Maybe you've been listening to, hanging out with, and tapping your boots to Redleg Husky for years, or maybe you just enjoy heartfelt roots music and as a result have stumbled on this page. Either way, we the bandmates of Redleg Husky are excited to share our second full length album, My Old Heart, with you. We're going bigger than ever for this one, traveling from our home in Asheville, NC, to Connecticut to record at one of the country's premier Americana studios, Dirt Floor, in October. We believe that what we produce there will be the truest representation of our songwriting and musicianship yet.
What This Campaign Is All About
We've been hard at work over the last few years, gigging 4-5 times a week all around the Eastern USA, year-round, while also doing all of our own booking, promotion, and management. We've managed not only to make a living, but to put money aside to fund this second album ourselves.
This campaign is a way to facilitate getting My Old Heart into your hands. You get the new album before every other kid on the block has the chance to go to Tower Records and get it. Moreover, you get the best prices that we'll offer on all of our merch, including brand new Asheville-made, super soft and cozy t-shirts, handmade Husky koozies, durable vinyl stickers, and copies of our first full-length release, Carolina. In return, we get a little extra peace of mind, knowing that the effort and savings that we're putting into this project are being rewarded, and that quite a few ears out there are hearing the songs that we're making.
Other Ways You Can Help Us Do Our Thing
If you're not up for pre-ordering at this time, but you like the cut of our jib, enjoy our music and want to help us continue to make it, we'd really appreciate it if you could help spread the word about this campaign. The other thing that we always appreciate is you coming out to a show, bringing a friend that likes instruments with strings on them, shaking a tailfeather, and possibly buying Son a beer. He plays bass better that way.
Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you all out there soon.
-Tim, Misa, and Son