006, w/ works published by Marvel (Wolverine, Avengers), DC (JLA), IDW (Star Wars), and many more. Loves drawing action and powerful ladies, highly influenced by 90's comics and animes.
Mostafa Moussa is a 20+ year veteran of the comic book industry. Over his career he has worked for Marvel, DC, Image, Hasbro, IDW, Dynamite, Action Lab, Coffin, Zenescope, and many other publishers. He recently had the opportunity to work on Batman, Superman and Flash for DC, and special projects for Marvel and Loot Crate. He resides in Houston, TX. Check out more of his work at: www.MostafaINK.net and instagram at: @Mostafaink
Nei Ruffino: Something in the works is always the case for this one. Previously from tattoos then to comics and now from the dreams of a strange place comes many creator owned things, Creator of The Secret Life of Crows and Colorist to the stars.
Patreon.com/Neiruffino , Facebook.com/neiruffinoart , Instagram.com/neiruffino
Stretch Goals:
I'm not planning to have any stretch goals but if we get over $5k, I'll start adding them. I have stickers, bookmarks and more available.