Hello! my name is Catherine Janke and I have been studying, teaching, and producing art for over 20 years.
Last year I travelled to the state of Orissa in India, to learn and to make art, through an art residency organized by Carol Hummel and RIA/CE. The differences were eye opening and encouraging. The state of Orissa has a high percentage of artists that are still living off their art or craft. The whole family, a whole village and their art is sold around the country and the world. The traditional artist in India prays to their work and thanks god for it before starting each day of work: pray and thank each teacher you have had, or the technique will not work for you.
![traditional indian art traditional indian art]()
In Orissa I have seen people pray to each paint brush before using it. The creative process is as natural as breathing or say, brushing your teeth. To pray to and be thankful for this gift is like being thankful for each breath.
Postcards from Myanmar
![kingfisher sketches kingfisher sketches]()
This year I am returning to South Asia, starting in Thailand and then going to Myanmar, formerly the country of Burma. Myanmar is just now opening to visitors from the west and I am excited to be there.
![sketches of monkeys sketches of monkeys]()
Art is made from the artist's life fragmented into line and color. The shadows and colors of Thailand and Burma will become part of me.
![sketches of flags sketches of flags]()
We are seperated by our computer screens even as we live in the same towns. In exchange for your help in getting me far-away to Myanmar I hope to bring you close. I will send back sketches and test paintings as I travel as paper postcards through the mail. There is a connection between us through paper and color and line from my hands across the ocean to you back home.
![red scene red scene]()