Pitch Video: A message from Producer Jean-Michel Gibert & Writer Kim Johnson
Thanks to @Koruri Hanato we can now communicate with all of our Japanese pan lovers! Please head to the updates tab for translation
PAN! Our Music Odyssey
Between 1939 and 1945, during World War II, developed nations savaged one another: the planet was on fire. In Trinidad & Tobago underprivileged urban gangs stole oil drums & create a new musical instrument - the Steelpan
The Pan is
steelbands mushroomed in every corner of the planet. Still, Trinidad remains
the Mecca, where each year philharmonic orchestras (steelbands) of over 100 musicians, many
coming from all countries of the world, compete for the greatest steelband event: the
This 80
minute film is the story of men and women who staked all on their art; of French, Japanese and Americans, whose passion and daring has drawn them to the
world championships. It is a global human adventure out of the ordinary.
stories are interlaced with reenactments of the rags-to-riches tale of the
steelband movement, which was born into poverty and violence but climbed to
the highest levels of social and artistic acceptance without losing its
life or death urgency.
Autor: Kim Johnson
Directors: Jerome Guiot and Thierry Teston
Executive Producer: Caribbean Music Group
Delegate Producer: Maturity Productions
Co-Producers: Winds and Santimanitay
Producer: Jean Michel Gibert
Our Story So Far...
Similar to a steelband of musicians we have been
working tirelessly on this film for more than 3 years and we are almost
complete! We need your help in getting the film and its message to the world.
Join us in
this campaign and you will be supporting the absolute most important part of this
film: getting it seen by the world.
We need
you to tell the story and propagate
your passion for the PAN, the steelband community and the steelband movement, an incredible human
odyssey which brought a peaceful resolution of the violence of the early Trinidadian steelbands in the fifties and NOW will help to bring peace to the
We as a
community of conscientious people can make this wonderful instrument show the
world how to resolve conflict. As in the Boogsie
Sharpe winning 2013 Panaroma tune, let’s bring More Love
to the world thanks to the music of PAN!
Together we
aren’t just creating a movie, we are creating a movement.
What We Need & What You Get
In order to
have this film seen by as many people as possible, we need to raise $50,000USD (approx 36,000 EUR) to
cover some of the costs to be ready for our first screening at the TV market at Sunnyside on 26th June at
La Rochelle (France).
contribution to this campaign pays for:
production in its final stages
- A new updated trailer for promotion
a digital cinema package (needed for theater screenings)
promotional package (poster, ads etc…)
venue of trinidadian panmen for this
screening in France, including
the legendary composer/soloist Ray Holman
The Impact
benefits of supporting this film goes beyond the downloads, names in the film,
elite producer status or any of the other unique perks we offer. You will be part of a global movement letting the whole world knows how music can change lives, how underprivileged “bad”
boys created the latest music of the 21st century, and how we can
make beautiful music out of an OIL DRUM.
One of the best examples of positive recycling
of our modern world.
You will
want to be part of this Music Odyssey and if you are not already a pan lover,
become one, and one day as the contemporary characters of our film, the French
Eva, the Japanese Chihiro the American composer Andy , come and join our Trinidadian
panmen Boogsie, Ray, Shivani and other for the Panaroma during the next Trinidad Carnival in
February 2015!
Perk note: the digital downloads will be
available shortly after the premiere in Port of Spain (Trinidad) in late
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are
unable to finically contribute to the campaign, you can still pay a vital role
by sharing this link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all other social media
platforms. It is only with all of us
working together that we can make this change happen.
We trust you will join us.
Many Thanks,
The Producers of PAN! Our Music Odyssey