---- UPDATE ----
Hey Bros,
Today is the last day of our charity drive #BrosSaveTheChildren ... but, WAIT. Here comes some other great news..
Due to the success of the Humble Bundle and livestreams, we are extending the campaign until May 20th, so that we can add those donations and try to reach our new stretch $600,000 for Save the Children.
Keep an eye out for new perks and be sure to share it with your friends!
You’re amazing Bros!
Hey Bros,
I can't believe we are finally at
25 MILLION subscribers. Hitting this milestone means so much to me, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than by doing something really cool with all of you. I am really excited about this campaign, and even though we have a big goal, I know that if we all work together, we can make it.
We're all just kids who grew up (kind of). Can you imagine if you never got that chance?
Save the Children is an awesome charity that has helped more than
125 million children around the world providing everything from school books to food to blankets and shelter.
I will be giving myself, and hope that all of you can give what you can give too. I have some exciting prizes for you to check out and some cool surprises coming up to help things along, but please help me get the word out.
Now that we are 25 million Bros strong, let's show the world what we can to together.
Thanks again and many brofists,
- Pewds
A Special Thanks to Our Incredible Contributors including:
@Victor_Is_Me / Victor Anggara |
Aaron Michael Douglas |
Adrian von Ziegler |
Aila Frost |
Aisha Ali |
Alana Ramirez |
Alba Barbati |
Alec Diehl |
Alex Berube-Robert |
Alex Hales |
Alex Tadiwala |
Alexander Casula |
Alexander Casula |
Alexander Eckstein |
Alexander Eliasson |
Alexander George |
Alicia Hawk |
Allie Madilynne Seavey |
Allie Madilynne Seavey |
Amanda Jastelle Renta-AmoraLight93 |
Amanda Jastelle Renta-AmoraLight93 |
Amber Gill |
Amber Lynette Thornton |
Andrey Leporskiy |
Andy Ho |
Anna Eline Bolstad |
Anna Fatah |
Anna Fatah |
Anna Zietek |
Anthony Greening |
Anuschka Baranowski |
Arinze Micheal |
Aron Nøstvold Hansen |
Ashena |
Ashley Davis |
Assar Pettersson |
Atos |
Audrey Daoust |
Ayla O'Dwyer |
Ayumi Koizumi |
badog2000 |
Bain Lindeman |
Bálint Fazekas |
Ban |
Batman |
Becca Lee |
Becca Lynn - Horse Girl |
Bekah McDonald |
Belhassen Shili |
Ben 'Imperial Stormz' Cutts |
Ben I-Waite |
Benny Edvardsson |
Berend Arnold |
Beth-Marie |
Björn Berger |
Boyd Cyr(GameMeUpScotty) |
BrainBlast Games |
Brandon McCardell |
Brianna Lee |
Britni Nicole Brown |
Buenaventura "The Heepo" Waters |
Caitlin Marie Cuadros |
Cal |
Calum Brock O'Brien |
Camille Guigueno |
Carl John Ayers |
Carola Mate |
Cason Johnson |
Cat |
Catherine Alexander |
Chance Goffman |
Chelsea Perez |
ChelseaPie |
Choo Kar Tjin |
Chris M. Williams |
Christopher Hopkins |
Christopher J. Hopper |
Cindy Navarro |
ClaudiaSV |
Cody Thomas Morrison |
Conall McLean |
Connor Kline |
Conor Massey |
Conor McGreevy |
Crimson Rose Bridge |
Cristhian Castillo Jaramillo |
Cyrus hays |
Dakota Johnston |
Dan Howell |
Daniel Mendes |
Daniel Rosser |
Daniele Gallant |
Danny Tick |
Darian Andrews |
David Landup/TheAlduinMaster |
Denise Keks |
Devan Garcia |
Devan Garcia |
DevonAnne Lewis |
Dézsi Mátyás |
Diego Veneri |
Dionna Johnson |
Direndal |
Dominik Wolfangel ILY |
dreamieh |
Eamonn Hall |
Eduardo Rivera |
Edward "Wrathsblade" Carpenter |
Eila Alatervo |
Eleonora Claessens |
Elias Gillogaley Moe |
Elias Pedersen |
Elias Pedersen |
Eliza Carmona |
Elizabeth Swyschtch |
Ellenore Craine |
Ellenore Craine |
Emily Goodlad |
Emmanuel Aradillas |
Erik Birger Karlsson |
Erik L Nordvold |
Erin Truly Johnson |
Ettore Rossetti |
EunHee Kim |
EunHee Kim |
Fabian Forsström |
Felix Kjellberg |
Feltz Pierre |
Feras Ahmed Aljedaibi |
Fern Middleton |
Fredrikola |
GameMeUpScotty |
George Hartrey |
Geraldine Hernandez |
Gina Cardilla |
Gorn K. Phetchpinkaew |
Grégoire Dupont |
Gui Moquette |
Gustavo torres |
habBAda |
Haley LeFrancois |
HannahMarie Schlembach |
Heather Tireney |
Hendrik Jan van den Broek |
Henna Khokher |
Hilary Gonzalez |
Hillary Neff |
Ian webster |
Ida Lindfors |
Inez de Bruijn |
Ingvild Brinch Gundersen |
Iselin Myrvang Brandtzæg |
Ivo Eckle |
Jaakko Sivonen |
Jack Renter |
JackSucksAtMinecraft |
Jacob Branch |
Jacob Marsh (ModMyPi) |
Jake "Jules" Giuliani |
Jamie Lehman |
Jamie Lehman |
Jan Kagerbauer |
Janay Angelique Dumas |
Jarid Scott |
Jasmin Dring |
Jasmine Karavelas |
Jasmine Karavelas |
Jason Garland |
Jason Q |
Jason Q |
Javier Saldivar |
Jaxom McCreadie-Roe |
Jennifer Fong |
Jens Ringgaard |
Jeremy Steinbach |
Jerome Williams |
Jessi Witt |
Jessica Bellis |
Jessica Darling |
Jessica Myers |
Jessie Hellbach |
Jill Dronckowski |
Jill Dronckowski |
Joanie "BubblyOasis" Rich |
Joanna Henry |
Joe Benbow |
Johannes Rieche |
Jon "Thehypster" Pedersen |
Jonas Korshøj |
Jonathan Åkerblom |
Jonna Ryynänen |
Jonny Christian |
Jonny W |
Jordan Bush |
Joseph Baroco |
Joseph Fochtman |
Joseph Fochtman |
Joseph Korte |
Joshua McVeigh |
Jovany ruiz |
Júlia Tetsuya |
Julie Consoli |
Julien Jaax |
Kaebra Martin |
Kai Wilson |
Kamal Ariffin |
Karl Oczadly |
Karla Murillo |