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POWERUP DART - App Controlled Paper Airplane.

Tiny smart paper airplanes designed to do a variety of mind-blowing aerobatics.

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POWERUP DART - App Controlled Paper Airplane.

POWERUP DART - App Controlled Paper Airplane.

POWERUP DART - App Controlled Paper Airplane.

POWERUP DART - App Controlled Paper Airplane.

POWERUP DART - App Controlled Paper Airplane.

Tiny smart paper airplanes designed to do a variety of mind-blowing aerobatics.

Tiny smart paper airplanes designed to do a variety of mind-blowing aerobatics.

Tiny smart paper airplanes designed to do a variety of mind-blowing aerobatics.

Tiny smart paper airplanes designed to do a variety of mind-blowing aerobatics.

shai goitein
shai goitein
shai goitein
shai goitein
4 Campaigns |
Tel Aviv, Israel
$1,887,651 USD by 26,931 backers
$1,678,253 USD by 24,065 backers on Oct 18, 2017 with another platform
The project team has begun shipping their products. The delivery may be affected by shipping challenges and delays.
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Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects
The conversion kit that gives your paper airplanes superpowers. It's simple- just fold a small paper plane, attach DART and turn up the controls on DART's smartphone app to take flight in your backyard, office, or park. Tilt your wrist for simple turns then sequence a few tilts, flicks and speed boosts to pull off a variety of mind-bending aerobatic tricks. Attaching the wheels turns any flat surface into your personal runway so you can take-off and land anywhere.

Now available at AMAZON





POWERUP DART is a conversion kit for paper planes that makes them awesome. Fold a small paper plane, attach the DART, and fly around your backyard, office or park with impressive accuracy. Do cool tricks with an awesome paper plane jet you fold yourself.  





















 We added a crossbar and improved paper airplane templates to make the DART.  The crossbar enables the DART to sustain high G Force during tight maneuvers. Plus, you can adjust the plane's stability by moving the bar up and down the spine. 




Super durable with carbon fiber and nylon reinforced plastic and a rubber tip to withstand the force of a crash landing.











 * New fully featured app available May 2018. The Dart is compatible with the currently available POWERUP APP.






Our production has already started and it's going great. We have not one, but two (!!) production lines committed to meeting the high demand. Check out some pictures from the factory. 



International Backers: We will ship POWERUP DART worldwide via trackable post. Please note that you may be responsible for duties, fees and taxes applicable to your region, for more info check the FAQ.






  Tross is a data driven crowdfunding company.












Q: What makes the POWERUP DART aerobatic?

A: The POWERUP DART is equipped with a high-speed motor and propeller and a lightweight design, which makes it an over-powered airplane. The thrust to weight ratio, combined with a carefully crafted paper templates and cross carbon spine, enables POWERUP DART to perform high G aerobatic maneuvers, climb vertically and recover from steep descends.


Q: How do I control and steer the plane?

A: The POWERUP DART is controlled by an app on your smartphone. The airplane is connected to the smartphone via Bluetooth. Ascending & descending is achieved by increasing or decreasing the propeller speed, by sliding the throttle on the screen up or down. Steering is done by a rudder, tilting the phone right or left will tilt the rudder and steer the airplane.


Q: Which smartphones can I use with the POWERUP DART?

A: iPhone 4S or newer; iPod Touch 5th Gen or newer; iPad 3rd Gen or newer; iPad mini. Android: version 4.3 or higher, with Bluetooth 4.0 enabled devices.


Q: How easy is it to fly the POWERUP DART?

A: POWERUP DART lets you take a part in the magic of flying, constructing your very own aircraft. A new pilot will need to take some time learning to trim and adjust the paper airplane in order to achieve a balanced airplane and precise control. The app is equipped with optional flight assist control system that restrains the airplane from diving in sharp turns. The more you fly, the better you get. The better you get, the more you enjoy! Flying aerobatics is easy, most of the tricks are done in boost mode which is literally throttle open 100%, looping and barrel rolls are easy and incredibly fun. Taking off with landing gear (only supplied with the Standard kits) is also easy, just throttle up and lift-off.


Q: What is the takeoff distance? Frm which surface can I takeoff?

A: Taking off with the wheels (supplied only with the Standard kits) require a smooth surface, such as smooth cement or concrete for outdoors locations or parquet floor in a gymnasium or large office space. Take off distance is approximately 12 feet/ 3.5 meters


Q: How durable is the POWERUP DART?

A: The POWERUP DART is made of durable material: Carbon fiber rods, Nylon rienforced with glass fiber and Polypropylene plastics and a rubber bumper. It can withstand some impressive crashes. Having said that, no flying machine is unbreakable. Flying on a soft surface will prolong the POWERUP DART life. Spare parts for repair and maintenance are will be available on Backerkit ad-ons and on our website. Paper wing damaged ? just fold a new one.


Q: Can you fly POWERUP DART in windy conditions?

A: For the best experience and precise and smooth flight maneuvers it is best to fly on a non-windy day, alternatively a closed space like a gym or atrium is ideal. The fast speed low drag design of the POWERUP DART will allow you to fly also in light winds up to 10 MPH as long as there are no turbulence and gusts.


Q: Is it possible to fly multiple airplanes at the same time and in close vicinity?

A: Yes you can. POWERUP DART is much more fun to fly with friends. Try a dogfight or coordinated aerobatic formation. The Bluetooth signal does not interfere, you can fly as many Darts as you like together.


Q: What is the difference between the POWERUP DART and the POWERUP 3.0?

POWERUP 3.0 is the first generation of smartphone-controlled paper airplanes based on the standard A4 8.5"X11" copier paper. 
The DART (half the size of the 3.0) takes paper airplane RC flying to the next level by introducing 3D aerobatics. This is achieved thanks to the reduced weight, reduced drag and faster more efficient propeller and motor, now we get 2:1 thrust to weight ration versus 1:1.You can also takeoff and land from the ground thanks to the quick connect landing gear and skid which come only with the Standard kits. If you do have a POWERUP 3.0, the wheels and skid are compatible as well. Currently, there is no plan to offer the landing gear a separate kit.


Q: What brings POWERUP to crowdfunding for a third project?

A: As a platform for innovative projects, Indiegogo is a natural environment for the POWERUP products. It allows us to introduce great ideas to new hobbyists much earlier than traditional marketing, and interact with our user’s community whom are an important part of our development process. In 2014 POWERUP 3.0 was launched on Kickstarter, bringing the idea of paper airplane RC flying to the world. In 2015 POWERUP FPV was launched on Kickstarter, taking paper airplanes to a new technological level with First Person View flying. After learning from our ever growing community, we are excited to introduce POWERUP DART, an aerobatic stunt monster. Enjoy!


Q: Do I need to register POWERUP DART as a drone according to the new FAA regulations?

A: No need to register, POWERUP DART weight is less than 0.4 oz/12 grams, the FAA requires registration for drones that weigh 0.5 lb/250 grams or more.


Q: Are multiple pledges possible? Can I get more than one POWERUP DART?

A: Yes, Indiegogo allows you to pledge more than once. You can also up your chosen perk and get 2, 4 or 8 POWERUP DARTs.


Q: Do I have to pay VAT or customer duties?

A: For US backers there are no customs duties. All other destinations world wide VAT and Duty may apply depending on your country. Please check with your local customs office for customs charges.


Q: Do you accept returns? Is there a warranty?

A: Unfortunately we do not accept returns from Indiegogo projects. We will however repair or replace a defective unit as part of our warranty policy. We provide a full 1-year warranty on all parts aside from the propellers and battery. Battery warranty - 6 months from order.


Q: Will backer perks be any different from the retail version of the POWERUP DART?

A: POWERUP DART Indiegogo rewards offer special bundle options for multiple airplanes, special edition add-ons such as the airplane desk stand and the accessories kit with landing gear and special paper template. These bundles are offered to Indiegogo backers only.


Q: What spare parts are included in the kits and what can be purchased separately?

A: All kits include a spare propeller and a spare paper template. 
The Standard kit also includes spare Japanese templates for takeoff and landing. A spare rudder, battery, cross-bar, bumper, wheels and rear skid, will be offered separately on Backerkit as an add-on after the campaign is over.


Q: What is the best way to contact the POWERUP team?

A: You can comment on the POWERUP DART campaign page, and if you to get in touch directly with us: 
Send us a direct message via the Indiegogo DART page. 
You can also shoot us an email to - support at 


Q: Does the POWERUP DART have a camera built in the module?

A: The DART does not have a camera, some confuse this product with the POWERUP FPV that does have a wifi streaming camera. If you want to try putting a small camera on the airplane note that the max payload is limited to a few grams and dependent on the wing size and design, we did not try it.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Dogfight - 2 Standard DARTs

Dogfight - 2 Standard DARTs

$69 USD $118 USD (41% off)
Get 2 STANDARD POWERUP DARTS (in blue & red) with full gear kits and an awesome desk stand. Fly with a friend or switch & recharge for continuous flight. --Will retail for $118 | 41% off right now --Shipping: $5 US | $8 Rest of the World
Included Items
  • DART Desk Stand
  • 2x DART Modules
  • 4 Paper Plane Templates
  • 2x Take-off and Landing Wheels
  • 10 Japanese Aerobatic Paper
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
468 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Solo - Standard DART

Solo - Standard DART

$37 USD $59 USD (37% off)
Get the STANDARD POWERUP DART (in blue) with the full gear kit. --Will retail for $59 | 37% off right now --Shipping: $5 US | $8 Rest of the World
Included Items
  • DART Module
  • Wheels for Take-off & Landing
  • 5 Japanese Aerobatic Papers
  • 2 Paper Plane Templates
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
373 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Family- 4 Standard DARTs

Family- 4 Standard DARTs

$119 USD $236 USD (49% off)
Get 4 STANDARD POWERUP DARTS (in all 4 colors) with full gear kits and 2 awesome desk stands. --Will retail for $236 | 49% off retail right now --Shipping: $8 US | $10 Rest of the World
Included Items
  • 4x DART Modules
  • 8 Paper Plane Templates
  • 2x DART Desk Stands
  • 4x Take-off & Landing Wheels
  • 20 Japanese Aerobatic Paper
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
115 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Office - 8 Standard DARTs

Office - 8 Standard DARTs

$219 USD $472 USD (53% off)
Get 8 STANDARD POWERUP DARTS (2 in every color) with full gear kits and 4 awesome desk stands. --Will retail for $472 | 53% off retail right now --Shipping: $9 US | $12 Rest of the World
Included Items
  • 16 Paper Plane Templates
  • 4x DART Desk Stands
  • 8x DART Modules
  • 8x Take-off and Landing Wheels
  • 40 Japanese Aerobatic Paper
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
44 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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