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Portrait of a Universe - Virtual Production Film

A short film reminding us of what it means to be human, set amongst the stars.

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Portrait of a Universe - Virtual Production Film

Portrait of a Universe - Virtual Production Film

Portrait of a Universe - Virtual Production Film

Portrait of a Universe - Virtual Production Film

Portrait of a Universe - Virtual Production Film

A short film reminding us of what it means to be human, set amongst the stars.

A short film reminding us of what it means to be human, set amongst the stars.

A short film reminding us of what it means to be human, set amongst the stars.

A short film reminding us of what it means to be human, set amongst the stars.

Oddity Productions
Oddity Productions
Oddity Productions
Oddity Productions
2 Campaigns |
Rochester, United States
$6,181 USD 32 backers
44% of $14,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


Interstellar impressionist painter, Rodney, seeks out swirling galaxies and colorful clusters of stars and captures the vastness of our universe in his artwork with the aid of his AI co-pilot, Alice, as they talk about art and humanity. 

Your Contribution to PORTRAIT OF A UNIVERSE Short Film is meaningful in these critical ways: 

  • Leveraging Virtual Production technology from Rochester Institute of Technology in hopes of exposing and inspiring Erie creatives to adopt emerging film and media technologies.
  • Helping to build a COVID-safe set, pay our cast and crew, and secure equipment and insurance.
  • Joining a community of people who believe in creating change the best way we know how: Storytelling.
  • In these unprecedented times, as technology and AI advances faster and faster, we hope to uplift our viewers and remind them what it means to be human through this heartfelt short film.
  • Get us through the finishing line with a complete edit for 2022/2023 festivals.


  • Shooting for the film is scheduled for April, post-production throughout Summer 2022
  • Festival distribution plans include major cultural platforms such as Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, and other big-name festivals garnering recognition for Oddity and the film community of Erie, PA. 
  • Keep scrolling to learn more about our out of this world creative team and our vision for the film





Following Oddity Productions' last major film, Alexander the Brain, taking us back to the late 19th Century with a thrilling display of bare-knuckle boxing, we have teamed up with the Rochester Institute of Technology and Penn State Behrend.  This powerhouse partnership brings together ambitious and talented filmmakers, 3D designers, motion picture engineers, and artists together onto one creative ship, ready to blast off to new frontiers with the power of virtual production.


Where does the money go?

Cast & Crew payment - talented, hardworking artists deserve to be paid for their work.

Set Fabrication - To capture this interstellar moment, in conjunction with our virtual production, we will need to create the onboard environment of our protagonist's ship. 

COVID-related fees - WE WANT EVERYONE SAFE! Filmmaking during this time is not impossible, but it comes with an extra cost for safety.

Food and crafty - We want everyone working at their best. And there's nothing like a balanced breakfast, snacks in between, and healthy lunch to make the cast and crew happy and ready to give their best.

Additional production cost - Insurance, extras, and reserved funds for any surprises. 

With this short film, similar to the mind of an impressionist painter, we hope to capture a moment to share with all of you. Help us give you an amazing piece of cinema that you will be proud to say you made possible!

Note: Donations of $25 and up will also provide access to an early screening.

Thank you!


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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
If you back this project in any way your name will appear in the credits of the film.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
3 claimed

Space Explorer

$25 USD
Choosing this option will earn you a spot in the credits and an exclusive look at some behind the scenes photos and video.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
3 claimed


$50 USD
This backer level earns you a spot in the credits, exclusive behind-the-scenes looks, and an early look at the official poster and trailer for the film.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
  • Early access to poster
  • Early access to trailer
5 claimed


$100 USD
This level of support earns you your name in the credits, exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and videos, early access to poster and trailer, and a specialized video thank you from the cast and crew.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
  • Early access to poster
  • Early access to trailer
  • Specialized Thank You
12 claimed

Neil & Buzz

$200 USD
This level of support will earn you your name in the credits, exclusive access to behind-the-scenes photos and video, early access to the poster and trailer, and you will get FREE access to the fully produced "Making Of: Portrait of the Universe" documentary.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
  • Early access to poster
  • Early access to trailer
  • Free access to making of doc
3 claimed


$500 USD
This level of backing earns you your name in the credits, exclusive access to behind the scenes photos and videos, early access to the poster and trailer, free access to the "Making Of: Portrait of a Universe" Documentary, and the opportunity to submit a question to be answered by the cast and crew during a promotional event for the film.
Included Items
  • Your name in the credits
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
  • Early access to poster
  • Early access to trailer
  • Free access to making of doc
  • Question for Cast & Crew
1 claimed

Space Cadet

$1,000 USD
This level of backing earns you exclusive access to behind the scenes content, early access to the poster and trailer, free access to the "Making Of" Documentary, the opportunity to submit a question to be answered by the cast and crew during a promotional event for the film, and you will be listed as an associate producer in the credits.
Included Items
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
  • Early access to poster
  • Early access to trailer
  • Free access to making of doc
  • Question for Cast & Crew
  • Associate Producer Credit
1 claimed

A Space Odyssey

$2,001 USD
This level of backing earns you exclusive access to behind the scenes photos and videos, early access to the poster and trailer, free access to the "Making Of" Documentary, and the opportunity to submit a question to be answered by the cast and crew during a promotional event for the film, and your name as an executive producer on the film.
Included Items
  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes
  • Early access to poster
  • Early access to trailer
  • Free access to making of doc
  • Question for Cast & Crew
  • Executive Producer Credit
1 claimed

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