Refund FAQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q: Why isn’t Indiegogo handling the refund, as in other crowdfunding campaigns I’ve backed?
A: Opposite to Kickstarter, Indiegogo doesn’t offer any portal for refunding Contributors. The best option they recommended was using PayPal for this. We went one step further and added the possibility to get the refund over a bank transfer in the EU (SEPA) and US, as that circumvents the transaction fees of PayPal.
Q: I haven't received any survey yet! When and where
will I get it?
A: We'll be sending out the refund-survey just after we post this
update to the email address with which you log in to your Indiegogo
account. Anyhow, it is possible that it may have been caught by the SPAM
filter, so please do look in there. Look for the email address: "noreply@protonet.info via surveymonkey.com" (member@surveymonkey.com)
Q: I don't have a PayPal account, how can I receive
the funds?
A: You can create a new PayPal Account for free, and you don't need to create
one before filling out the refund-request survey. Alternatively, as a EU-
(SEPA) or US-Based contributor you'll have the choice to get the funds over a
bank transfer. We don't expect any transaction charges within these economic
Q: Do I need to do anything when I receive the PayPal
A: YES, ACTION NEEDED! You'll have 30 days to accept the payment, so that the
funds get allocated to your PayPal account. The funds will be transferred back
to us if you don't take action within 30 days after you receive the payPal
transfer notification. In case that happens, we'll send you an email to clarify
the situation.
Q: How long will it take until all funds have been
A: We will only refund contributors, who fill out the survey, as we don't want
to blindly send funds over PayPal without knowing the contributor's payment
Q: Can I initiate a chargeback with my credit card
provider or a dispute in PayPal to get the funds back?
A: Please don't try that, as it would only complicate the process. That said,
credit card chargebacks can only be initiated 120 days after the transaction.
PayPal transactions can only be disputed 45 days after the funds have been
collected. We expect some frustration in this aspect, but please trust us.
Q: Is there a way I can get a bank transfer, and avoid
the PayPal acceptance fees?
A: As a EU- (SEPA) or US-Based contributor you'll have the choice to get the
funds over a bank transfer. We don't expect any transaction charges within
these economic regions. If you're based anywhere else in the world, but you do
have a EU-(SEPA) or US-based bank account, please send us a direct message over
Indiegogo. Simply click on “ask a question” when you scroll up, just next
to my profile picture on the campaign page. We'll get back to you in no time.
Q: What happens if a contributor doesn't answer the
refund-request survey?
A: We'll send out the survey to all contributors just after announcing the
refund. After that we will send weekly reminders to all contributors, who haven't
filled out the refund-request. After four reminders, we'll send out the funds
over PayPal to the contributor's Indiegogo email address. Contributors then
have 30 days to accept the PayPal payment. If the contributor also fails to
accept the payment within the 30 days, the funds will be automatically
transferred back to our PayPal account. Contributors who fail to get the refund
within our process can get in touch with us through a direct message over
Indiegogo. Simply click on “ask a question” when you scroll up, just next to my
profile picture on the campaign page.
Q: When will a new ZOE Campaign launch?
A: ZOE is alive and we'll keep on working on getting her to market. At
this time, there is no way we can give a reliable timeline, but we will send all
our current contributors an email with a special discount for when we re-launch
ZOE. You can also subscribe here if you want to have ZOE-news and make
sure you stay in the loop.
Q: I don't want to get a refund. I'm used to delays in
crowd funding campaigns and I'd be happy to wait until you deliver some day.
A: Please accept our refund. Due to the delay, we'll be able to integrate
learnings we got over this campaign. The re-launched ZOE will have different
specifications and pricing.
Q: What's the partner's name?
A: We're not in liberty to communicate that, as it would reduce the future
impact at the re-launch of ZOE. We know our partner has very good reasons to
postpone his cooperation with us and we respect that.
Q: I contributed multiple times, will I receive the
funds in multiple transactions?
A: We will consolidate the funds of contributors who contributed multiple times
into one transaction.
Q: Can you please share the security in place to protect my information?
A: We’ve taken extra cautionary measures, so that our survey can’t be hacked. Our company is strong in the data security aspect of the internet, and you can trust we know this, as it’s one of our core competences. We will also delete all content from the refund-requests as soon as we send out the funds.
Q: Wasn't this just an interest free loan for
A: We spent a lot of time, money and tears on the development of ZOE, creation
of the video and managing the campaign. On top of that we paid around 10% for
Indiegogo and payment provider fees. So you can believe us if we say this
wasn't such an awesome "loan".
Q: I already received the Protonet Business Server,
what happens to me?
A: You'll receive a refund of the campaign value of the ZOE and Voicedrop
Campaign FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Can I use ZOE with Insteon, Homematic, or Zigbee?
Yes, ZOE will support basic Insteon and Homematic functionality. Please keep in mind that more recent Insteon hubs don’t allow for direct communication but require us to use their cloud API. While we intend to provide both integrations with the first software release, we will prioritize timely delivery over full support. Missing functionality will be added via our software update mechanism.
A Zigbee integration will be available as an add-on after delivery. We are focusing on Z-Wave first to ensure timely delivery.
Will ZOE have a
No, but she can talk! – Anything else can be
managed over the smartphone or browser.
Is Zoe
is being integrated with Smart meters that control the power being generated by
home solar power systems?
If these devices have an IP/HTTP API they can be
integrated with ZOE.
How is ZOE powered? Is it by a cord you plug in to the wall or by batteries and are the
drops powered the same way?
ZOE is powered by a plug, Voice Drops use a USB based
power plug.
Does Zoe
detect your in the room by voice or Bluetooth or how does that work?
Voice Drops detect the room your in by voice.
Presence can be detected by your smartphone.
Does Zoe
have a zwave chipset inside or is zwave enabled by using other controllers apis
and http requests? And if it does what version on The chipset?
ZOE has a Zwave chipset
inside - we haven't made a final decision on the chipset to use but we've currently
aiming to use Z-wave plus.
Will she have
internal storage e.g. for music?
She will have some internal storage but currently
not intended to be used for music.
the Zoe support the European frequency of the Z-Wave protocol (868,4 Mhz)?
What about
We intend to send out all perks to US- and EU-Based backers
from a local distribution centre, so you don’t have to hassle with customs. Fort
he rest oft he world, we’ll most probably send out the perks directly from our central
distribution centre in China. Please note that you will be responsible for
duties, fees and taxes applicable to your region, which in the past have ranged
from 0% to 20% in the US and EU countries, to as much as 200% for certain South
American countries.
How do I install ZOE on a wall?
You just need to put two screws into the wall. It’s as easy as this! And especially beautiful when the power cable is hidden inside the wall.
Thank you for backing us! Please share!