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There's a Superhero in all of us!

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There's a Superhero in all of us!

There's a Superhero in all of us!

There's a Superhero in all of us!

There's a Superhero in all of us!

1 Campaign |
Fayetteville, United States
$670 USD 14 backers
4% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Peterson-Davis (PD) Comics is an Indie Comic Book Studio based in North Carolina. The studio was started by Tim Davis and Micah Peterson, who are passionate about captivating stories full of spectacular adventures and intriguing characters! With your help, we want to officially launch our studio and turn our dreams into a lifelong career! Our premier series is "Lineage", which is a story about Connor Duncan and his adventures to seek out the source of his newfound abilities!

Thank you for visiting our page!


Growing up in eastern North Carolina, Micah Peterson and Tim Davis were both big comic book and science fiction fans. In Spring 2016, Micah decided to try his hand at illustrating his first comic book hero. After seeing this, Tim, who had the gift of storytelling and writing, suggested that they form their own company. Thus, PD Comics was born!


Are you a fan of comic books or films? Science Fiction? Exciting stories?

If you answered, “Yes,” to any of these questions, then that’s why you should care!

After nine months of brainstorming and writing character ideas, stories, and plots, PD Comics first full issue of Lineage is nearly complete!

That’s where you come in!

While this project has been a great joy for us both, and will certainly be completed at whatever pace we can manage… We would love to see our comics and stories on store shelves and in the hands of our friends, family, and future fans before they qualify for retirement. Moreover, this has grown into more than just a hobby for us both, and we would love to one day turn this into a full-time career as writers and illustrators!



We are looking to raise a total of $15,000 through this campaign in order to see Lineage, our premier series; finished, printed, advertised, published, and distributed to stores.

List of expenses:

  1. Various legal fees (trademarks, copyrights, etc.) = $500
  2. Printing Fees (This amount varies greatly depending on the chosen printing source, the total number of copies to be printed due to the final donation total, the individual donation amounts, etc.) = $1,200
  3. Tools for "Efficiency" = $3,500
    • a computer for our writer Tim Davis
    • a digital Wacom tablet for our artist Micah Peterson
  4. Marketing & Advertising = $1,000
    • business cards
    • t-shirts
    • stickers
    • web ads
    • posters & banners
    • a website
  5. Passes and travel to local events and "Cons" (to help spread the word!) = $1,000
  6. Unforeseen / Extra expenses = $1,000
  7. Payment to various contractors (logo designer, audio engineer, campaign host) = 13% of total earnings
  8. Supplemental income (for us to get the project done in a timely manner.) = $4,850 (remainder)

While this is certainly a project by and from Micah Peterson and Tim Davis, it is their greatest hope that this becomes something for all our members, fans, and loved ones! 


  1. A formal “Thank You Letter” and regular updates on the project.
  2. The digital issue of "Lineage" OR "Spectrum" #1 upon completion.
  3. Paperback issue of "Lineage" OR "Spectrum" #1 from the first round of mass printings.
  4. A signed paperback issue of "Lineage" OR "Spectrum" #1 from the first round of mass printings.
  5. Alternate Covers.
  6. A subscription to the first year/season of digital issues.
  7. Subscription for the first year/season of physical paperback issues.
  8. Recive a personalized portrait of yourself as your very own original superhero!
  9. Have yourself immortalized as a character in an issue during our first year/season of issues.
  10. A night out with the with the artist and writer (dinner and festivities).

***With any perk/donation that is for an unspecified series (Lineage or Spectrum) we will contact you to complete your order so that you receive the proper reward!

PD Comics is more than excited to see this project become a reality. Whether we receive $50, or $50,000, Lineage and our other projects WILL BE COMPLETED! It is for this reason that we've opted to go with the "FLEXIBLE FUNDING" option. Every dollar and every cent donated to our cause will go directly towards the list of expenses that will see this passion project fulfilled!



So why should you donate to our cause? And why do we KNOW that people will want to hear our stories, out of so many others in this industry? What sets us apart in an industry with no shortages in original content?

Well, there are a few BIG reasons! Firstly, this is a series “for the fans” & “by the fans”.
By that, we mean that we as the series creators are, of course, fans of comic books and graphic
novels. But beyond that, we’re hoping that this will also become an interactive project in which our fans will be able to influence and help decide where and how the story develops.

Next, Lineage sets itself apart from other comic book titles in the way that we’ll be using it to highlight many of the lesser known parts of the country. Featuring real towns, real people, and real events. No made up metropolitan cities, and no fake regions.
We’ll be starting this by having the series begin in North Carolina, and then progressing up and
down the east coast over the first “season”. Where we go from there, and what lesser-known regions we show off, our fans will help decide!

And finally, one of the biggest things that will set Lineage apart from the competition, is the story itself! This isn’t a story of aliens, mutants, or science. But a story that will combine local and Scottish folklore into a new and refreshing origin story! Using flashbacks and branch-offs from the main storyline, we’ll get to discover just what happened to the Duncan family… and whether these abilities getting passed down are a gift, or something far more sinister.



Lineage isn’t the only series that we at PD Comics have in the works! That’s right, in fact, we already have a total of 5 projects in our line-up!

After Lineage, comes what could possibly be an even bigger series!!
Having worked with children with special needs, autism in particular, for most of his adult life; Tim Davis has developed the story about a boy with autism who becomes the hero we all wish we could be! Captain Hero is Andrew "Andy" Templeton's favorite afternoon television show. He loves superheroes and had always wanted to be one. When Andy gets the chance to meet his idol, circumstances cause Andy to be the hero he has always wanted to be. It's a story of acceptance. It's a story of understanding... And it's just plain fun! Through this set of comics we are calling "Spectrum: The Adventures of Andy Templeton", we hope to bring awareness to the autism community. In fact, after we print and begin to sell Spectrum, we plan to give a portion of the money earned from those copies to The Autism Society. This is a subject that is near and dear to Tim Davis' heart and is a personal calling to bring awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder that affects 1 in 68 people in America.

Our final project that’s still in its early conceptual stage, is “The Tales of Jack Easter”. This series will follow Jack, a bounty hunter set in a dark fantasy world that is a twisted version of the North Eastern territories and Canada, in the late 1700’s. These tales are being written as a new, and more “grim” origin story for some of the present-day traditions and fables that surround our culture and holidays. Such as the first novel, which will follow Jack as he hunts and attempts to slay a large beast, that the local villagers have claimed is a giant/monstrous rabbit.

A quirky adventure that takes notes from some of the greats like Tim Burton’s animated films, and those shows with a more innocent look… such as “Over the Garden Wall” and “Gravity Falls”. It will follow our young protagonist as he ventures through the many stages of life, which will each present themselves as varied “wonderlands” with magnificent settings and differing challenges. The world of this series stands to be one, unlike anything you’ve ever seen!

Our fourth series that is still in early development, is a spin-off of our premiere series,
Lineage! "Witch Hunters” will tell the origin story of how the Duncans first received their abilities and the challenges that followed, during the Jacobite Rebellions of the early 1700’s in
Eastern Scotland.


Both Tim Davis and Micah Peterson currently work full-time jobs apart from the efforts to become career comic creators. This added to their growing families and the long list of pre-existing responsibilities takes away from their time to fully commit to the creation and development of these great stories. This said, they are committed to seeing this project through to its end and will do so at the most efficient and speedy pace that they can manage.

These challenges are one of the many reasons as to why we are here launching this campaign. The success of reaching our campaign goal would mean that both of us would have the chance to take time off from work and devote ourselves more fully to finishing Lineage #1 in a timely manner and by the intended date.


We know that not all of our friends, family, and fans can donate financially. But if our project has caught your attention, if our story has piqued your interest, then please share our page on social media! Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and even LinkedIn!

And whether you're able to donate today, or simply like us on social media, THANK YOU for stopping by!

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Choose your Perk

All Donors!

All Donors!

$1 USD
A formal “Thank You Letter” and regular updates on the project.
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
1 claimed
A fan & a customer!

A fan & a customer!

$10 USD
With a donation of $10, our super awesome donors will receive a digital issue of "Lineage" #1 upon its completion!
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
2 claimed

Spectrum fan & customer!

$15 USD
With a donation of $15, our super awesome donors will receive a digital issue of "Spectrum" #1 upon its completion!
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Spectrum Issue #1 (digital)
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Add this to your collection!

Add this to your collection!

$25 USD
With a donation of $25, our wonderful donors will receive the first edition paperback issue of "Lineage" #1 from its first round of prints! As well as all perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
  • Issue #1 (Paperback copy)
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Spectrum Paperback #1

$35 USD
With a donation of $35, our wonderful donors will receive the first edition paperback issue of "Spectrum" #1 from its first round of prints! As well as all perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Spectrum Issue #1 (digital)
  • Spectrum Issue #1 (paperback)
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Collector's Edition Paperback

Collector's Edition Paperback

$50 USD
With a donation of $50, our spectacular donors will receive a signed paperback issue of "Lineage" #1 from the first round of mass printings, showing off Lineage's first alternate cover. As well as all perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
  • Issue #1 (Paperback copy)
  • Signed alternate cover
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Bronze Package (Digital sub.)

Bronze Package (Digital sub.)

$100 USD
With a donation of $100... YOU, our fantastic and oh so gracious donors will receive a subscription to the first year/season of digital issues! As well as all perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Paperback copy)
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Subscribed to digital season 1
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bronze Spectrum Package

$125 USD
With a donation of $125... YOU, our fantastic and oh so gracious donors will receive a subscription to the first year/season of Spectrum's digital issues! As well as all perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Spectrum Issue #1 (paperback)
  • Spectrum (Digital 1st season)
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Silver Package (Printed sub.)

Silver Package (Printed sub.)

$150 USD
With a donation of $150... You will receive a mailed-to-your-door subscription to the first year/season of printed paperback issues! As well as all relevant perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Subscribed to printed season 1
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Silver Spectrum Package

$175 USD
With a donation of $150... You will receive a mailed-to-your-door subscription to the first year/season of Spectrum's printed paperback issues! As well as all relevant perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Spectrum Issue #1 (digital)
  • Spectrum (Paper 1st season)
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Gold Package (Our Hero!)

Gold Package (Our Hero!)

$250 USD
With a donation of $250... You will receive a portrait of yourself, drawn and colored by our artist Micah Peterson, as your very own original Superhero! As well as all relevant perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Subscribed to printed season 1
  • Our Hero! (Stylized Portrait)
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Join the story!

Join the story!

$500 USD
With your incredibly generous donation of $500... You will earn the right to have yourself immortalized as a character in an issue during our first year/season of issues! As well as all relevant perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Subscribed to printed season 1
  • You join Lineage's story!
  • Our Hero! (Stylized Portrait)
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
A Night With The Team!

A Night With The Team!

$1,000 USD
With your generous donation of $1,000 (or more)... We'll want to thank you in person, and to give you the opportunity to have a night out with us to enjoy dinner, a comic book movie, and spend the evening discussing life, comics, "geekdom", and any thing else! As well as all relevant perks listed at the previous donation amount***
Included Items
  • Our sincerest of Thank You's!
  • Issue #1 (Digital copy)
  • Signed alternate cover
  • Subscribed to printed season 1
  • You join Lineage's story!
  • An evening with the team!
  • Our Hero! (Stylized Portrait)
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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