Families fleeing war zones arrive in large numbers every day
in Greece having lost everything, the lucky ones have a tiny backpack with them. These refugees have long journeys ahead to northern Europe, usually walking for miles and standing for hours on the frontiers. They even have to sleep at night out in the open. Keeping as dry as possible is not only a comfort but
can also be a matter of life or death. On compassionate grounds we need to alleviate their immediate suffering as much as possible, whatever our own particular opinion is about giving these people permanent refuge in Europe.
I have just come back from delivering clothes and medicines,
donated by friends here in France, to a refugee center in Greece (see photo).
I was wondering how I could continue to contribute in a useful way from my home in France. The violent rains the day I left Greece and the distressing photos of refugees in the rain helped me decide !
I have since been in touch with volunteers and the mayor on Leros, a
small island close to Turkey, where very many refugees are arriving all the time. My suggestion to supply lightweight rain-ponchos for adults/rain jackets for the kids was greeted with enthusiasm as these could not only be of immediate use but could be taken on the long journeys northwards.
So please help me raise money to be able to buy as many cheap but solid ponchos as possible. Remember, it's just the price of one Greek salad needed to protect one adult or child from the rain ! I will be sending the clothes to a volunteer group working on the island to distribute and I will be financing the sending of some immediately.
Together we can ease the life of some people who have lost everything. Please donate as generously as you are able, and please pass on this message to as many friends as possible. This is urgent !
(All money raised will be used for ponchos and kids macs)