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Php Inspections EA Extended, a code analyzer

Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a superior Static Code Analyzer for PhpStorm and IdeaUltimate IDEs.

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Php Inspections EA Extended, a code analyzer

Php Inspections EA Extended, a code analyzer

Php Inspections EA Extended, a code analyzer

Php Inspections EA Extended, a code analyzer

Php Inspections EA Extended, a code analyzer

Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a superior Static Code Analyzer for PhpStorm and IdeaUltimate IDEs.

Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a superior Static Code Analyzer for PhpStorm and IdeaUltimate IDEs.

Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a superior Static Code Analyzer for PhpStorm and IdeaUltimate IDEs.

Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a superior Static Code Analyzer for PhpStorm and IdeaUltimate IDEs.

Vladimir Reznichenko
Vladimir Reznichenko
Vladimir Reznichenko
Vladimir Reznichenko
2 Campaigns |
Karlsruhe, Germany
$5,476 USD $5,476 USD 128 backers
51% of $10,738 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
Since late 2014 the project became a superior product in the field and stayed free and open source. Still, there are areas in the project infrastructure which needs improvements and which targeted with this campaign. With this campaign we want to achieve following goals: - Increase amount of automatic fixes (quick-fixes). - Build complete documentation up for all existing rules. - Make reported warnings translatable, translate them into German and French languages.

Short Summary

Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a static code analyzer for PhpStorm and IdeaUltimate IDEs which boosts up developers productivity without interrupting workflow with on-the-fly analysis and automatic fixes. Your support is very important for several reasons:

  • The analyzer is free of charge and open source, already well accepted by PHP community and now takes more time to maintain and deliver new features.
  • We use the analyzer to contribute into other open source projects: Symfony, Doctrine, Yii and PHP CS Fixer.
  • You can enable us to move the project further and make it even more useful.
  • We would like to dedicate more time to the project this year, and it would be awesome if this happens!

What We Need & What You Get

From the very beginning, the project had no funding and we reached now the point when the project support requires us to scale, e.g. we have to postpone 'Call to a member function ... on a non-object' inspection in favor of documentation; the same applies to quick-fixes. Possible ways as hiring someone or taking some work time for the project are need funding.

Also below we would like to make transparent how the funding will be distributed:

  • We are targeting 10 000 Euros in order to reach our goals (3 goals, 33.3% of the funding for each goal).
  • The raised funding will be spent on development of automatic fixes, documentation and translation: exactly in this order.
    • For each goal, we will create tickets in our backlog where it will be possible to track our progress.
    • For each release of the analyzer, we will post a campaign update with a precise report about quick-fixes, documentation and translation features funded by the campaign.
    • If we have to hire people, we'll publish bills as well.

Additionally, a unique perk is available to German backers - on-site workshop where I'll share best practices using the analyzer. Other locations are possible as well but this needs to be discussed separately.

The Impact

The campaign goals are reflecting community feedback and demands we are aware of, hence we definitely expecting some positive changes:

  • Adding more automatic fixes will boost up at least your personal productivity.
  • Adding more documentation will increase the level and security awareness of your colleagues and teams.
  • Translating to other languages will enable more people to take advantages of using the analyzer.

Risks & Challenges

Taking into account the project dynamic since 2014, the only risk we see is the manpower:

  • We'll probably need to reduce an amount of new features, postponing ones with biggest efforts.
  • But support topics and reported bugs will be resolved with the highest priority as usually.

Other Ways You Can Help

Spreading information about the project and personal contribution makes also positive impact. There are several ways to do it:

  • Promoting this campaign in professional and social networks.
  • Blog posts about the analyzer and your success stories.
  • Personal contributions to our documentation on Github.
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thanks, dude

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Creating documentation need some concentration, and a cup or two of coffee helps a lot.
Included Items
  • Thank you from us
12 claimed

Thanks a lot, dude

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
Support and answering questions need some time, this is a good way to fund the activities.
Included Items
  • Thank you from us
20 claimed

Keep adding awesome features

Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
Support us with discovering and implementing great ideas and features.
Included Items
  • Thank you from us
  • The project sticker
34 claimed

I have benefits from using it

Currency Conversion $54 USD
€50 EUR
The analyzer did help you to earn more and you want to share something back? That's a good way to do this.
Included Items
  • Thank you from us
  • A thank you card from us
  • The project sticker
15 claimed
Ships worldwide.

We have benefits from using it

Currency Conversion $322 USD
€300 EUR
Your colleagues or teams increased velocity with the analyzer and you want to share something back? That's a good way to do this.
Included Items
  • Thank you from us
  • A thank you card from us
  • The project stickers
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

We need a workshop

Currency Conversion $2,148 USD
€2,000 EUR
If you are in Germany we can organize a workshop on your side to maximize your benefits from using the analyzer.
Included Items
  • Thank you from us
  • On-site workshop (Germany)
  • A thank you card from us
  • The project stickers
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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