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Philadelphia Stories Jr.

Philadelphia Stories Jr. publishes writing & art by local kids in a free magazine. We need your help to keep the magazine in print & free!

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Philadelphia Stories Jr.

Philadelphia Stories Jr.

Philadelphia Stories Jr.

Philadelphia Stories Jr.

Philadelphia Stories Jr.

Philadelphia Stories Jr. publishes writing & art by local kids in a free magazine. We need your help to keep the magazine in print & free!

Philadelphia Stories Jr. publishes writing & art by local kids in a free magazine. We need your help to keep the magazine in print & free!

Philadelphia Stories Jr. publishes writing & art by local kids in a free magazine. We need your help to keep the magazine in print & free!

Philadelphia Stories Jr. publishes writing & art by local kids in a free magazine. We need your help to keep the magazine in print & free!

Christine Weiser
Christine Weiser
Christine Weiser
Christine Weiser
1 Campaign |
philadelphia, United States
$2,235 USD 41 backers
111% of $2,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Philadelphia Stories Jr. publishes writing and art by local kids in a free magazine, read by more than 4,000 people each year. We also partner with libraries, schools, and other youth organizations to celebrate their work through events and free workshops.

Publishing a free magazine and hosting free events isn't cheap, but we believe it's important. We don't need to give you more doom and gloom stats on how schools are cutting arts programs. We'd rather tell you the good news that kids are still telling stories with words and art.  Do you remember that first time you felt yourself truly launched into a new world through the magic of words? That's what we're trying to do with Philadelphia Stories Jr. -- to provide a place where kids can discover the transformative power of story, and learn that every voice is unique and important.

What We Need & What You Get

NEW! Make a donation to the campaign before our deadline of December 10, and you will be entered to win 4 tickets to the Arden Theatre's production of Sideways Stories from Wayside School! (And, you can still select a perk!)

  • We need about $3,000 to cover our costs for one issue of Philadelphia Stories Jr., which includes the party, the printing, the production, and the postage (how's that for alliteration?).
  • We have met our first goal of $2,000, which will make 2,000 copies of the free magazine available to readers of all ages. THANK YOU!  Phase 2 of our campaign will help fund our free workshops and get the free magazine out to more places. It's not too late to show your support!
  • We're offering perks that let you show the world how cool you think it is that kids get to be published authors and artists! We'll offer home delivery of the magazine for a year, fun Ts for kids, and even a pass to a one-day publishing workshop for writers of any age!

The Impact

Every little bit helps. You can't give too little - and you certainly can't give too much! Your contribution will directly support:

  • Publishing the work of young writers & artists.
  • Making that work available at every branch of the Philadelphia Free Library and many more libraries and schools. We have to ship the issues to reach this wide audience, which ain't cheap.
  • Space rental where we can host events to celebrate young artists beyond the ones published in the magazine.
  • Free workshops & programs: If we exceed our goal, these additional funds will help us pay qualified workshop instructors to bring their expertise to teach kids how to tell their stories.

Other Ways You Can Help

We know not everyone has the means to make a contribution. If you can't donate today, please consider:

  • Telling your friends about our campaign. Taking a few minutes to share a tweet or status update pointing your friends to our site can really help! 
  • Telling your local school or library about the program and encouraging their young artists & writers to submit their work.
  • Asking your local school or library if they would be interested in distributing the free magazine.
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

home magazine delivery

$25 USD
Get your very own copy of Philadelphia Stories Jr. delivered to your home for one year (2 issues).
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
9 claimed

kid's T shirt

$50 USD
These comfy cotton Ts in youth sizes M and L ask the question: What's your Philadelphia Story? Special arrangements can be made for grown-up sizes!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
4 out of 48 of claimed

writing conference pass

$250 USD
Push to Publish is a one-day writing conference hosted every second Saturday in October by Philadelphia Stories. Writers of all ages welcome!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 claimed

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