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OVERCAST is an investigative documentary on the phenomenon of man-made cloud cover induced by jet trails - and the related issue of chemtrails.

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OVERCAST is an investigative documentary on the phenomenon of man-made cloud cover induced by jet trails - and the related issue of chemtrails.

OVERCAST is an investigative documentary on the phenomenon of man-made cloud cover induced by jet trails - and the related issue of chemtrails.

OVERCAST is an investigative documentary on the phenomenon of man-made cloud cover induced by jet trails - and the related issue of chemtrails.

OVERCAST is an investigative documentary on the phenomenon of man-made cloud cover induced by jet trails - and the related issue of chemtrails.

Matthias Hancke
Matthias Hancke
Matthias Hancke
Matthias Hancke
2 Campaigns |
Bern, Switzerland
$4,300 USD 38 backers
43% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


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Choose your Perk

Thank You / Ein Dankeschön

$10 USD
With your donation you help us to make this film happen. We send you a thank you email from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you! Mit Deiner Spende hilfst Du mit, diesen Film zu realisieren. Wir schicken Dir ein herzliches Dankeschön via Email.
2 claimed

Film Credit / Abspann

$25 USD
We will put your name in the credits of the film with a special thanks plus all preceding perks. . Dein Name wird im Abspann erscheinen und Du erhälst alle vorausgegangenen Perks.
10 claimed

Film Poster

$50 USD
You will get a signed film poster plus all preceding perks. Du erhälst ein unterschriebenes Filmposter und alle vorausgegangenen Perks.
2 claimed

Digital Copy / Digitale Kopie

$100 USD
You will receive a digital copy of the film and all preceding perks. Du bekommst eine digitale Kopie des Films und alle bisherigen Perks.
11 claimed

The DVD / die DVD

$250 USD
Plus all of the above Be the owner of the first DVDs. Erhalte alle bisherigen Perks, sowie eine frischgepresste DVD.
2 claimed

Free Ticket / Freikarte

$500 USD
You will receive a free ticket to the premiere and a screening somewhere in Europe, America, Australia or Asia plus all preceding perks. Du erhälst eine Freikarte für die Premiere oder eine Aufführung irgendwo in Europa, Amerika, Asien oder Australien, sowie alle obengenannten Perks.
2 claimed

A VIP Pass / Eine VIP Karte

$1,000 USD
Get a VIP Pass for a film festival in Europe, America or Australia plus all of the above. Bekomme einen VIP Filmfestivalpass in Europa, Australien oder Amerika plus alle bisherigen Perks.
1 claimed

Special Mention

$2,500 USD
You will be specially mentioned on the DVD cover, the poster and the credits as a main sponsor and you will get all preceding perks. Dein Name wird speziell als Hauptsponsor auf der DVD, auf dem Poster und im Abspann erwähnt und Du bekommst alle vorherigen Perks.
0 claimed

Be my guest / Sei mein Gast

$5,000 USD
You will receive a special invitation for the premiere in Switzerland and you will get a personal guided walk with the director in the wonderful Swiss mountain area plus all preceding perks. (All included but the flight) Du wirst für die Premiere in der Schweiz eingeladen und bekommst vom Regisseur eine geführte Bergtour in den wunderschönen Schweizer Bergen, sowie alle bisherigen Perks. (Reise nicht inklusive)
0 claimed
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