This comic is a passion project for me. I believe in my son's vision so much that I wanted to share with the rest of the world just a small sample of his creativity. We may not set the world on fire but a fire only needs a spark to spread. This is our spark!
Our Goals & What You Can Expect
We are aiming for the story to be 48 pages with more pages for Fan Art and other supplemental content. Hopefully with stretch goals we can add an epilogue that will tie seamlessly into the regular series.
The comic is 85% done pencil and ink wise. My colorists Rajesh is working on getting pages colored.
Funds raised will be going to printing the book and bringing you a high quality comic experience. The interiors will be fully colored. Any funds raised over our goal will be used to bring you more Pillowman and Blanketboy content in the near future. My son's imagination has no limit so there are many more adventures of Pillowman and Blanketboy to tell!
We have some very cool and unique perks, the likes you have never seen before with any other Indiegogo comic campaign.
Regular Cover
Behind the Idea
Children have insanely wild imaginations and my son Parker is no exception. When he came to me over nine years ago with the original concept of Pillowman and Blanketboy I thought it was just the ravings of a three year old. Boy was I wrong. His ideas and stories have only grown and grown since then. We are excited to share with you PILLOWMAN AND BLANKETBOY: MAXIMUM VELOCITY!
With your help and generosity of funding this book, we will give you a story that you will enjoy for long time and also help us give you more Pillowman and Blanketboy comics in the near future!
Meet the Team
- My name is Shaun Davis and I am the artist and co-writer for Pillowman and Blanketboy. I am a father who is turning his eleven year old son's ideas into reality.
Parker Davis is an eleven year old and is the brains behind the whole operation and also happens to be a co-writer. Without him there would be no Pillowman and Blanketboy.
Rajesh Kumar is a phenomenal colorist and a fantastic person. There's nothing this guy can't color. I thank him for making my art look good!
The Impact
We want you to enjoy Pillowman and Blankeboy as much as we do. These stories are for all ages but that doesn’t mean it’s just for kids. Adults will enjoy it as well. Making Pillowman and Blanketboy a household name is something that we hope to do, and with your help we will!
Stretch Goals
We have some exciting things lined up for stretch goals but that depends on you. If you want to get some great stuff we need your help to get us over our goal. After we hit our main goal, stretch goals will be announced!
Risks & Challenges
Sadly, if we are unable to complete our campaign goal, we will not let that stop us. We will retool, learn from our mistakes and come back bigger and better than ever.
Other Ways You Can Help
Lastly, if you are unable to back our campain, we ask that you share our campaign far and wide!