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Pavlok doesn't just track what you do. It transforms who you are. You’ll wish you had started today.

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Pavlok doesn't just track what you do. It transforms who you are. You’ll wish you had started today.

Pavlok doesn't just track what you do. It transforms who you are. You’ll wish you had started today.

Pavlok doesn't just track what you do. It transforms who you are. You’ll wish you had started today.

Pavlok doesn't just track what you do. It transforms who you are. You’ll wish you had started today.

Success Sign
Trust Team Proven
Pavlok Ring
Pavlok Ring
Pavlok Ring
Pavlok Ring
8 Campaigns |
Boston, United States
$284,027 USD by 1,763 backers
$254,093 USD by 1,480 backers on Nov 30, 2014
Mountain Filled 8 Projects Mountain Filled 8 Projects


The Habit Changing Device That Shocks You.

Break bad habits, weaken cravings, and train your reptile brain through  vibration, beep, and electric shock.

You CAN STILL Get a Pavlok

December promo: Get a HUGE discount. Order a prototype or pre-order from

"Wake up sleepy head... it's time to go to the gym." "Put down those chips!" "Stop wasting time on Facebook."

If any of the above statements and more resonate with you, then you're not alone. Pavlok is here to help you unlock your true potential.


Earn refunds through our Thank You Program and download our e-book to help change your habits.


Earn $25 Refunds & Get Pavlok For Free



We've created a special e-book to help you change your habits.



Pavlok adds accountability and electric shock to change what you do.

It is the first device that helps you form good habits, break bad habits, and stick to your commitments, using any means necessary. 

Pavlok starts with punishment for bad behavior, and moves to positive feedback for good behavior over time.


Don't take our word for it, check out what the experts are saying.

Pavlok in the press montage

YAHOO! takes Pavlok for a test


By combining positive and negative reinforcement.

Pavlok combines accurate tracking, commitment techniques, and 'on-your-wrist' reminder triggers to change users' brains and form the habits they wish they had.

Pavlok is easy to get started.

Choose your daily habit

Pick your action. Exercise every day, be more productive online, learn a new language, wake up earlier — the possibilities are endless!

In the Pavlok app, choose what you want to accomplish. Pavlok will break your goal down into easy, manageable actions. Each day, Pavlok will push you to stay on track and form the lasting habit.

Real Accountability, Real Results

Willpower isn't enough. Habit change requires accountability. You won't have to make the journey alone - Pavlok helps you find a partner or join a team of your friends.

Social support and pressure will keep you on track. When you hit a bump in the road, they'll motivate you to keep going. Or, they'll punish you.

Earn Rewards and Face Penalties

Choose your level of commitment. Pavlok can reward you when you achieve your goals. Earn prizes and even money when you complete your daily task.

But be warned: if you fail, you’ll face penalties. Pay a fine, lose access to your phone, or even suffer an electric shock…at the hands of your friends.

Make a change that lasts.

Research shows that consistency is the key to forming a habit. When you use Pavlok to stick to your goals, you'll find that they become easier and eventually, automatic.

At that point, use Pavlok to train your next habit and keep up your transformation into a better you.


You can use Pavlok to change all sorts of behaviors.

Form new habits

Wake up early

What would you do with just one extra hour of time each day? Would you start a business, explore your creativity, or just have some “me” time? The opportunities are endless. But it’s so easy to hit “snooze” and roll over.

Pavlok: Wake Up lets you set an alarm to gently vibrate and wake you up. But, what if you keep hitting the snooze button? Pavlok can deliver just enough of a “jolt” to get you up and running --- with adrenaline.

Get In Shape, Stay In Shape

Do you have any friends who run or lift every day but complain when they miss a day? They simply have developed the habit of exercise. For them, it actually requires willpower to NOT work out. 

With two months of daily activity, you’d feel exactly the same. This might sound crazy, but it’s been scientifically validated. 

Pavlok Fit uses a powerful commitment ecosystem to help your form this habit. Choose between hitting the gym (measured by GPS), walking 10,000 steps, or running with Runkeeper. Earn rewards when you succeed to keep you motivated.

Choose your commitment level, and when you succeed, you’ll earn money. But, if you fail, you’ll have a penalty to your Facebook friends. Either you’ll give them your money --- or they’ll get to shock you.

Break bad habits

Conquer Distractions, Be More Productive

Pavlok Productive retrains your deeply ingrained “chronic web surfing” habits. In our trial research, we found that a large number of participants have significant trouble getting work done in the face of temptation (e.g. incoming emails, interesting articles, status updates).

The Pavlok app and wristband track your surfing habits. Using a combination of vibration, sound, and electric shock, the wristband stops distractions in their tracks and keeps you focused on your work.

How much would you get done if you stopped wasting time on social media and constantly checking your email? Pavlok can break the bad habit of opening too many tabs and mindlessly wasting your day.


Different people want to change different behaviors.

We plan to integrate with, a website that connects different products with different APIs.  

Here are examples of some potential integration's.

  • Shock you when you text your ex-lover.
  • Remind you to take your medicine, and connect to a smart Pill bottle to prove compliance
  • Beep loudly any time you step inside of a McDonald's.
  • Improve your golf swing or powerlifting technique using other wearable sensors and our scalable vibration motor.
  • Help you meditate by having you commit to a training app.
  • Integrate with smart EEG brain devices to train and get feedback on your mental states.
  • Use Pavlok to remind you to eat more protein or walk more steps.
  • Ensure that you get up from your computer every hour to stretch.
  • Train and remind you not to go on distracting websites in real-time.


See what real people are saying about Pavlok

David Goldstien

Watch how David Goldstein lost 7 lbs after a stroke and after a heart attack.

Heather O.

Heather used Pavlok to invigorate her habit of Painting.

Justine D.

Habit: Wake Up An Hour Earlier

Now I get up at 7 without pressing the snooze button, do 10 mins of mindfulness meditation, read a few pages of a philosophical or poetry book, and write. These are all habits now!

Daniel D.

Habit: Write 1000 words each day

I’ve been able to write 1,000 words per day consistently. No matter how hard I've tried in the past, it was impossible. But the program really works. The best part is, now the habit doesn't feel like a's just part of my life.


Work seamlessly with apps that you are already using.

Don't worry about tracking everything separately, we'll do the hard part for you. 

All you have to do is decide what habit you want to tackle and we'll make sure that you achieve your goals! (Thanks to Beeminder for helping us)


Hi! I'm Maneesh Sethi. A few years ago, I  hired a girl to slap me in the face whenever I used  Facebook. My productivity increased 4x --- so I knew I was on to something.

A few weeks later, I asked my friend Dan Kaminsky if we could build a shock collar that shocked me when I went on Facebook. Dan said: Let's go to RadioShack.

So we built a prototype, and I was fortunate that an incubator in Boston, Bolt, decided to invest. They then introduced me to my co-founder, Jim Lynch --- the original inventor of LEGO Mindstorms and the senior engineer on the Roomba Floor Cleaning Robot.

Below, you can see the change in size --- from November 2010, all the way to our smallest quartersize module.


October: Make lots of friends on IndieGoGo.

November: Finalize the engineering of Pavlok and place the tooling orders.

December: Build-out tooling and procure raw materials and components.

January: Ramp up mass manufacturing, pilot the production process, and perform quality assurance on product.

February: Begin mass manfacturing for our Pavlok community.

March: Complete the assembly and prepare for shipment.



Maneesh Sethi ran the Web site Hack the System but noticed his waning productivity. After having to resort to tricks to keep himself writing -- most notably, hiring someone to slap him in the face whenever he used Facebook --- Maneesh had the idea to build technology to improve productivity.

Maneesh studied at Stanford University, has written four programming books (including an international bestseller), and helped launch numerous New York Times Bestsellers (such as The 4- Hour Chef by Tim Ferriss). You can read more about him at

Jim Lynch is accomplished Electrical Engineer and passionate inventor. He has delivered some of world’s most life changing products in the robotics, medical and educational fields. At iRobot, Jim served as the Senior Lead Electrical Engineer on products such as the Roomba floor-cleaning robot and My Real Baby. Jim’s experience includes inventing the world-changing LEGO Mindstorms, walking Velociraptors at Hasbro, and the Looj Gutter Cleaning Robot at iRobot.

Jim understands the user and strives to produce products that provide an emotional experience and enrich people’s lives. A veteran in robust, low cost design,  Jim can balance needs and expectations with solid practical design. A master at embedded systems, sensor technologies and far-east manufacturing, Jim’s skill set can be summarized in just a few words: Jim delivers great products.

Chris Schelzi is our Jack of All Trades when it comes to strategy, marketing, and growth hacking. He's experienced in building brands that connect with users. Chris loves exploring the fringes and finding unique methods for making idea’s stick. He’s always looking for the next challenge to push his limits, physically and mentally. Chris is rarely found without a book in hand and has an odd affinity for slathering butter on everything.

Justus Eapen is a software engineer obsessed with sexy code and healthy habits (and vice versa). He's a black belt in the dark arts of the stir fry and has been known to write killer bios in the third person. He loves sustainable farming and hip hop music. His name is a sentence, rendering it instantly memorable: Just use a pen!

Nicole Fallek is our rockstar designer who's the mastermind behind our fantastic graphics and photography. Her unique style and personality shines through in her work and makes her a truly invaluable member of the team. 

Adam Andrewjeski is a software engineer who likes hacking drones and taking them on long flights on the beach. He’s fascinated with cryptocurrencies, the dark web, and cyber security. You’ll probably find him reading up on personal development or blogging about his exploits with Swift and other languages at

Peter Dunbar is a former consultant turned Software Engineer with a passion for all things mobile and embedded. Peter’s addiction to problem solving has led him on a mission to bridge the gaps between the worlds of software and hardware. If you can’t find him working on our firmware, he’s probably off habit hacking in Ruby and Objective C.

Sasha Iuleu is a hardware superhero. He's managed to shrink the size of the Pavlok device considerably, making it discrete and easy to wear everyday. Sasha is responsible for the heart of Pavlok, the module. We're lucky to have such a hardworking and innovative thinker on our hardware team.

Where We Are

Pavlok is not just an idea. Pavlok has already begun shipping developer prototypes. Over 350 people have used the Pavlok app or system to form new habits.

We’ve utilized cutting edge 3D printing and electronics technology to bring you the most impactful behavioral change product to make a difference in your life.

With your support, we can bring behavioral change through the Pavlok worldwide. Your contribution will help fund:

  • Developing more awesome features!
  • Production
  • Fulfillment


Is the shock safe?

Absolutely! The circuit is complete on your skin, and the voltage / amperage is not enough to hurt you. It is a very noticeable shock --- like a static shock like when you walk with your socks on a rug and then touch a metal door knob.

Will Pavlok work on my Android and iOS?

Yes! We are developing both Android and iOS versions.

My mom thinks you guys are crazy.

Well that's not really a question but we understand, our moms think we're a little nuts as well but they love us anyway :)  

Are there other options besides shocking?

Beeping, vibrating, monetary penalties, and posting on your social network like Facebook. You choose what method motivates you the most. 

Do you offer a warranty?

Yes, Pavlok is has a one-year manufacturer warranty!

How long does the battery last?

Pavlok can deliver up to 200 shocks on a single charge. That means that for the typical user Pavlok will last 4 days on a full charge. 

What stops you from taking it off?

Pavlok knows when it's on you --- the human detect is an important component. If you're late to the gym, you get vibrated and shocked. But if you've made a real commitment, and you're not wearing the wristband --- you get charged money. Real commitment comes from real accountability.

Are there different size wristbands?

The wristband is adjustable, so it will fit you for sure :).

How do you control how much it shocks you?

You can adjust the intensity of the shock inside the app.

How do you charge it?

Pavlok charges through a Micro-USB cable which will be provided along with the device.

Can my device be controlled by someone else's phone?

If you give them permission to! But no, someone can't steal control of your device without your consent.

How much range does the device have with my phone?

The range of Bluetooth, which can be 40-60 feet.

Is the shock momentary or continuous?


How heavy is it?

It's very light --- a few ounces.

Is it difficult to set up?

Super easy! No previous rocket or scientist degree's required.

What kind of data does the app store about me?

At the moment, the app is not storing any data, but is using your current actions to deliver feedback.

How tight should the device fit?

Very snug to the skin to maintain constant contact to your skin.

Is it waterproof?

You can't swim in it, but we are working on making it highly water resistant.

What habits can I break with Pavlok?

Pavlok is designed to help to break ANY habit. This ranges from visiting distracting websites, going to fast food restaurants, not standing up from your desk often enough, going to bed late, biting your nails, and TONS of others. 

Do I have to wear Pavlok everyday in order to reap the benefits?

No! Research has shown that it can take as little as 30 days to break a habit. While some stubbornly ingrained habits can take up to 66 days, habits like flossing or going to bed on time can be achieved in less than 2 weeks! After you've formed a habit with Pavlok you no longer need to wear it everyday, unless you have a different habit that you are trying to make or break. And if you ever start to fall off track with one of your habits all you have to do is put Pavlok back on for a few days to correct yourself!

Are you guys the most awesome company ever?

Well it's very nice of you to ask :) We pride ourselves on our ability to give our supporters a truly unique device unlike anything they've ever had before and to give them the means to become the person they always knew they could become. Any awesomeness that we have is directly linked to the awesomeness of our supporters!

How does Pavlok know if I've completed the task?

Pavlok is paired with your phone using Bluetooth, and we use a variety of APIs to allow you to set goals you can't cheat. GPS will confirm if you're at the gym, for example.

Don't see your question above?

Shoot us an email at and one of us will get back to you quicker than a camel drinks a coke!

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