Why 1820 The Musical Soundtrack?
1820 The Musical is a riveting story surrounding the lives of historical religious figures, Joseph and Emma Smith. Through a series of vignettes, it speaks to the human experience of love, loss, faith, trial, sacrifice, injustice, healing, and hope forged in the religious fervor of 19th Century America. The script was written by award-winning playwright, George Nelson, who has had success with plays Off-Broadway and around the world. The sibling songwriting trio, Doug Lowe, Kendra Lowe Holt, & Kayliann Lowe Juarez, has numerous placements in Film/TV and radio singles, including songs on the Billboard Top 10 charts.
The stage production was set to debut earlier this year in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, and Phoenix, but has been postponed due to Covid. Many who purchased tickets and are eagerly anticipating a future premiere have requested a soundtrack while they wait.
The creative team heard your request and is pleased to answer your call for an official soundtrack of 1820 The Musical! Do we need your help? Yes! Are we asking you to donate today and help fund this massive endeavor? Yes! Do we actually need your help? Yes! In the same breath, this campaign is about more than just raising funds. Rather, it is a way to stay connected with each of you by getting this infectious music into your hands and speakers. By pre-ordering the soundtrack today, you literally become co-creator with us for this riveting drama. Our hope is that by the time we are able to meet together to watch the musical unfold in person, you will know every song lyric and melody and truly be one of the cast members as you sing along with us in the theater!
What We Need & What You Get
We have 19 songs that are in various stages of completion (watch the video that gives you sneak peeks of several songs from the soundtrack!), with multiple lead vocalists, ensemble singers, live musicians, string sessions, track production, mixing, and distribution. We have A-list players and award-winning producers involved (including Grammy-nominated) and need YOUR help to raise $50,000 in order to present this soundtrack to you on a sparkling silver platter. (*Note that NONE of these funds raised will go to pay the the songwriters. This campaign will cover hard costs of production expenses and Indiegogo fees ONLY. This is truly a labor of love to get the music into your hands so you don't have to wait a second longer!)
Perks you can expect:
-Digital Download and/or Signed Physical CD Copy of the Soundtrack
-Listening Party Access
-Signed Hand-written Song Lyric of Your Choice
-60 min Songwriting Mentoring Session with Songwriting Team
-60 min Script Mentoring Session with Director George Nelson
-House Concert (with Lead Characters and/or Core Cast)
-Soundtrack Co-Executive Producer / Executive Producer
-60 Min Q&A Zoom Call with Creative Team
-Songwriting Session (Write a Song with the Songwriting Team)
-Theatre Tickets / Meet & Greet Passes
-Pay it Forward and Share with Friends and Family - 10 copy package
These exclusive perks have been intimately curated by the creative team with YOU in mind and are ONLY accessible through THIS campaign. Don't miss your chance to take advantage of this unique opportunity! Pre-order now!
The Impact
By pre-ordering the soundtrack right here on Indiegogo today, you are literally helping answer the call of numerous others requesting to "get this music out there." As previously mentioned, the sibling songwriting trio has multiple Film/TV credits, Top 10 Billboard songs on the radio, and decades of experience headlining stage shows internationally. One can expect a multi-genre soundtrack, with something for everyone. Music has a way of bringing people together, and the positive responses from the various readings and previews associated with this musical have been overwhelming.
Risks & Challenges
The creative team brings years of experience recording and creating music projects professionally. Kendra has worked on various celebrity albums and TV shows; Kayliann is a studio session singer in Nashville, with clients including iHeart Radio; Doug is a film producer with endless recording and production credits. As a result, the risks and challenges associated with this soundtrack have mostly been related to moving the project forward in multiple states in America during quarantine, while still adhering to Covid-19 regulations. For example, studio sessions have either been done virtually or with social distancing and mask-wearing. Nashville has carried the bulk of the lead vocals and tracking sessions with live musicians, while Salt Lake City has undertaken the string and ensemble vocal sessions, as well as stellar Grammy-nominated producers who program gorgeous loops, textures, and sounds to make the songs sparkle like "The Greatest Showman." We are passionate about this music and have gladly lost sleep and even at times, our sanity, in order to make this soundtrack a reality for you!
Other Ways You Can Help
We recognize this has been a wild and unstable year for people financially. Do you feel the pull to contribute but don't presently have the funds to do so? Here are other ways you can still help!
- Spread the word.
- Did we mention, SPREAD THE WORD?
- Help us get the word out about this campaign and make some noise!
- Use the IndieGoGo share tools to share this link to your social media pages.
- Text this link to friends and family, or ask a neighbor if they'll "pay it forward" and contribute for you to have a copy of this soundtrack!
- Like and Follow 1820 The Musical on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Spotify (@1820Musical). Once the music is delivered to everyone who participated in the campaign, we will release the music on Spotify for you to stream. We will also do give-aways on our social media accounts, so please FOLLOW along!
- https://www.facebook.com/1820Musical
- https://www.instagram.com/1820musical
https://open.spotify.com/user/t08gr2qe2p8roftzb... (1820 Musical Account) (It is crucial to click the FOLLOW button on Spotify so you can be alerted when we release the music here.)
- https://twitter.com/1820musical