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Pasta Elementary Cartoon!

New children's TV cartoon starring characters made of pasta! Kids will EAT IT UP!

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Pasta Elementary Cartoon!

Pasta Elementary Cartoon!

Pasta Elementary Cartoon!

Pasta Elementary Cartoon!

Pasta Elementary Cartoon!

New children's TV cartoon starring characters made of pasta! Kids will EAT IT UP!

New children's TV cartoon starring characters made of pasta! Kids will EAT IT UP!

New children's TV cartoon starring characters made of pasta! Kids will EAT IT UP!

New children's TV cartoon starring characters made of pasta! Kids will EAT IT UP!

Robbb Miller
Robbb Miller
Robbb Miller
Robbb Miller
1 Campaign |
Atlanta, United States
$3,747 USD 117 backers
3% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

                           Click here for the Pasta Elementary Web Site! 


I'm having a contest! Winner gets FREE ROUNDTRIP AIRFARE to anywhere Southwest flies! The FREE plane trip will go to whoever can bring me the most contributions to my indiegogo campaign (minimum of 25 referrals)! So, if you want FREE airfare, start promoting! Remember, even $1 contributions count... so if you can get 24 friends, plus yourself to give just a buck, you can win the prize! Only 11 days left!

Tiebreaker will be total $ in contributions!

Short Summary

Pasta Elementary is going to be the hottest new kids cartoon on TV. The whole world is pasta related with easily identifiable characters and settings for children, with the central story line taking place in an Elementary school. A few of the pasta related variations of real life in the show are; a gymnasium with a pool filled with marinara sauce and 'snow days' when Parmesan cheese falls from the sky. My goal is to bring this show to network television and target 5-9 year old children. A lot of the shows aimed at kids these days have no real substance. I want to bring back wholesome, meaningful programming to children with a classic look and feel, with lessons to be learned in each episode.

The first season of the show will depict the main cast pasta children in the 1st grade, starting with the pilot episode taking place on the first day of school. Each subsequent season will have the children moving on to the next grade, rather than keeping them the same age indefinitely as most cartoons do with their characters. This way children can grow up watching the series, as it will have more mature subject mature and situations with each new season.

The main character of the show is Macaroni, who's closest friends are Spaghetti and Lasagna, as these tend to be the most popular pastas among children. Just about every popular pasta will have a recurring role in the series, but with so many different types of pasta in the world, introducing new characters whenever needed will be quite easy. Every kid watching this show could really become a 'pasta expert' of sorts, learning all the different types of pasta around the world, especially when the 'foreign exchange' pastas are introduced, such as ; Pierogi, Spatzle, Ramen, Couscous and Soba. Did you know the name of large shell pasta used in stuff shell recipes is conchiglioni? You do now and so will your kids after watching this show.

Please watch this video of a focus group meeting I held to get kids/parents thoughts on the idea! 

Now that you know the basic synopsis, check out the cast of characters and ask yourself if this seems like something you and your children would enjoy... if the answer is "YES!" please help and make a contribution and share my page!


Cast of Characters:


Jimmy Lasagna is Macaroni's neighbor and closest friend. Their favorite activity is playing video games together after school. He has a very friendly and outgoing personality, but is not one of the most popular children in school due to his weight. He will be featured in most episodes as a main character.


Although Macaroni's best friend is Lasagna, the trio of friends including 'Eddie" Spaghetti have a close bond. Eddie's a bit of a gossiper, and he's always into the newest fads or tries to create them.


Mr. MAN-icotti, emphasis on the MAN, is the very masculine gym teacher. His appearance will be sporadic depending on the story line of the show. He will be feature prominently in 2 first season episodes: 'Gym Class' and 'Field Day' as well as being featured in the pilot episode helping to organize the children off the busses and into the gymnasium on the first day of school.



The head authority figure in the school is the fair, but firm, Principal Farfalloni Bow Tie. There will be no breaking the rules on his watch, but the Principal in this school well liked amongst the staff and students. He will make the PA announcements in the school, be seen quite often in the school hallways, and of course be waiting for any student who is 'sent to the principal's office'.


The coolest guy in school is also a role model for Macaroni and his pals. Little known fact: his first name is 'Arthur', but he goes by 'Toni' or 'The Tone'. Incase you didn't figure it out yet, this character is a parody of 'The Fonz" from 'Happy Days'. With the right funding, I might even be able to get the one and only Henry Winkler to do the voice-over for this character. How cool would that be?! Rigatoni will be in the 5th grade for the first season of the show. He is an older influence to Mac and his friends and will often get them out of sticky situations, especially with bullies. Rigatoni's girlfriend with be the delectible 'Adrianna Angel Hair', the incredibly popular head cheer leader.


The prettiest and most popular noodle at Pasta Elementary. Nicknamed Angel Hair, she is the head cheerleader, and girlfriend of the cool and handsome Rigatoni. Her role in the show will be recurring, but not a central character in most episodes. She will have a prominent role in at least 2 episodes as she runs for class president and helps host cheerleading try-outs.


The main character in the show! His first name, handed down from his Great Grandfather, a war hero from the Battle of Bigoli, proves to be an unfavorable one for a young boy in Elementary school. Often teased about it, he prefers to go by Mac instead. Macaroni is a nice young lad whose a little shy at times and unsure of himself. We will see him grow and mature throughout the show, and hopefully he'll win the favor of his treasured Penelope Penne that he has an undying crush on.


Mr. Vermicelli is the teacher of Macaroni and his friends. This character will be a very positive role model and mentor for the children. There will be a lot of time spent in his class room during the show, so he will appear in most episodes.


Garganelli is an antagonist in the show. He's in a punk rock band called Antipasta. He's the same age as Rigatoni and these two characters will often butt heads.

 Betty Bavette is Angel Hair's best friend and fellow cheerleader. These two are usually seen together. She is super sweet and sponsors charity drives as well as voulnteering at homeless shelters and reitrement homes.



 Tagliatelle is a bit of a bully. He picks on Macaroni and his friends, and often makes fun of Mac's first name. Like Macaroni, he has a crush on Penne. He is a reoccurring character who isn't all bad, but he can be a real pain in the neck.

 Ms. Maltagliati can be a little frightening to the children, but she's really nice if you get to know her. She serves up the Chef's newest concoctions for all the students in the cafeteria.

 The twins, Terry and Tony, are classmates of Mac and his pals. These two are are never apart and like to cause trouble, although they appear sweet and innocent.

Macaroni has the biggest crush on the cute girl he meets on the first day of school. She is a regular cast member.

Bologna Dog is Macaroni's pet! This playful puppy never runs out of energy.

Penne's best friend Rita Rotini. She often causes problems for Macaroni by embarrassing him in front of Penne.

Mike Gemelli is the most athletic kid at Pasta Elementary. Macaroni dreams of beating his 100 meter dash school record to impress Penne.

The school bus driver, Mr. Bigoli is always on time, so make sure you don't miss the bus!

Mr. Canelloni is the school janitor and takes great pride in keeping the building clean for the children.

The school nurse Mrs. Ziti is mainly a background character, but will be featured in the pilot episode.

The friendly Chef loves creating new dishes for the children's school lunches to be served up by Ms. Maltagliati.

Mr. Linguine is the Science teacher and the smartest pasta around! The kids love participating in experiements in his class. What will Macaroni's Science fair project be?

Ms. Penne is the school librarian and mother of Macaroni's crush, Penelope Penne. She greatly encourages the kids reading habits!

The school Art teacher is Mr. Fettuccine. His favorite paint to use is Alfredo sauce! All of the kids at Pasta Elementary love coming to his class to express their creativity.

Macaroni's adoptive parents are young and hip, but can still be a little embarrasing when Mac has his pals over to play.

Foreign exchange pasta from Poland!

Foreign exchange pasta from Ghana!

Foreign exchange pasta from Japan!

Foreign exchange pasta from Germany!

Download the first Pasta Elementary game on Google Play for FREE now!

The Rigatoni Jumping Game!

More Pasta Elementary games available for Android for only $0.99! Click the links at the bottom of this page or search for "Pasta Elementary" in quotations on Google Play!

About me


I'm just a guy with tremendous entrepreneurial spirit and an expansive imagination. I'm a 31 year old man who grew up in Maryland, on a farm on the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay and in the burbs of Baltimore on the Western shore. My father was a grade school teacher for my entire childhood and I've based the pasta teacher, Mr. Vermicelli off of him. Several of the episodes and characters in the show are loosely based on my own experiences in school and my friends growing up, as well as the endless stories my Dad has on various experiences as a school teacher.

It has been my dream for quite some time, to contribute something meaningful to society. I came up with the idea for Pasta Elementary a few years ago, but decided recently to really put it together. With the help of your contribution, I will be able to turn this idea and my dream, into a reality.

I've been a restaurant manager for many years, and as a manager of many young adults and adolescents in my life, I have been a coach, mentor and role model to hundreds of people and touched many lives. I hope that with the creation of this show, I will be able to touch countless numbers of childrens' lives. I have come up with many great ideas in my life, but I feel this one will be a game changer. With the ability of national television to reach millions of homes, I am very excited about the opportunity to bring quality programming to children in this country, and hopefully other areas of the world, with real life situations and settings that they can relate to and learn from.


The purpose of this campaign

My goal is to raise enough money turn the script I have written for the pilot episode of Pasta Elementary into an animated cartoon to pitch to various networks. Right now I'm just a one man show. I need to hire animators, voice actors, screenplay writers, a professional web designer, and a social networking manager to help promote the idea and generate interest. Initially, some of the money received from contributions will be used to fund promoting of this Indiegogo Campaign to help generate more interest in the concept, ensure it reaches it's goal, and ultimately make Pasta Elementary a reality.

To gain more interest from a network in signing Pasta Elementary, I would love to raise enough money to get a famous actor on board to voice one of the characters.  I had 3 actors in mind who I think would be interested in the project: 

Henry Winkler, whom I mentioned earlier, is a children's book writer now. I couldn't think of anyone better to voice the character that's a spoof of his Fonzi character from Happy Days.

Rick Moranis, who has retired from acting, but has done some voice-over work for animated films since. 

Martin Short, also currently doing voice work for animated projects.

Although Indiegogo doesn't allow investors to become part of projects, there is definitely room for investors in the idea of Pasta Elementary and I would be happy to discuss these opportunities privately.

Besides being part of what could be the next HUGE thing in children's entertainment, contributing money can get you some great perks! 

Ways You Can Help

Any amount of money will help, even a dollar. I do know that some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help! 

  • Please help me get the word out and make some noise about my campaign. The more traffic my campaign draws, the higher it ranks on Indigogo, which makes it more likely to be seen by potential contributors around the country and maybe the rest of the world!
  • Please share the link for this campaign with everyone you know and ask them to share it too! More people seeing the campaign will result in this project reaching the front page of Indiegogo and potentially generating a lot more contributions!
  • Please like and share the Pasta Elementary Facebook Page!
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools!
  • Tell everyone you know about Pasta Elementary and to check out Pasta!
  • Download the Pasta Elementary Games!

 Pasta Elementary Matching Game!

Classic matching game featuring your favorite Pasta Elementary characters!

Flying Macaroni Game!

Tap your screen to make Macaroni fly through the obstacles! This game is tough and addicting!

Pasta Elementary Classic Sliding Puzzle Game!

3 Difficulty levels! Add your own pictures to make your own puzzles too!

Pasta Elementary Wall Paper App!

Get all of your favorite Pasta Elementary characters as wallpaper for your Android devices for FREE! 

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Choose your Perk


The Lasagna

$26 USD
You will receive a t-shirt featuring your favorite Pasta Elementary character, as well as having your name on the list of contributors on
27 claimed

The Penne

$1 USD
For ONLY $1.00 you get the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you contributed something to making this project a reality!
21 out of 100000 of claimed

The Bologna Dog

$2 USD
For only a $2 contribution, you will receive ALL 5 of the Pasta Elementary Games/Apps for Android via e-mail! Cheaper than buying on Google Play!
16 claimed

The Spaghetti

$10 USD
I will add your name and location to our wall of contributors on as well as a link to your web page and e-mail if you would like. Pasta Elementary will also follow your Twitter handle if you have one.
19 claimed

The Mac and Cheese

$80 USD
A hoodie with the Pasta Elementary logo on the front right chest and your favorite character on the back! Includes $10 perk as well.
7 claimed

The Rigatoni

$150 USD
A limited edition 6.5" Pasta Elementary figurine of 'Rigatoni' only available to 50 contributors in this campaign. A potentially valuable collectors item as this figure will never be sold after the campaign. Also includes $10 perk.
4 out of 50 of claimed

The Angel Hair

$500 USD
Your name will be featured on a brick on an interior wall of the pasta school that will be shown during the intro scene of the pilot episode of the show! This perk will include the $10 and $25 perks as well.
1 out of 30 of claimed

The Manicotti

$1,000 USD
Producer credit for the pilot episode of Pasta Elementary! Your name will be featured in the closing credits of the show. This perk will include ALL lesser perks as well!
0 out of 20 of claimed

The Vermicelli

$5,000 USD
Your voice will be featured as a voice-over for a cameo character in an episode of the first season of Pasta Elementary! This perk includes ALL lesser perks!
0 out of 5 of claimed

The Tagliatelle

$10,000 USD
Executive Producer credit! Your name will be listed in the opening credits of the pilot episode of Pasta Elementary as an executive producer and an IMDB credit! You will also help to write an episode of the show! This perk includes ALL lesser perks!
0 out of 2 of claimed
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