Poulterer's Beast
Poulterer's Beast
Poulterer's Beast
Poulterer's Beast
Poulterer's Beast
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
This campaign is closed
Poulterer's Beast
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
Reviving Horror
My Story.
I'm a small town guy living the big city life with a huge passion for movies. When I was about 7, I saw Jim Henson's "Dark Crystal". In that instant, I was hooked. I had to make movies but unfortunately my family couldn't afford equipment so I took up writing poems and drawing. I then just rolled with that for awhile. Some years later, I saw yet another amazing movie; George A Romero's "Dawn of the dead" (I didn't know about "Night of the Living Dead" back then). That movie was an inspiration and kick started a whole new way of writing for me. It propelled me into writing short stories and eventually scripts. I drove every idea into the ground that hit me. Eventually, I decided it was time to go to school and begin to start down the path leading to the dream I KNEW that I was meant to live. With no money and with out a clue, I picked up and moved to Arizona. I began attending Collins College. I was making and shooting funny little skits while delving in to two new found interests, editing and directing. My current goal is to revive the horror genre. I am tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. It is about time someone did something about it. That is just what I intend to do.
Poulterer's Beast.
Tortured by her stepfather and ignored by her mother, Floe desperately seeks freedom but unfortunately, so does Poulterer's Beast!
Possessed, Floe slowly loses her grip on reality and begins to seek revenge for her lost innocence. Her only escape is the man who loves her and a woman who claims to be a two hundred year old witch. But there's one problem! The beast wont go down without a fight.
What We Need & What You Get.
"Poulterer's Beast" is not only my feature debut but also an attempt to revive the creep factor of the 80's supernatural horror movies. Your donations will help accomplish this! All monetary donations will go towards locations, wardrobe, makeup, props, equipment, and post production work such as editing. Rest assured, not one dollar will be used for anything else! To make it worth while, please take a look to the right of this page. You will find donation levels and perks offered for such donations. If we hit the goal, then that is GREAT! If we surpass the goal, then so much the BETTER! Every dollar is greatly appreciated!
Before you go, I just want you to know that this is a flexible funding campaign. The money will be held for the project until such a time that the goal is met or surpassed!
Other Ways You Can Help.
If you are not able to make a monetary donation then not to worry! You may still make a contribution in a huge way. All you have do is spread the word about this project in every way afforded to you, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Any support that you manage will help this project tremendouslyContact us!
Email: poulterersbeast@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PoulterersBeast
See some of my other work!