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PewDiePie's 25 Million Bros Strong Charity Drive for Save the Children

Let's see what we can do when all 25 million Bros work together to raise money for Save the Children.

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PewDiePie's 25 Million Bros Strong Charity Drive for Save the Children

PewDiePie's 25 Million Bros Strong Charity Drive for Save the Children

PewDiePie's 25 Million Bros Strong Charity Drive for Save the Children

PewDiePie's 25 Million Bros Strong Charity Drive for Save the Children

PewDiePie's 25 Million Bros Strong Charity Drive for Save the Children

Let's see what we can do when all 25 million Bros work together to raise money for Save the Children.

Let's see what we can do when all 25 million Bros work together to raise money for Save the Children.

Let's see what we can do when all 25 million Bros work together to raise money for Save the Children.

Let's see what we can do when all 25 million Bros work together to raise money for Save the Children.

Felix Kjellberg
Felix Kjellberg
Felix Kjellberg
Felix Kjellberg
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$342,828 USD 6,319 backers
137% of $250,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

---- UPDATE ----

Hey Bros,

Today is the last day of our charity drive #BrosSaveTheChildren ... but, WAIT. Here comes some other great news..

Due to the success of the Humble Bundle and livestreams, we are extending the campaign until May 20th, so that we can add those donations and try to reach our new stretch $600,000 for Save the Children.  

 Keep an eye out for new perks and be sure to share it with your friends!

You’re amazing Bros!


Hey Bros,

I can't believe we are finally at 25 MILLION subscribers.  Hitting this milestone means so much to me, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than by doing something really cool with all of you. I am really excited about this campaign, and even though we have a big goal, I know that if we all work together, we can make it.

We're all just kids who grew up (kind of). Can you imagine if you never got that chance? Save the Children is an awesome charity that has helped more than 125 million children around the world providing everything from school books to food to blankets and shelter. 

I will be giving myself, and hope that all of you can give what you can give too. I have some exciting prizes for you to check out and some cool surprises coming up to help things along, but please help me get the word out. Now that we are 25 million Bros strong, let's show the world what we can to together. 

Thanks again and many brofists,

- Pewds

A Special Thanks to Our Incredible Contributors including:

@Victor_Is_Me / Victor Anggara
Aaron Michael Douglas
Adrian von Ziegler
Aila Frost
Aisha Ali
Alana Ramirez
Alba Barbati
Alec Diehl
Alex Berube-Robert
Alex Hales
Alex Tadiwala
Alexander Casula
Alexander Casula
Alexander Eckstein
Alexander Eliasson
Alexander George
Alicia Hawk
Allie Madilynne Seavey
Allie Madilynne Seavey
Amanda Jastelle Renta-AmoraLight93
Amanda Jastelle Renta-AmoraLight93
Amber Gill
Amber Lynette Thornton
Andrey Leporskiy
Andy Ho
Anna Eline Bolstad
Anna Fatah
Anna Fatah
Anna Zietek
Anthony Greening
Anuschka Baranowski
Arinze Micheal
Aron Nøstvold Hansen
Ashley Davis
Assar Pettersson
Audrey Daoust
Ayla O'Dwyer
Ayumi Koizumi
Bain Lindeman
Bálint Fazekas
Becca Lee
Becca Lynn - Horse Girl
Bekah McDonald
Belhassen Shili
Ben 'Imperial Stormz' Cutts
Ben I-Waite
Benny Edvardsson
Berend Arnold
Björn Berger
Boyd Cyr(GameMeUpScotty)
BrainBlast Games
Brandon McCardell
Brianna Lee
Britni Nicole Brown
Buenaventura "The Heepo" Waters
Caitlin Marie Cuadros
Calum Brock O'Brien
Camille Guigueno
Carl John Ayers
Carola Mate
Cason Johnson
Catherine Alexander
Chance Goffman
Chelsea Perez
Choo Kar Tjin
Chris M. Williams
Christopher Hopkins
Christopher J. Hopper
Cindy Navarro
Cody Thomas Morrison
Conall McLean
Connor Kline
Conor Massey
Conor McGreevy
Crimson Rose Bridge
Cristhian Castillo Jaramillo
Cyrus hays
Dakota Johnston
Dan Howell
Daniel Mendes
Daniel Rosser
Daniele Gallant
Danny Tick
Darian Andrews
David Landup/TheAlduinMaster
Denise Keks
Devan Garcia
Devan Garcia
DevonAnne Lewis
Dézsi Mátyás
Diego Veneri
Dionna Johnson
Dominik Wolfangel ILY
Eamonn Hall
Eduardo Rivera
Edward "Wrathsblade" Carpenter
Eila Alatervo
Eleonora Claessens
Elias Gillogaley Moe
Elias Pedersen
Elias Pedersen
Eliza Carmona
Elizabeth Swyschtch
Ellenore Craine
Ellenore Craine
Emily Goodlad
Emmanuel Aradillas
Erik Birger Karlsson
Erik L Nordvold
Erin Truly Johnson
Ettore Rossetti
EunHee Kim
EunHee Kim
Fabian Forsström
Felix Kjellberg
Feltz Pierre
Feras Ahmed Aljedaibi
Fern Middleton
George Hartrey
Geraldine Hernandez
Gina Cardilla
Gorn K. Phetchpinkaew
Grégoire Dupont
Gui Moquette
Gustavo torres
Haley LeFrancois
HannahMarie Schlembach
Heather Tireney
Hendrik Jan van den Broek
Henna Khokher
Hilary Gonzalez
Hillary Neff
Ian webster
Ida Lindfors
Inez de Bruijn
Ingvild Brinch Gundersen
Iselin Myrvang Brandtzæg
Ivo Eckle
Jaakko Sivonen
Jack Renter
Jacob Branch
Jacob Marsh (ModMyPi)
Jake "Jules" Giuliani
Jamie Lehman
Jamie Lehman
Jan Kagerbauer
Janay Angelique Dumas
Jarid Scott
Jasmin Dring
Jasmine Karavelas
Jasmine Karavelas
Jason Garland
Jason Q
Jason Q
Javier Saldivar
Jaxom McCreadie-Roe
Jennifer Fong
Jens Ringgaard
Jeremy Steinbach
Jerome Williams
Jessi Witt
Jessica Bellis
Jessica Darling
Jessica Myers
Jessie Hellbach
Jill Dronckowski
Jill Dronckowski
Joanie "BubblyOasis" Rich
Joanna Henry
Joe Benbow
Johannes Rieche
Jon "Thehypster" Pedersen
Jonas Korshøj
Jonathan Åkerblom
Jonna Ryynänen
Jonny Christian
Jonny W
Jordan Bush
Joseph Baroco
Joseph Fochtman
Joseph Fochtman
Joseph Korte
Joshua McVeigh
Jovany ruiz
Júlia Tetsuya
Julie Consoli
Julien Jaax
Kaebra Martin
Kai Wilson
Kamal Ariffin
Karl Oczadly
Karla Murillo
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Choose your Perk


Group videochat with Pewds

$300 USD
Want to get some face time with Pewds? Sign up to be invited to join one of three small group video chats. Make sure to have a good question to ask, as everyone will get one during each of these fifteen minute sessions. A $300 donation to Save the Children can provide 1 school clinic that gives sick children life-saving care and support. Save the Children provides classroom renovations, furniture supplies, educational materials and training for community teachers and nurses.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
8 out of 24 of claimed

Chance to play with Pewds!

$5 USD
For every $5+ donation, make sure to tweet a comment with the hashtag #BrosSavetheChildren to enter to win a chance to play a game with PewDiePie. Best comment wins! A $5 donation to Save the Children can buy soft toys or dolls for refugee children in need.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
1134 out of 25000 of claimed

Be Named on Site

$10 USD
Your name will be listed on the site's official thank you page + all perks above. A $10 donation to Save the Children can provide 50 injections of antibiotics for sick newborns.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
1077 out of 25000 of claimed

Custom Brofist

$25 USD
You will be emailed a custom brofist designed by Pewds especially for this campaign. + all perks above A $25 to Save the Children can provide 1 Emergency Shelter kit for those left homeless by crises.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
1056 out of 10000 of claimed


$25 USD
Pewds will call out your name in a special thanks to you during his charity livestream!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
37 out of 200 of claimed

Be Named in a Video

$50 USD
Pewds will feature your name in a thank you video on his YouTube channel. + all perks above A $50 donation to Save the Children can provide 1 emergency health kit to a refugee family in need.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
715 out of 2500 of claimed

Twitter Mention

$100 USD
Pewds will include your name/ twitter handle in a thank you tweet. + all perks above A $100 donation to Save the Children can provide care for orphans, vulnerable children and those affected by AIDS.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
116 out of 150 of claimed


$100 USD
Hear your beautiful name sung out by the beautiful singing voice of Pewds himself during the charity livestream.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
7 out of 200 of claimed

Custom Video Message

$500 USD
Pewds will send a custom video message to thank you personally for your donation. + all perks above A $500 donation to Save the Children can provide 1 camel and 1 cow to an impoverished family. A camel can help boost the income of families in poverty-stricken communities. A cow provides protein-rich milk that boosts nutrition.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
31 out of 50 of claimed

Gameplay Ep. Dedicated to You

$10,000 USD
Have a single gameplay episode within an existing series dedicated to you or your company with a dedication slide at the beginning of a video. + all perks above A $10,000 donation to Save the Children can provide 5 school water points. School water points quench children's thirst. With access to safe drinking water, schoolchildren's health, hygiene practices and abilities to learn improve. In addition, their families and entire communities benefit.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
2 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Special Tweet

$250 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
25 out of 25 of claimed
sold out

Signed Razer Headphones

$1,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
25 out of 25 of claimed
sold out

Skype with Pewds

$1,500 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Skype with Pewds

$2,500 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Fridays with PewDiePie

$50,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
2 out of 2 of claimed
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