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Wirelessly connect your Makerbot and Marlin 3D printers to the web
Just 3 clicks to print!
Just upload, choose your printer, and your slicer. The fastest print possible. But this isn't child's play, we give you full control over your slicer settings. The Raspberry Pi is overclocked for performance, so you'll never have printing issues.
As easy as Plug-and-Play
With PrintToPeer, when you first connect your Raspberry Pi to your 3D printer, it just works! The network is automatically configured, your 3D printer is recognized, driver updates are seamlessly integrated, and slicer settings are pre-configured so you are ready to print.
A simple yet powerful interface
PrintToPeer is designed for a beginner, and configured for a pro. We want to make the print process as seamless as possible for when you just want a print to work on the first try. And fast when you have your slice profiles configured.
The maintenance console is a re-imagination of what a print driver could look like. Tutorials will take you through the steps of calibrating your 3D printer, and changing your filament.
With a filament catalog, your settings are shared with the crowd. These include speed, flow rate and temperature offsets. You no longer need to look up the temperatures required, because filament settings are stored with which printer it was used on. And with ratings, you’ll know which settings have been vetted by the community.
Share your 3D printer with friends
It has never been more important to share 3D printers because the technology is coming into classrooms and offices. Ethernet was made specifically for sharing a printer in an office, so why don’t 3D printers have it? We are hosted on the web, you can easily add another user to your account.
STL files are on the web, your 3D printer should be too
It has never been easier to find free 3D printable objects online in marketplaces like Thingiverse and YouMagine. All you want is to send the design to your 3D printer, but instead you need to process the files on your computer. What if the files were repaired and sliced on the web and sent straight to your 3D printer?
PrintToPeer gives you a web dashboard for your 3D printer that lets you upload STL files, or import them from other web services.
Mobile friendly
You are always on the go, and prints can take a long time, so we know how important it is for your printer to be available from anywhere. Your slicer settings will always be with you, and so will realtime stats.
Your 3D printer can send you status updates over SMS or email when your print is finished or if any problems happened during the print.
Monitor your camera remotely
You can watch your print on the web interface from anywhere, all you need is a camera module attached to your Raspberry Pi. If it is a long print and you are concerned it might fail, we can monitor your feed for you and pause the print if anything appears to be unusual. When the print is complete a photo can be automatically shared with your friends.
How it works
Cloud slicing done right, and fast
Performance is important to us. We host Slic3r, Cura, and Makerbot slicers on powerful servers that are always fast and available. So you no longer need to have a beastly computer slicing your files at home. Access your slicer profiles from anywhere and share them with others.
Our database of slicer settings will improve over time, and by tracking failure rates we can offer you the most reliable slicer settings for your specific 3D printer.
Real time, all the time
We knew that there could be no delay for commands and feedback since these are motors we are controlling. PrintToPeer is built with real time websocket communication to give you high resolution data and analytics.
Open source at heart
Open source drives innovation, and we wouldn’t be here without a few key open source projects. So we are giving back to the community by keeping our entire Raspberry Pi codebase open source. We put principles before profit and will be contributing to the success of other projects.
We have taken the same approach as Android, keeping our backend services (queueing, slicing, slice profiles) closed, customizable, and high quality. But with our stretch goal, the server-side code will be open source too!
Secure from the start
Remotely accessing your 3D printer could be a security nightmare, but it's not. From the ground up, all of our connections are made over secure connections using SSL.
Build on top of our platform
The future of 3D printing will be created on top of feature-rich open APIs. We built PrintToPeer to be developer-friendly so you can build on top of our platform. This is new territory, and we are excited to see what you create.
A common API for all 3D printers
You shouldn’t need to know how endstops work to integrate 3D printing in your application. We have abstracted away the lower level details of the different printing processes, so that you can send an object to a generalized 3D printer.
Adding wireless 3D printing to your apps is easy
With a simple RESTful or WebSocket based API, a PrintToPeer user can 3D print right from your apps. You can query which printers are connected with which filament, send objects to the printer
Get early access
Sign up at printtopeer.io/developer to get early access to the PrintToPeer API so you can start building apps for 3D printers.
Proven to Print
Here's what people are saying
“This is the way of the future. The missing piece of the puzzle in 3D printing” - Jean Le Bouthillier, Boots Industries
"So I gave it a shot today, got it all setup and love the maintenance mode as it was nice and fast. Overall I really like the interface and design you guys have come up with." - Ryan Jennings, FormLi
“Designers want to design, not deal with files. The PrintToPeer interface allows designers to get back to doing what they do best. Fire and Forget: sending a design to a printer then moving on to the next iteration. In my view a software platform like this is a critical component to mass adoption.” - Bryan Allen, Smith|Allen Studio
What's already built, and what's next?
We’ve spent the past year building our core technology, including our Raspberry Pi software and backend services, and we now support cloud slicing, queueing, and printing. With your help, our next step is to get our software into the hands of as many people as possible, improve compatibility with your 3D printers, and add more features (like automatic mesh repair, guided walkthroughs for tasks like bed leveling, and a more fully-featured API).
Partnership with 3D Hubs
From all of your feedback we know that everyone with a 3D printer prints for other people. Today we are excited to announce that 3D Hubs will be integrating our API so that the process of accepting print jobs is streamlined.
3D Hubs lets people in your area discover your 3D printing capability, handles file uploads and payments, and even repairs the files for you. With our API integration, your favorite slice profiles will accurately price your prints, then prints can be sent directly into your print queue for automatic slicing and approval. How easy is that?!
Anyone can sign up today at http://www.3dhubs.com/ and the integration will take place this summer, after the campaign is complete. If this is something that you value, please support our campaign to make distributed manufacturing accessible.
Crowdsourced Sculpture
In September, we built the world's first crowdsourced 3D printed sculpture with your help. You mailed us 1600 3D printed pieces from around the world, and the result was spectacular. By backing our $10 tier, your logo will be included in this sculpture.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat do I get with my lifetime subscription?
You’ll get a personal PrintToPeer account that allows you to connect and operate as many Raspberry Pis and printers as you want. That includes unlimited queueing, slicing, and new features as we add them.
Why should I pay if it is open source?
Your support pays for more than just the Raspberry Pi software - it’s also a lifetime subscription to our backend services (server costs for cloud-hosted slicing and STL repair service), which means you don’t need a beefy desktop next to your printer anymore. It also helps us build our open developer API, and helps us contribute to the future of 3D printing.
Specifically, what parts of PrintToPeer are open source?
Everything that communicates with your printer, and everything that runs inside of your network, is open source. That includes the Raspian-derived linux distro that we ship on the SD cards, and all of the software running on it.
With our stretch goal, the server-side software will be released as open source as well. More details will be released when this stretch goal is reached.
Isn’t doing everything through the Internet slower than just using USB?
Surprisingly, no! Because we do slicing on dedicated, highly-optimized cloud servers, we can actually slice things faster than the average home computer can. And since it is closer to the source of STL files, the downloads and slicing happen incredible fast. We use websockets for communication with 3D printers, and in real-world testing the round-trip is barely noticeable (see if you can see it in the video).
What if I don’t have a very good internet connection?
PrintToPeer is designed to work with any kind of Internet connection, even the really bad ones. The entire print’s GCode is downloaded to the Pi before printing starts, so if you lose your internet connection mid-print, there’s no risk of print failure.
Why do I need to buy special hardware when my printer already works fine?
Most 3D printers don’t have Ethernet or WiFi, only USB. That’s why PrintToPeer needs the Raspberry Pi -- it connects your printers to the Internet, so we can give you cloud slicing and an API. We’re very comfortable with the Raspberry Pi as a platform, as they’re common, inexpensive, and well-liked, especially among the 3D printing community. If you already have a Raspberry Pi sitting around, you don’t even have to buy any new hardware!
Will I lose my favorite power-user functionality?
No! We’re working hard to ensure that everything you can do in Repetier / ReplicatorG / MakerWare, you can still do with PrintToPeer - but from anywhere, and with an open API. All those settings and tweaks from your favorite slicer are still there, and you can still customize everything to your heart’s content.
Does the camera monitoring use computer vision?
Not yet. We plan to pull a photo of your print every 10 slices and we will watch a feed of all of these images. If the print appears to be failing, we will pause the print and send you a notification. In the future we hope to implement an automated solution with computer vision.